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Title 適用勞工作業環境空氣有害物質容許濃度五十分之一管制項目調查技術評析
Abstract 本年度計畫執行期間自民國101年3月起至101年12月止,計畫目標為蒐集本計畫67個環境空氣有害物質國內外已開發之調查技術並完成其中35項調查技術於周界空氣之適用性評析,以及完成業務單位指定之8項空氣污染物調查操作技術程序書。調查技術蒐集對象及先後順序依序為經美國、歐盟、英國、中國大陸、日本等各國環保主管機關正式公告之標準檢驗方法、各國勞安主管機關正式公告之標準檢驗方法、各國際標準組織之標準檢驗方法和國內外環境空氣有害物質相關碩博士、研討會、期刊論文及研究成果。資料經蒐集整理後,進行調查技術之評析,以了解該技術應用於周界空氣之適用性。完成評析後之調查技術,團隊根據環境檢驗所公告檢測方法之分項分類進行編譯工作,並針對編譯完成之調查技術,邀請專家學者委員協助進行審查工作,以確保調查技術編譯之正確性。計畫團隊並徵詢環境檢驗所及業務單位之需求,將擇定之八篇國際文件進行操作技術程序書編譯,編譯完成之操作技術程序書(草案)透過召開專家學者會議,對未來國內實際後應用時可能衍生之問題與挑戰提供建言。
EngTitle Review and Commentary on Investigative Techniques of Hazardous Air Pollutants Recommended Exposure L
EngAbstract This project was designed and implemented for searching, reviewing and commenting 35 investigative techniques out of the 67 compounds in control list; and for making 8 designated technical operating procedures for air pollution investigation responsibilities units, from March 2012 to December 2012.The descending order of priority of investigative techniques searching work is: the environmental protection agency, labor safety and health agency, international organization for standardization, papers, reports, theses and dissertations from America, European Union, Britain, China and Japan.After collected the investigative techniques, the applicability of 35 techniques was reviewed and commented through investigation and translation. The translated techniques were arranged in the same manner as the NIEA methods, was then examined by the committee for the correctness.Project team also consulted and gathered the needs from each unit of Environmental Analysis Laboratory, and compiled the technical operating procedures from the eight international documents designated by Environmental Analysis Laboratory. The completed technical operating procedures (draft) have been discussed in meetings with specialists and scholars to provide suggestions for the problems might be encountered in the future applications.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 財團法人成大研究發展基金會