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Title 環境資源資料庫整合規劃及專案管理
Abstract 參考國內外資料倉儲與環境資源資料系統,規劃整體「環境資源資料庫」之系統架構以及建議納入之核心資料。核心資料由訪談10個機關(構)後蒐集56個系統共2,219個資料表單,彙整後列出1,065個核心資料,作為建置計畫時之參考。並規劃102年到105年陸陸續建置項目,由空氣大氣、水資源資料開始,至生態、土石流、地質、地礦資料陸續建置。並規劃現有環境品質資料倉儲內資料轉置新系統時的作業程序與注意事項。訂定共通性項目規範、詮釋資料訂定規範、資料滙入及更新機制規範等內容,作為後續資料建置之作業流程。以及引進專案管理團隊協助本署監資處公共建設經費相關委辦計畫之管考稽核輔助推動工作,完成「環境資源資料庫整合計畫」、「環境資料庫地理資訊系統資料蒐集建檔計畫」、「碳資訊揭露服務計畫」之102年與103年之先期計畫與成果提報。與進行「環境資源資料交換平台建置(CDX)」、「居家生活環境資訊網改版及功能擴充計畫」、「共構機房資訊設備監控委外服務」之履約監控。
EngTitle Environmental and natural resources integrated database planning prioject and project management te
EngAbstract The project Reference data warehousing and data systems of environmental resources at home and abroad, To plan whole system architecture and core data of environmental resource database. The project interviews with 10 departments and collected 56 systems, 2,219 data forms/data tables to find core data, Finally summarize 1,065 core data, as a reference to the following implemental projects from 102 to 105 years, starting from atmospheric air, water resource data, to ecology, landslides, geology, and mineral resources data continuously. To plan the procedure and method to transpose the existing environmental quality data warehouse into new environmental resource database. To produce common project specification, metadata set specification, data importing and updating mechanism specification , as the following implemental projects to follow-up.The project buildup a project management office to assist the Environmental monitoring and information service, Environmental protection Administration about funding plan tube exam promotion work for the audit to complete, the 102 and 103 years of advance planning and results presentation for "environmental resource database consolidation plan", "environmental database of GIS data collection documentation plan", "carbon information disclosure services plan". And 101year "Environmental resource data exchange platform (CDX)", " Home living environment information network project revision and functional extension ", " Data center consolidation equipment monitoring outsourcing services" performance monitoring
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 資拓宏宇國際股份有限公司