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Title 101年幼兒環境教育教案徵選專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫藉由辦理三區幼兒環境教育教學工作坊暨教案徵選說明會,提昇並協助參與者具備環境知識及教案規劃能力,再由各區教案審查小組委員針對教案內容進行初審,通過初審之教案始能參與後續之複審及全國總決選,最後透過實際的試教活動,選出優秀教案,可供未來幼兒教師們使用,藉此推動幼兒的環境教育,使幼兒能從小體認環境保護之重要性,內化成生活態度。
EngTitle 2012 Programme for Early Childhood Environmental Education Teaching Plan Competition
EngAbstract Environmental education is the groundwork of environmental protection, aiming at the development of people’s responsibilities towards environment. Simultaneously, the transition from kindergarten to primary school means young children are shifting from informal learning to formal education. It is the fundamental stage of every education curriculum. Mind-sets regarding to environment shaped in early childhoods can directly influence the enhancement of their environmental attitudes and environmental literacy when growing up. In order to encourage children’s curiosity and exploring actions on the subject of natural environment and humanities, and enlighten their awareness of one-self and the environment, Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C thrives to boost the participants’ planning ability on Environmental Education Lesson via workshop. The workshop also invite individuals who are creative, passionately interested in early childhood education as well as environmental education. The total numbers of submitted Lesson plans are 293 countrywide. After initiate selection in writing, district run-off selection and the final countrywide selection, we have chosen 21 district A-Level entries and 3 national A-Level entries, as well as 3 national AA-Level and 3 national AAA-Level lesson plans. These excellent lesson plans can be combined with kindergartens’ environmental education activities. They enable early childhood to understand the importance of environmental protection from early age and inspire them to be passionate about the nature, as well as raise them to constitute a living attitude of valuing lives and protecting natural environment.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 鼎澤科技有限公司