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Title 強化海洋油污染應變能力與提昇應變能量計畫
Abstract 隨著工業與科技的進步發展,海洋資源開發給人類帶來巨大的經濟效益,卻也令海洋生態面臨重大的衝擊,為了維護珍貴的海洋資源及生態環境,減少海洋污染事件對台灣海洋生態環境的影響,推動積極性海洋污染防治作為及建立區域性海洋污染緊急應變系統顯得相當重要。國內海洋污染事件發生時,初期應變之重擔往往落在主管機關身上,各縣市轄內應變資源包含應變人力與應變設備的管理維護,將決定初期應變的良窳,而主管機關實施海洋污染應變設備管理與維護工作困難之處,在於業管人員大多未具備專業機械背景,易造成設備保養不佳之情況,導致在第一時間未能利用設備之圍堵回收效能,降低污染擴散。因此本計畫藉由強化海洋污染緊急應變能力及應變機制,進而評鑑地方政府油污染應變設備器材整備,期落實妥善使用,另以調查海洋環境敏感指標分類,以提供海洋污染緊急應變相關資訊,藉由多樣性策略的規劃提供未來發生事故時之應變參考,希冀提昇應變實際作業效能。本計畫主要工作:強化我國海洋油污染緊急應變能力及應變機制;評鑑地方政府油污染應變設備器材,落實能量妥善整備效率;辦理中部地區海洋環境敏感區域調查作業,執行環境敏感地圖建置工作;支援海洋油污染緊急應變行政協助,提昇實際作業效能。國內海洋污染應變設備自90年起由環保署編列預算購置,再交由海巡署或地方主管機關使用,設備從無到有,逐漸健全應變能量,建議未來需要定期查核各地之應變設備且編列預算購置汰換更新適用設備,另外可藉由簽訂開口合約或支援協定之方式,以多管齊下之策略獲得、充實與鏈結國內海洋油污染應變能量,節省政府經費。為結合全國海洋油污染應變資源及能量,共同維護海洋環境、保護海域資源,本計畫於年終舉辦一場次之「海洋污染緊急應變設備器材評估檢討研商會議」,出席單位包含各縣市環保局、海洋局、漁業署、海巡署、交通部、經濟部、內政部等,藉由評析國內相關機關單位之海洋污染緊急應變設備及能量,邀集相關應變單位進行海洋污染應變設備量能提升之交流,並同時可提升應變人員之專業性。本計畫完成中部區域縣市(新竹縣、新竹市、苗栗縣、台中市、彰化縣、雲林縣及嘉義縣)海洋環境敏感指標分類236公里調查,建置環境敏感地圖除了讓決策者根據海岸分類選用適當的除污法,另外生態敏感區及人類利用資源可幫助決策者決定保護標的優先順序。由於生態與漁業資源均是珍貴重要的資產,若受到破壞需要花費許多的代價甚或無法復原之狀況,因此平時的監測更顯重要,建議應持續蒐集生態資料、整合相關單位之調查資訊及與溢油模式相結合,以豐富及完善環境敏感地圖。為求完善 貴署海洋油污染應變期間實際需求與提昇即時應變能量,藉由規劃建立全時應變支援作業流程、審查地方政府海洋油污染應變演練計畫、評估輸油業者應變作業能力、結合往例實況訂定海洋油污染緊急應變作業流程與應變事項,可有效提昇海洋油污染緊急應變實際作業效能。
EngTitle To strengthen marine oil pollution response capabilities and enhance strain energy plan
EngAbstract With the development of industry and the advancement of technology, the development of marine resources has brought huge economic benefits to mankind. It also let the marine ecosystem of Taiwan have to face major impact. In order to safeguard the precious marine resources and ecological environment, and reduce marine pollution incidents the impact of Taiwan, to promote enthusiasm marine pollution prevention and to establish the regional marine pollution emergency response system is very important. Domestic marine pollution incident, the first respond burden often falls on the competent authority. Counties and municipal strain resources contain the management and maintenance of strain human and equipment. The initial strain will determine to be good or bad. The difficulty of The competent authority for the implementation of the marine pollution response equipment management and maintenance is that most of the industry control officers did not have the background of specialized machinery, could easily lead to the situation of the poor maintenance of equipment. It could be not to use the equipment for the first time. The failed recycling performance could not induce the reducing the spread of contamination. This project by to strengthen marine pollution emergency response capabilities and contingency mechanisms, thus evaluation of local governments Oil Pollution Response Equipment Readiness could be implemented properly use. In addition to survey the classification of sensitive indicators of the marine environment, to provide information on marine pollution emergency, contingency reference provided by diversity strategy planning future incidents, hoping to enhance the strain of actual job performance.The main work of this project: strengthening of marine oil pollution emergency response capabilities and response mechanisms; evaluation of the local governments Oil Pollution Response Equipment, the to implement energy properly Readiness efficiency; handle the survey of the sensitive areas of the marine environment of central region and build environmentally sensitive map; support for marine oil pollution emergency administrative assistance to enhance the performance of the actual job.Domestic marine pollution response equipment was compiled purchase budget by the Environmental Protection Department since 1990, then handed over to the Coast Guard or local authority. The equipment is from the ground up and the strain energy is gradually improving. This project suggested regular checks throughout the strain equipment and replacement update applies to the device. In addition to sign the opening contracts or support agreed to a multi-pronged strategy, enrich and link domestic marine oil pollution strain energy savings in government funding.For the combination of national marine oil pollution response resources and energy, safeguarding the marine environment and protecting the marine resources, this project organized a marine pollution emergency response equipment assessment review of the study and Conference at the end of this year. Attending units contain county and city environmental protection bureau, Marine Bureau, Fisheries Agency, Coast Guard Administration, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of the interior. By analysis of marine pollution emergency response equipment and energy of the relevant domestic departments and units, to help response units exchange experience and enhance the marine pollution response equipment energy and at the same time can improve professional response.This project is to complete a sensitive indicator of the marine environment of the central region counties (Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Miaoli County, Taichung City, Changhua County, Yunlin County and Chiayi County) Category 236 km survey, build environmentally sensitive map in addition to the decision makers according Coast classification choice of the appropriate method of decontamination, and other ecologically sensitive areas and the human use of resources can help policy makers decide to protect the subject priority. Since the ecology and fisheries resources are precious and important asset, have to avoid the need to spend a lot of price destruction or situation could not be undone. Therefore the usually monitoring would be more important. There is a proposal to continue to collect ecological data, survey information and integration of related units combined with the oil spill mode, in order to enrich and improve the environmentally sensitive map.In order to improve the actual needs and enhance the immediate strain energy during marine oil pollution response period, by planning to build the full-time strain support work process, reviewing of local government marine oil pollution response drill plan, assessment of oil industry strain operational capability,combined with a the former examples instance set marine oil pollution emergency operating procedures and response matters, which can effectively enhance the actual operating performance of marine oil pollution emergency.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 海暉環境科技股份有限公司