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Title 101年宜蘭縣推動水環境守望襄助巡守計畫
Abstract 計畫名稱:101年宜蘭縣推動水環境守望襄助巡守計畫執行單位:國立宜蘭大學主持人:李元陞期程:101年3月13日至101年12月31日止摘 要環保署於91年訂定為「河川污染整治」年起,全面性推動規劃辦理河川巡守隊,藉由民眾參與河川污染巡守及污染通報,以遏止河川流域偷倒或偷排情事。本縣環保局於93年3月25日(星期四)於宜蘭縣運動公園辦理「宜蘭縣環境保護巡守隊」的成軍授旗典禮,協助執行縣內有關之環境保護巡守工作。環保署為擴大義工河川巡守之廣度,於民國99年5月起更名為水環境守望襄助巡守隊,持續並擴大看守環境的力量。此計畫之主要目的為建立完整的水環境巡守體系、建構巡守組織及有關的巡守隊污染通報與考評等管理機制。利用河川保育中心,以作為水環境巡守推廣、溝通、義工教育訓練、巡守隊考核及成效評估等工作的平台。河川保育中心成立後,持續輔導現有水環境守望襄助巡守隊,規劃巡守隊有關年度工作事項、輔導巡守隊、辦理有關教育訓練、參與各項活動及巡守隊與隊員考評作業等事宜。在各鄉鎮市公所及環保局的協助努力下,今年度的各項作業,均能如期如質完成。依本縣巡守隊及隊員進退場機制辦理評核後,本縣計有水環境守望襄助巡守隊15隊,隊員共計163位。今年度巡守總時數為3053小時,人均時數為21.2小時。巡守隊及有關單位通報之髒亂點或棄置垃圾共3件次,均已清理完畢。在較嚴重污染或易受人為任意傾倒廢棄物之河段均有巡守隊參與。年度總計辦理巡守隊教育訓練共計10場次,輔導巡守隊參與各項環境教育活動共計5場次,及年度成果檢討會及志工專業訓練乙場次等,已超過所需之合約量。於年度成果檢討會上獎勵績優巡守隊-五大隊等8隊及績優巡守隊隊員-李煥田等工5位,並對榮退8位隊員頒發感謝獎牌。建議取消績優巡守隊隊員部份之獎勵,以符合更公平原則。巡守隊Ecolife綠網登錄情況,在同組之各縣市中有多項名列前茅。為延續有關的巡守工作事宜,保育中心會持續進行有關之工作。
EngTitle The project of promoting of water environment watching and helping in
EngAbstract Project:The project of promoting of water environment watching and helping in patrolling of Yilan county in 2012 Execution :National Ilan University Manager:Li, YuanshenPeriods:2012/3/13~2011/12/31ABSTRACTThe Environmental Protection Administration schedules 「the river pollution improvement」projects from 2002. The integrity plans give an impetus to handle the river cruise workshop. By participating of river pollution cruising and pollution notification of people to suppresses the illegal dumpling to river basin. Environmental Protection Bureau of Yilan county gave an 「Yilan Environmental Protection Cruise Teams」army ceremony in Yilan sporty park on March 25 (Thursday) 2004. In order to expand the breadth of river patrol volunteers, from May 99, was named ream of water environment watching and helping in patrolling. In order to continue the river cruise work, the purpose of the plan is to setup integrity of environmental protection cruise system, construction of a cruise organization, examination of notification process and assessment. At the same time, it established the river-care-center to do the platforms of relative works, such as population of environmental protection cruising, the communication, the volunteer education and training, inspection of cruise teams and assessment of the effect. The project started from an contact-signing day to December 31,2012. The related counseling will be continued to Feb. 28 2012. After the river care center was established, counseling the existing environmental protection cruise teams, meeting with all cruise teams, planning year round schedule and assessment of cruise teams. An education and training handbook and a carrying cruising card were made. It total has 15 water environment watching and helping patrolling teams in Yi-lan County. The totally cruising member is 163. The cruising time was 3053 hours which was 21.2 hours per person. The notifications of messy and dirty spots were 109 which were cleaned up. The numbers of illegal wastewater drainage by industries which reported by cruising terms were 3. The total fine was 180,000NT. The educational trainings and activities were held 13 and 9 times which satisfied the contract needed. We also help the communities and students to participate the inspection of river quality and reduction of domestic water. It revised the inspection and the reward part of the “Yilan County to impel the river cruising volunteers plan”. It revised “The competition standard of excellent environmental protection cruising team of Yilan County”. We obtained an excellent grade in Ecolife green-net registration. It had finished the evaluation works about the cruising terms and gave the rewards to the excellent cruising terms and members at the achievement critique meeting. In order to extent the cruising works, the care center will continue the related works.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 國立宜蘭大學環境工程學系