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Title 101年度桃園縣營建工程空氣污染防制費催繳稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫自101年6月1日起至102年2月28日止共執行9個月,主要工作項目包括有營建工程空污費收費作業、工地稽查管制作業、推動工地自主管理及城市美化作業、預警管理作業、營建工程管制宣導及缺失輔導作業、表單提報及資料分析等。在營建工程空污費徵收部分,共完成申報案件3,645件,其中免徵收件數35件,總徵收金額95,832,582元,各申報案件皆已全數完成資料建檔列管,空污費徵收率約達88.3%,而催繳達成率約96.2%。完工案件共計1644件,總完工面積達535,007平方公尺;統計每月平均施工中營建工程約有2,146件,施作面積達3,934,697平方公尺。完工結筭簡訊提醒服務,共新增184位同意申請,且目前已發送190則通知簡訊。在巡查列管工地方面,因應營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法之實施(以下簡稱管理辦法),本計畫執行期間共完成11,180處次之稽/巡查作業;巡查排放量之掌握上達92.2%;巡查納管率部分則達71.95%;排放量削減率已達55.9%;針對未符合管理辦法工地則要求其限期改善,一級工地管理辦法法規符合度88.5%,二級工地管理辦法法規符合度87.6%。營建工地人員簽名率77.3%,施工機具油品檢測共80點次,有1點次超過含硫量標準50ppmw,max,有1點次超過含硫量標準10ppmw,max,其餘均符合含硫量標準10ppmw,max,符合率達98%。在推動工地自主管理及城市美化方面,工地周邊道路認養總共推廣25處,總洗掃長度則達38,660.0公里,並配合營建工程較易產生污染階段之出土工程,共進行40處次盯梢作業,且均已輔導改善完成。推廣並輔導本縣境內共3處營建工程設置活體植栽綠圍籬,面積達251.79平方公尺;推廣3處面積達3,288.6平方公尺完成生態化鋪面施作,施作方式為植生;共推動及輔導本縣營建工地41處參與防污標章活動。預警管理作業,本年度完成每季10站共30站次落塵監測,其測值均有呈現改善的情形;計畫執行期間辦理各項相關輔導說明會共11場次,平均參與人數均達50~100人左右,且與會相關人員互動良好,確實達到宣傳及輔導的效果。本計畫合約內之工作項目均已於期程內完成。
EngTitle 2012 Plan for Collection Notification of Air-pollution Prevention Fee and Audit/Control of Construction Projects in Taoyuan County
EngAbstract The project commenced on June 1 2012 and ended on February 28 2013. Major tasks in the 9-month implementation included Air-pollution Prevention Fee Collection against construction projects, site audit and control, promotion of site autonomous management and urban beautification, pre-alarm management, promotion of construction project control and defect consultation, form reporting & data analysis, etc.Regarding the Air-pollution Prevention Fee Collection against construction projects, a total of 3,645 cases has been reported, of which 35 cases were exempted for paying the fee. Fee collection totaled 95,832,582 NTD, data compilation of all reported cases was accomplished for control. 88.3% of the cases completed the payment, 96.2% of notification for payment were successful. Project completion totaled 1644 cases, the total area of completion reached 535,007m2. Statistically, the average number of projects under construction was 2,146 cases per month, with a total site area of 3,934,697m2. 184 new applicants agreed on a Short Message Service reminder for account settlement on completion of project; up to now, a total of 190 messages has been sent. In the aspect of audit/patrol and control of construction sites, in order to cope with the implementation of Regulations on Management of Air pollution Prevention Facilities (hereafter referred to as “Management Regulations”), the project accomplished 11,180 audit/patrol operations during the implantation period. Accomplishment for becoming aware of emission quantity reached 92.2%; attainment of patrol jurisdiction reached 71.95%; reduction of emission reached 55.9%; sites that failed to conform to the Management Regulations were given notice for improvement within a deadline; statutory compliance to the Management Regulations of Class-1 sites was 88.5%, that of Class-2 sites was 87.6%. Signature Ratio of site personnel was 77.3%. Oil inspection of construction machines totaled 80 points, of which 1 inspection point exceeded sulfur content standard (50ppmw max.) and 1 inspection point exceeded sulfur content standard (10ppmw max.), all the rest complied with sulfur content standard (10ppmw max.), reaching a compliance ratio of 98%.In the promotion of site autonomous management and urban beautification, adoption of roads surrounding the site succeeded 25 cases, total length of road-cleaning reached 38,660.0km, coordinated with 40 tailing operations in coordination with construction sites where pollution was prone to occur during the excavation stage, all of which has successfully accomplished counseling. Promoted and counseled 3 construction sites within the county for setting up moveable plantation fences, with a total area reached 251.79m2. Promoted 3 sites, area totaled 3,288.6 m2, for bio-pavement by way of vegetation. Promoted 41 sites within the county for participating the Pollution Prevention Emblem activity. Accomplished 10 stations per quarter, a total of 30 stations for the whole period, for Pre-alarm Management of dust monitoring. All recorded values showed improvements. 11 presentations of relevant counseling had been carried out during the project implementation, with an average number of attendees of 50-100. All participants interacted smoothly and reached the aims of the promotion and counseling. All the contractual tasks of the project had been accomplished within the scheduled period.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新紀工程顧問有限公司