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Title 101年度臺南市紙錢減量集中燒管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間(101年02月07日至101年02月06日),101年紙錢集中燒政策共計有749處單位參與,其中以集合式大樓(含社區)277次最多、其次為寺廟161次,而整體總收運量則為710.86公噸,削減總懸浮微粒7,049公斤、一氧化碳77.4公噸;至於在「以功代金」方面,今年度結合教育局、社會局、瑞復益智中心和台南北區家扶中心,同時搭配全家便利捐款模式,並有25處集合式大樓配合政策。全年度有1,491人參與響應,其累計捐款達526仟元,減少紙錢重量11,572公斤、二氧化碳17,358公斤。另外,執行期間共計進行725間次寺廟訪查,243間採用足百紙錢、196間有宣導一爐一香、37間金爐有設置防制設施,並成功推動29家寺廟配合「以米代金」政策;另外,本計畫也配合印製30,000份以米代金文疏和宣導品2,000份。至於在相關宣導方面,印製宣導海報1,500張、宣導單張20,000張,並於相關宣導活動時發送,同時送至政府機關部門以利宣傳;此外,目前已辦理1場次跨局處協商會、2場清明時期紙錢集中宣導說明會、1場以功代金宣導說明會、2場中元時期紙錢集中宣導說明會、2場次教育訓練、2場淨爐儀式、1場祈福法會;至於在媒體宣導方面,則以辦理2場記者會、發佈相關環保新聞新聞稿8則以及進行1次廣告託播和4次電視台跑馬燈播放,以多元化方式使民眾瞭解環保局相關管制成效及讓民眾知悉紙錢減量集中燒相關政策。
EngTitle 2012 Management and Control Project of Ghost Money decrement converge-burning in Tainan City
EngAbstract 2012 Management and Control Project of Ghost Money decrement converge-burning in Tainan City, from Feb. 7, 2012 to Feb. 6, 2012, this project completed objectives in the arranged schedule. During this period, there are 749 units for applying converge-burning on website, which the most category of assembling building and community 277 times, followed by the temple 161 times. Total converge Ghost Money volume is 710.86tonnes this year, to reduce TSP 7,049 kg and carbon monoxide 77.4 tons. On virtues in place of Ghost Money, combine 4 units of social welfare organizations and Family convenience store, 25 units of high building join this policy. There are 1,491 people donate for operating organization, up to 526 thousand dollars, reducing 11,572kg of paper weight and 17,358kg of carbon dioxide. On the other hand, there are 725 times for temple visiting, 243 units using environment ghost money, 196 units reducing incense quantities,37 units setting control facilities, and 29 units joining the policy of reducing paper. Furthermore, print 30,000 ceremony documents and 2,000 portions of rice.In the part of advocacy, printed 1500 sheets of propaganda posters and 20,000 sheets of propaganda. In the addition, hold 1 sessions for cross-bureau coordinate meeting, 5 explanatory conferences, 2 training courses, 2 clean process ceremonies on the incinerator, and 1 award ceremony. Moreover, hold 2 press conferences, released 1 broadcast and 4 times of television marquee, and published 8 news.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 堃捷工程股份有限公司