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Title 101年度產品碳足跡資訊揭露服務專案工作計畫
Abstract 於產品碳足跡計算服務需求增加之發展趨勢下,碳足跡資訊揭露之基礎能力建構,以及國際間碳足跡交流溝通管道之建立,均被視為未來產品於綠色行銷時必須考量重要因素之一。有鑑於此,本專案工作計畫係透過國內外碳足跡計算軟體或服務平台發展現況與趨勢之資訊蒐集、碳足跡計算服務市場現況之調查,以及專家座談會之辦理等方式逐步完成建置我國碳足跡計算服務平台雛型系統之建置,並建置1套應用程式介面(Application Programming Interface, API),以利民間發展應用軟體使用我國碳足跡公用排放係數資料庫。於碳足跡公用排放係數資料庫建立部分,除先藉由座談會之舉辦以確認我國碳足跡公用排放係數建置目的與範疇,以及公用排放係數揭露項目外,亦分別藉由高耗能與高產業關聯度之類別篩選、國際資料庫比對、產業製程清單、產業結構關聯圖與產業年鑑等相關資訊,完成668項應優先建置之碳足跡排放係數清單規劃,並從中挑選50項進行本年度碳足跡排放係數之建置。此外,為確保碳足跡公用排放係數資料庫之數據品質與資料完整性,亦完成碳足跡公用排放係數資料審查作業要點與數據品質系統及運作規範等文件。最後,亦透過國際交流機制與管道之建立,除持續蒐集國際碳足跡相關標準之最新發展動態外,亦已成功提供15筆碳足跡排放係數資料予國際資料庫參採,達到促進並強化我國碳足跡公用排放係數資料庫之豐富度、能見度及引用率之目的。
EngTitle The Service of Carbon Information Disclosure
EngAbstract Under the trend that product carbon footprint calculation is increasingly required, product carbon disclosure has become an important measure for green product marketing. In this project, we carry out questionnaire survey and symposium of experts of industries, counseling units, academic and research institutions for collecting opinions on carbon footprint calculation. And, all of the collected and compiled information will be the base for developing the carbon footprint calculation service platform. The official database is also developed in order to simplify data acquirement process and assist Taiwan industries effectively respond relevant and emerging CFP tasks. Hence, the measures such as energy balance sheets of industry, international database, industry process, industrial chain diagram and industry yearbook are all adopted to help us to select and list 600 sets of carbon footprint emission factors from all the industries. This year, we select 50 sets of data out of all the data to set up the carbon footprint emission factors. In addition, the life cycle data quality guideline and international cooperation are also established to ensure carbon footprint’s data quality on accuracy and completeness. The utilization and application of our official database is enhanced.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院