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Title 101年度屏東縣「執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫」
Abstract 屏東縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為促使駕駛人注意停車怠速時排放空氣污染物所造成的影響,針對機動車輛於公私立停車場、道路(不包含高速公路、快速公路及快速道路)及其他供機動車輛停放、接駁、轉運之場所,管制其停車怠速逾3分鐘須關閉引擎,避免因怠速排放空氣污染物影響空氣品質。達到減少污染排放造成環境污染之目標。 瑩諮科技股份有限公司承接環保局「101年度執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制計畫」,自101年3月6日執行至101年12月31日止,茲將本計畫工作成果摘要如下:一、製作停車怠速熄火宣導品及宣導文宣 宣導文宣以易於民眾接受為原則,本計畫製作宣導單8,000張,宣導海報2,000張以及宣導告示牌257面等文宣,且另外製作宣導貼紙2,000張及宣導L夾2,000個,內容包含相關停車怠速熄火重要性及法令規定,並配合環保駕駛相關資訊及綠色運輸共同推廣,其發放對象為校園周邊學童家長以及執行路邊稽查作業時接受勸導之機動車輛駕駛人,期達到快速宣導之目的。二、宣導活動(一) 辦理停車怠速熄火大型宣導活動 本計畫於101年6月24日、101年8月18日及101年10月21日至屏東市千禧公園、屏東市中山公園林邊鄉永樂社區福記古厝辦理怠速熄火大型宣導活動,共計執行3場次,藉由大型活動將怠速熄火資訊傳達至社會各層級,並藉以改善民眾之怠速習慣,使民眾了解停車熄火之重要性,加深民眾怠速熄火之概念,提升民眾環保意識。(二)辦理停車怠速熄火小型宣導活動 本計畫於縣內各校園、觀光區及社區等區域辦理小型宣導活動,另外辦理停車怠速熄火說明會,針對縣內各機車定檢站、加油站及工廠等業者說明停車熄火之政策,小型宣導活動共計執行21場次,藉此達到宣導之普及度,並且提高參加民眾對於相關政策瞭解程度與認同感。三、停車怠速熄火宣導作業 為有效推廣反怠速資訊,改善民眾怠速習慣,建立環保意識,本計畫製作30秒停車熄火廣播宣導帶,於地方電台廣告播放120檔次,且發佈停車怠速熄火宣導相關新聞4則以及建置停車怠速熄火專屬網頁;另外協調各學校、公務機關、客運業者及加油站業者進行相關宣導作業,如發送海報、校園反怠速宣言、校園環保公約,並且利用跑馬燈及LED電視牆播放停車怠速熄火宣導標語等宣導作業,以達到宣導的效果。四、提送計畫工作SOP 為能正確執行停車怠速熄火宣導及管制,本計畫自101年3月6日完成簽約後於15日內完成停車怠速熄火稽(巡)查作業相關標準作業程序制定並報請環保局核示。且於101年4月18日辦理101年度屏東縣停車怠速熄火人員及設備教育訓練,落實法規講習並確認執行標準流程。五、停車怠速熄火稽(巡)查管制作業 自101年3月6日截至101年12月31日止,其中3至5月為宣導期,主要針對車輛聚集較多、以及較易怠速之場所執行宣導及勸導作業,如:各大加油站、全聯福利中心、屏東監理站、屏東各級醫院、太平洋百貨、屏東火車站等地點;6月起開始稽查怠速車輛,稽查行為主要針對屏東市地區進行,如:屏東市區路段、果菜市場、屏東火車站、校園周遭、三地門原住民文化園區、貓鼻頭風景區等各大觀光景點執行,以減少怠速之車輛,共計執行怠速行為稽查5,966輛次,其中機器腳踏車1,026輛次、小型車3,752輛次、大型車231輛次及大客車957輛次。為了維護縣內各觀光風景區珍貴的自然資源,各觀光風景區怠速稽查共計執行1,585輛次,其中至墾丁地區進行宣導稽查14場次,小琉球地區5場次,共計執行1,176輛次;於百貨、商場及市場怠速稽查共計執行216輛次;於屏東市區路段怠速稽查共計執行937輛次;於校園周遭怠速稽查共計執行253輛次;於各鄉鎮怠速稽查共計執行1613輛次。停車怠速熄火稽(巡)查管制作業主要是期望藉由管制作業的進行,進而提醒車主養成停車即熄火習慣,共同改善環境空氣品質。
EngTitle 2012 Annual Pingtung County Parking Idling and Stalling
EngAbstract Pingtung County Government Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as EPB) for the purpose of promoting drivers’ attention of the impact caused by the emission of air pollutants while vehicles parking and idling. The focus is on public and private parking lots, roads (not including freeways, expressways and highways ) and the other places for motor vehicle parking, shuttling, and transshipping. Vehicles should be shut down if idling over 3 minutes to avoid the emission of air pollutants while idling polluting air quality. The objective is to reduce pollution emissions which cause environmental pollution. Envimac Environmental Solution Provider is responsible for 2012 Annual Pingtung County Parking Idling and Stalling Execution Propaganda and Control Project from March 6, 2012 till December 31, 2012. The work results of this project are summarized as follows:1. Making parking, idling, and stalling promotion products and propaganda The principle of making propaganda is to make it easy for the public to accept. In this project, 8,000 flyers were made for propaganda, 2,000 posters, and 257 advocacy signs. Besides, 2,000 stickers and 2,000 L-folders for propaganda were made. The contents of propaganda included related laws and regulations about parking, idling and stalling with the co-promotion of eco-driving related information and green transportation, and the targets are school children’s parents as well as motor vehicle drivers under the persuasion at the roadside checks to achieve the purpose of rapid promotion. 2. Advocacy activities(A)Organizing large-scale advocacy activities on parking, idling and stalling Three Large-scale advocacy activities on parking, idling and stalling were held in Millennium park, Zhongshan park in Pingtung City and Fu Ji historic house in Yongle community, Linbian. Through large-scale advocacy activities, the information of parking and idling is able to spread to all levels of society, to improve people's idling habits, so that people can understand the importance of the parking and stalling, and the concept of idling and stalling can be emphasized, so as to raise public environmental consciousness.(B)Organizing small-scale advocacy activities on parking, idling and stalling Small advocacy activities were held at the county schools, tourist areas and community areas. Besides, some seminars on parking, idling and stalling were held as well specifically for each county locomotive inspection station, gas stations and factory on parking and stalling policy. 21 small advocacy activities were held to achieve the popularity of advocacy and improve the participance of the public’s understanding and sense of identity with the policy. (C)Advocacy operations on parking, idling and stalling To effectively promote anti-idling information, improve people’s idling habits, and build environmental awareness, this project produced 30-second parking/stalling broadcast advocacy film, broadcasted for 120 times. Four of advocacy related news on parking/idling/stalling was released to construct exclusive webpage on parking/idling/stalling; in addition, in coordination with all the schools, public agencies, bus operators and gas station industries, more advocacy operations were processed such as delivering anti-idling posters, campus environmental conventions, and with the use of marquees and LED TV display, some advocacy operations like slogans on parking/idling/stalling were processed to achieve the effect of propaganda.(D)Project SOP submission To execute the advocacy and control on parking/idling/stalling correctly, this project ,since the completion of signing the contract on March 6, 2012, has completed the related inspection standard operation procedures on parking/idling/stalling and reported to EPB for further proof. On April 18, 2012, staff and equipment training sessions on parking/idling/stalling in Pingtung County has been implemented. In this way, the workshops on regulations and the identification of the execution of standard procedures can be solidly implemented. (E)Inspection and Control operations on parking/idling/stalling From March 6, 2012 to Decmeber 31, 2012, during the period between March and May is advocacy period. The advocacy and persuasion operations have focused on the places with more vehicles and where it is easier for idling to occur such as major gas stations, pxmarts, Pingtung station, Kaohsiung motor vehicle office, Pingtung hospitals at all levels, Pacific Department Store, and Pingtung Railway Station and other locations; Since June, inspection of idling vehicle has mainly been implemented in the area of Pingtung City area, such as downtown Pingtung streets, fruit and vegetable markets, Pingtung Railway Station, campus surroundings, Taiwan Indigenous People Cultural Park, Maopitou Scenic Area and other major scenic spots, in order to reduce the idling vehicles. A total of 5,966 motorcycles were inspected on its idling, among which there are 1,026 motorized bicycles, 3,752 small cars, 231 large cars and 957 buses. In order to safeguard the precious natural resources of the tourist scenic areas in the county, there was a total of 1,585 motorcycles inspected on the idling in every scenic areas, including 14 times in Kenting area, 5 times in Siaoliouciou region, which is totaling 1,176 motorcycles inspected; a total of 216 motorcycles idling inspected at department stores, shopping malls and markets; 937 motorcycles inspected by idling in downtown Pingtung; 253 motorcycles inspected surrounding the campus; 1613 motorcycles inspected in the township. The inspection control operation on parking/idling/stalling is expected to remind motorists to make it a rule to park and keep the engine off and collaboratively improving the environmental air quality.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司