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Title 101年度環保創新科技研發計畫─利用高效率觸媒低溫分解/礦化穩定性全氟化物技術及光電/半導體廠模擬測試之研發
Abstract 高暖化潛勢溫室氣體-全氟化物(PFCs)應用於高科技產業十分廣泛,已引起世界各國高度重視。尤其經濟景氣逐漸復紓,台灣光電及半導體業每年使用全氟化物將超過330公噸,對於環境生態危害及溫室效應所造成之全球暖化會直接造成影響。光電產業清洗程序及半導體業在乾蝕刻/化學氣相層積反應腔清洗製程中分別須使用PFCs氣體,而全氟化物對溫室效應的影響遠高過CO2數千倍,對人體健康、環境與生態造成莫大的衝擊,已成為國際必需正視之環保重要課題。因此,本計畫主要目的是利用高催化性人造沸石(ZSM-5/Y zeolites)、高比表面積(>2000 m2/g)之金屬有機架構物(MOFs)分解及高活性顆粒狀草酸鹽(Li2C2O4、Na2C2O4及K2C2O4三種),在中溫反應(723-823 K)條件下礦化最常使用之4種穩定性PFCs溫室氣體(四氟化碳(CF4)、六氟化二碳(C2F6)、八氟化三碳(C3F8)及八氟化四碳(C4F8)),取得最佳分解/礦化反應條件、反應動力及機制,評估產物分佈、具附加價值之鹽類(Li、Na及KF)回收再利用之可行性。另外,亦利用貴重儀器XRD、TEM、FE-SEM/EDS、XPS、FTIR/Raman spectroscope、XANES/EXAFS,深入瞭解PFCs之人造沸石、MOFs及草酸鹽與穩定性PFCs之界面化學及反應機制,以利後續提升去除穩定性PFCs效果;並模擬進行光電廠測試穩定性PFCs廢氣之分解/礦化去除效率,以取得最佳流體化床操作條件、工程放大及經濟效益評估,以便提供後續基本工程設計之參考。另外,本計畫亦收集彙整國內外含氟溫室氣體之處理及回收減量技術等相關實務資料,預期本技術具有新穎性、高效率,低耗能、容易控制、高破壞處理效果、生成少量腐蝕性氣體(HF)及鹽類回收再利用等多項優點,有效而實際解決光電及半導體業未來必須面對更嚴苛空氣污染管制政策之困境。
EngTitle Technical Development for High-efficiency Catalytic Decomposition/Mineralization of Stable PFCs and
EngAbstract Recently, perfluoro compounds (PFCs) have been widely used in a variety of industrial, commercial, and consumer applications. In Taiwan, over 330 tons per year (TPY) of PFCs are extensively used for etching silicon wafers or clean chambers in chemical vapor deposition processes. Thus, the main objectives were to mineralize PFCs using oxalates, ZSM-5/Y/Beta/SBA-15 zeolites, and MOFs. Morphological observations, crystallinity, fine structures, oxidation states of products were also investigated with FE-SEM/EDS, TEM, XRD, FTIR, XPS or EXAFS/XANES techniques. Experimentally, they may also have effective destruction of PFCs by the rapidly capture of F atoms with subsequent nucleation/mineralization of salts under 573-673 K in few minutes. The morphologies of oxalates were irregular shape of inorganic powders with the particle sizes of 30-50 nm. The XRD patterns of oxalates samples showed are all crystalline structures. FTIR and EDS data also showed that PFCs may be mineralized completely by oxalates was decomposed to form salts, carbon, sulfur, and CO2. The main species in solid residues were S8 species having the bond distances of 1.98 Å with the coordination number of 1.15. This result indicates that SF6 may be completely mineralized and converted to elemental sulfur and salts. Based on FTIR spectra, the decompostion ability of SF6 is ZSM-5>Beta>Y and only ZSM-5 can degrade CF4, C3F8, and C4F8. The adsorption capacities of C3F8 and C4F8 is Beta>ZSM-5>Y. It may be resulted that the pore size selectivity of Y>Beta>ZSM-5 that moelcular size of C4F8 is similar to the pore size of zeolite Beta and ZSM-5. MOFs have much large pore size that PFCs molecules may be desorbed easily. Moreover, The government policy of new options by industries for reducing PFCs emissions included the technologies of adsorption recovery, mineralization and catalytic decomposition will be warranted and environmentally attractive in the future.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 元智大學