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Title 重點河川污染整治生態調查計畫-濁水溪、新虎尾溪、北港溪、愛河及阿公店溪流域
Abstract 本計畫主要分成三部分,第一部分為執行濁水溪、新虎尾溪、北港溪、阿公店溪及愛河(各河川均包含本流及支排流)之溪流生態調查,調查項目包含水質分析、魚類、底棲生物(水生昆蟲、蝦蟹類、螺貝類、環節動物)、浮游植物、附著藻類與浮游動物;第二部分為蒐集調查河系之生態調查文獻資料,提出河川污染整治生態效益報告;第三部分為結合河川巡守隊成立河川生態環境教室,並協助進行環境教育。溪流生態調查方面,於2012年至2013年共執行五條溪流各4季次調查。各溪流調查結果分別敘述如下:(一)濁水溪:記錄魚類8科24種,包括屬於第Ⅲ級保育類的埔里中華爬岩鰍,以及外來種計3科5種,但僅零星出現數量並不多,因此濁水溪魚類組成仍以原生物種為主,也是本計畫五條溪中臺灣特有種最多者。底棲生物方面共調查到65種,包括3種特有種,所記錄物種以水棲昆蟲種類最多。(二)新虎尾溪:記錄魚類10科21種,包括外來種5科8種,種類雖然以原生物種較多,但數量卻以外來種占絕大多數,其中又以俗稱「琵琶鼠」的豹紋翼甲鯰數量最多且分布最廣。底棲生物方面共調查到88種,包括4種特有種。(三)北港溪:記錄魚類14科28種,包括外來種6科9種,同樣以豹紋翼甲鯰為分布最廣且數量最多的外來種,目前除了位於最上游的湖本橋及出海口的雲嘉大橋樣點未記錄外來種外,其餘樣點均有發現。底棲生物方面共調查到109種,包括4種特有種。(四)阿公店溪:記錄魚類13科28種,為本計畫中發現外來種最多的溪流,共計6科12種,其中以豹紋翼甲鯰分布最廣,而高體高鬚魚數量為最多。底棲生物方面共調查到78種,包括4種特有種,其中盤蜷(Laevapex sp.)為過去文獻並未發現過的物種。(五)愛河:記錄魚類18科28種,為本計畫發現最多科魚類 的溪流,但所發現的8科12種初級淡水魚中,其中外來種便有6科9種,所占比例明顯較其他溪流高。因感潮帶所占的比例較其他四條溪流長,因此河口性魚類的比例也較其他溪流高。由於大多數樣點屬於感潮帶,所以水生昆蟲較少,底棲動物方面共調查到47種,包括1種特有種。綜合五條溪流生物調查結果計算各項生物指標結果顯示,五條溪流中以濁水溪的水體環境為最佳,愛河最差。本計畫一年來所累積大量的濁水溪、新虎尾溪、北港溪、阿公店溪流域及愛河等生物分布及分類基礎資料,將來均可做為污染改善後,水域生態系演替的參考基準。蒐集相關於五條溪流生態調查文獻資料,共得40篇文獻。分析1990至1997年文獻資料與本年度調查結果比較,2013年底棲生物及魚類均有明顯增加,反映整治效益良好,河川生物多樣性漸增。但過往歷史文獻中顯示濁水溪及北港溪應可讓更多種類魚類在此棲息,實為爾後應持續努力的方向。而在結合河川巡守隊成立河川生態環境教室,並協助進行環境教育部分,本計畫共協助成立3處生態教室,包括新虎尾溪「廣興河川生態環境教室」、濁水溪「鹿谷河川生態環境教室」及阿公店溪「彌陀河川生態環境教室」,期望藉由生態教室的設立及推展,讓民眾可以了解河川保育重要性。另本計畫亦完成辦理3場次河川生態教育訓練課程,對象即針對上述負責河川生態環境教室維護管理的河川巡守隊成員,除課程外同時也設立標本、海報掛圖、影片及圖文書等生態環境的推展教材,讓有興趣的民眾及各級學校師生參觀學習河川生態知識。
EngTitle Ecological survey of River pollution remediation Project in Zhuoshuixi river, Hsinhuweichi river, Be
EngAbstract The project of this year was focused on monitoring the stream ecology in the basins of Zhuoshuixi river, Hsinhuweichi river, Beigan river, Agongdian river and Ai-River during 2012-2013 once per quarter. The water quality condition was compared with the results of quantitative survey of phytoplankton benthic microalgae, zooplankton, fish community, benthic animal including aquatic insects, crustacean and annelids. References and cases survey and collection of pollution site control and management of the rivers. The results of the survey were applied to volunteers training, the ecological education for promoting water environment knowledge of river patrol team and setting up river ecology classroom.Total of 24 species of 8 families of fish were recorded from Zhuoshuixi river, 21 species of 10 families from Hsinhuweichi river, 28 sepcies of 14 families from Beigan river, 28 species of 13 families form Agongdian, and 28 species of 18 families from Ai-River. However, the highest family number were recorded in Ai-river the problem of invasive species were also most serious. To summarized the ecological data and translated into the biological index shown that water quality and environment of these five rivers. The Zhuoshuixi river with the best water quality and water environment and the Ai-river is the most polluted.More than 40 references related to the basins of Zhuoshuixi river (15), Hsinhuweichi river (7), Beigan river (7), Agongdian river (4) and Ai-River (7). All the references from 1990-1997 were reviewed and compared this result. The species numbers of fish and benthic animals were increasing in 2013. The recovery of biodiversity was reflected to the polluted control. However, the more fish species number was recorded in Zhuoshuixi and Beigan from historical data. The more effort to conservation of water environment and promoting water environment knowledge and conservation to the volunteers and river patrol team is important.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 民享環境生態調查有限公司