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Title 101年健全綠色消費管道執行計畫
Abstract 環保署自96年推動「民間企業與團體之綠色採購實施計畫」後,本市積極參與並配合辦理,各項成果已經逐漸展現。本計畫藉由辦理綠色消費宣導活動深入補教體系、社區、團體與企業辦理活動方式,陸續辦理67場多元化的宣導活動,藉由活動進行與民眾互動提升對環保的認同感及環保標章的認知度,並透過種子人員定期完成綠色商店複查及綠色消費宣導。另為鼓勵本市業者販售環保標章產品,辦理「績優綠色商店及優良綠色商店及從業人員」評鑑及表揚典禮。本年度設立5處環保福利社供社區里民交流環保資訊及團購環保商品。期盼藉由本計畫即期望透過宣導與鼓勵,以健全綠色消費,進而推展成全民的生活共識。 綠色消費,係指消費者選購產品時,考量到產品對生態環境的衝擊,而選擇對環境傷害較少、甚至是有利的商品,其範圍涵蓋了產品的生產、運輸、行銷、丟棄過程、回收程度,以及產品包裝內含物。綠色消費運動最主要的理念,是藉由消費者積極進行綠色消費行為,來引導、改變廠商的生產、銷售特性,而減少地球的污染負荷,也減少住家附近的垃圾問題。然而要改變一般民眾既有的消費行為並不容易,必須考量其購買的價格、便利性、產品品質,最終獲得民眾信賴後,才會變成消費習慣。目前台灣主要的綠色消費採購,仍以政府機關為主,但自民國96年以後,民間綠色採購的金額逐年上升,然一般民眾對於環保標章與環保商品的涵義,仍缺乏認知。本計畫即期望透過宣導與鼓勵,擴大民眾綠色消費的金額,增加綠色商品銷售的管道,以健全綠色消費,進而推展成全民的生活共識。
EngTitle The 2012 Project for the Improving of Green Purchasing Activities
EngAbstract New Taipei City has actively taken part in and co-hosted the “Green Procurement Project for Private Enterprises and Organizations” since its promotion by the Environmental Protection Administration in 2007. The results have been gradually emerging. This project intensively promotes green consumption among educational circles, communities, organizations, and enterprises and employs the characteristics of various groups to design different promotional activities in hopes of enhancing the public’s environmental identification as well as degree of recognition towards green mark. In addition, in order to encourage businesses in New Taipei City to sell green mark products as well as enhance green stores and service quality, the Excellent Green Stores and Green Store Employee Selection and Commendation and green consumption activities were held this year to commend and award stores. The eco-friendly hotels “Eco-friendly New Taipei City and Green Hotel Travel” lucky draw was also organized. A total of 5 green tuckshops have been set up this year, providing community residents a platform to exchange information on environmental protection and purchase environmental products. The aim of this project is to promote and encourage healthy green consumption and further promote a public living consensus. The results of the healthy green consumption by this company this year are as follows: 1. 7 educational training, seminars, lectures, and commendatory activities have been held with 104 companies and 769 people that participated.2. 11 green stores have been added and 472 were inspected; the amount of money made from environmental products sold in green stores this year reached up to 6.69 billion.3. 5 green tuckshops have been established this year with a total number of 730 participants and 37 news reports on related events; the amount earned on the day of opening was 51,800 NTD.4. 6 outstanding, 2 excellent, and 5 good stores and employees were chosen in the Excellent Green Stores and Green Store Employee Selection and Commendation. 5. 57 promotional activities for green consumption were held this year with up with 402,010 propagandists.6. 9different kinds of propaganda for green consumption activities and promotional matters were created this year.7. 3 commendatory ceremonies and press conferences were held with 67 media showing up and 352 people who participated.8. 3 meetings attended, 1 promotional activity attended, and 1 recommendation passed on to the National Environmental Education Award according to the regulations of the Environmental Protection Administration.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 新北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 上網資通股份有限公司