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Title 101年度移動性污染源管制計畫
Abstract 雲林縣移動性污染源管制計畫係針對本縣轄區內之機車是否完成定期檢驗,藉由加強路邊稽查、辦理機車免費排氣檢驗宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核民間機車定檢站等工作,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強保養維修,並且教育駕駛人正確操作觀念,進而降低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。截至102年02月28日止,已查獲未定檢機車18,028輛,已回檢14,679輛,回檢率81.4%,雲林縣88家定檢站共完成查核352家次,並協助環保局辦理民眾陳情案件處理及告發處分等工作。
EngTitle The Mobile Source Inspection and Management Project in 101th
EngAbstract The Mobile Source Inspection and Management Project in Yulin County focused on the inspection and management of motors in the county. By reinforcing to check at the roadside, to conduct activities for free to check the exhaust of motors, and to help Environment Protection Bureau to review the motors’ checking stations, this project has successfully pushed the car user to have fortified maintenance of their motors and taught the drivers correct operation to reduce the pollution from motors’ exhaust to improve air quality effectively. By Feb 28,2013, this project finished checking 18,028 un-inspected motors and have 14,679 motors have returned for inspection. The rate of returning to check was about 81.4%. This project achieved 352 periodical reviews for 88 Inspecting Stations. Also assisted the Environment Protection Bureau of Yulin County to handle peoples’ state and plead, and to report the results.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 雲林縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 思維環境科技有限公司