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Title 事業廢水特性調查及污染管制措施研議計畫
Abstract 環保署自99年起依據事業廢水水質特性調查結果,訂定高科技產業和石油化學產業放流水標準,計畫除追蹤放流水水質及放流水污染物削減管理計畫之執行情形與改善成效,並針對化工業、多溴二苯醚和含氮物質運作事業進行水質調查分析,提出化工業、持久性有機污染物 (戴奧辛) 和氨氮之放流水標準管制建議。此外,計畫綜整國內外文獻與廢水水質調查結果,建立晶圓製造及半導體製造業和電鍍業廢水管理指引,同步蒐集洗衣業、洗腎中心和以盤元為原料之金屬表面處理業的廢水污染特性,完備事業廢水污染管理成效,落實事業廢水分業分級管理機制;並協助環保署針對特定事業提出「增訂製程收集溝等滲漏預防管理規定」、「逕流廢水污染削減管理」和「生物急毒性管理規定」之管理策略和配套措施。針對營建剩餘土石方管理、採樣及檢 (監) 測規定 (MRP)、許可審查指引擬定、儲槽滲漏管理許可和依地面水體分類及水質標準之排放限值計算指引等議題進行剖析,並提出管理建議;評析特定業別或項目的管制方式或限值之合理性 (如化製場廢水、養牛業放流水COD限值、製革業含鉻物質)。
EngTitle The Study of Pollutant Characteristics of Industrial Wastewater and Pollution Control Measures
EngAbstract According to the investigation of wastewater characteristics for specific industries, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has revised and set the Effluent Standards for High-technology Industry and Petrochemical Industry from 2009. This study not only keeps tracking the effluent quality and the results of the Effluent Pollutant Elimination Management Plan, but also analyses the wastewater characteristics of chemical industry and industries bearing polybrominated diphenyl ethers or ammonia. The plan has revised and set the Effluent Standard for dioxin, chemical engineering industry and ammonia-nitrogen.Moreover, this study has summarized the domestic and international references and the wastewater characteristics as well as drafted the “Industry Wastewater Management Guideline” for wafer and semiconductor manufacturing industry and electroplating industry. At the same time this study has surveyed the wastewater characteristics of laundry, dialysis center and metal surface treatment industry with the rod as the raw material. The aim of this study is to accomplish the effective pollutant management of industry wastewater and fulfill the wastewater management mechanism for various industries. The plan has helped the EPA to promote the management strategy and implementation procedure for leakage prevention management of wastewater pit, run-off wastewater elimination management and effluent acute toxicity management for specific industries.The plan has analyzed and drafted the management of residual building sand stone, monitoring and reporting project, permit review guideline, permit of storage leakage management and guideline of water-quality-based effluent limitations as well as promoted the management suggestions. Furthermore, the plan also investigates the appropriateness of regulations and standards for specific industries or items (such as pollution prevention for rendering plants, the COD standard for livestock industry applicable to cows, the chromium compounds standard for leather tanning industry).
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中興工程顧問社