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Title 101年飲用水水源水質保護區地理資訊系統維護工作計畫
Abstract 今年專案執行為履行合約規定及符合相關環保單位需求,將合約工作分為三季五大工作項目進行,以期能完成各級環保單位所交付的任務。首先在圖資更新及新增圖層部分,配合飲用水保護區管理業務需求共新增了礦區分布、土壤及地下水污染場址範圍、水汙染管制區等圖層。在功能擴充部分,同樣配合系統管理的需求,新增了地籍查詢紀錄功能及系統更新日期標註。在系統維護及資料更新部分,除配合飲用水全球資訊網定期更新相關新聞外,並配合環保署要求修改了系統中部分用字。最後,在協助環保署及地方環保局業務工作方面,亦依不同需求提供了地圖製作、資料整理、操作諮詢及代為查詢未更新地籍圖是否落於保護區等協助。綜觀今年計畫執行成果,目前保護區管理單位已能有效利用本系統協助執行飲用水保護區管理業務。
EngTitle The Establishment Project of Drinking Water Source Protection Area Geography Information System
EngAbstract In order to execute the contract and meet the needs of central and local environmental protection agencies, the project team implemented following five tasks in three seasons. In geographic data establishment and update, for needs of drinking water protection area management, the project team update mining areas layer, soil and groundwater contaminated sites areas and water pollution control district layers. In order to meet the needs of system management, we added the cadastral query recorded function and system update date marked function in the system upgrade operation. The project team also synchronized the drinking water news of Drinking Water Network and fixed the statement of cadastral query functions in the system establishment and data update operation. Finally, in the business assistance for EPA and EPBs, the project team provides cartography, data compilation, and system use advice and query cadastral overlay drinking water protection areas services for different demands. Based on these results in this year, the government has been efficiently used the system to assistance businesses of drinking water area management.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 振興發科技有限公司