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Title 101年事業廢棄物e化管理整合暨決策支援專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫就今年度所協助執行之工作重點共可分為四大面向,包括:1.管理制度面:檢討事業廢棄物各項代碼定義與內容,及網路申報相關公告。2.系統功能面:強化事業廢棄物申報及管理系統(IWR&MS)及子系統之相關功能。3.橫向整合面:定期提供事業廢棄物相關申報統計資料,並持續支援橫向計畫之業務需求。4.例行作業面:落實各項公開資訊及確保系統正常運作。管理制度面,今年度主要配合環保署管理政策需求完成5項事業廢棄物代碼、事業廢棄物清理方式及行業別代碼之檢討作業;另針對現行事業廢棄物網路申報作業,亦依據現行實務運作研擬包括跨島清運申報、大陸地區聯單確認e化等多項管理精進作為。在系統功能部分,除完成事業廢棄物申報及管理系統進行效能及改版檢討,及配合個資法實施修正登入機制等作業外,亦完成公民營清除處理機構相關管理系統進行整併、資源回收站登記管理系統規劃建置等提升作業。在橫向整合面部分,則定期就集塵灰及污泥等重點管制項目,及依各縣市及公告類別等不同軸向,進行申報資料統計分析作業;同時亦持續協助EMS及流向勾稽計畫建置包括電子付費簽章功能、聯單未確認、有害事業廢棄物管理等自動化勾稽功能。例行作業面,落實各項公開資訊及確保系統正常運作部分,除定期每月更新事業廢棄物申報及管理系統(相關資訊,包含最新消息、統計資料、專題區內容,確保資料正確無誤外,亦於今年度辦理3場業者座談會及完成1次滿意度調查。
EngTitle The 2012 Project on Industrial Waste E-Management Integration and Decision Support
EngAbstract The project has four main strands: 1. Management System: Reviewing definitions and contents of industrial waste codes, and announcements of online applications; 2. System Enhancement: Improving the Industrial waste report and functions of management system (IWR&MS) and sub-systems; 3. Horizontal Integration: Providing statistical data analysis regularly on the reporting of industrial waste, and assisting the business of horizontal projects demands; and 4. Routine Operation: Ensuring information publication and normal system operation. First of all, for management policies of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), five industrial waste codes, industrial waste cleaning methods, and the review of industrial classification codes were completed. In addition, for the industrial waste online applications and based on the existing practical operation, we have planned to draft advanced achievements on management, including cross-island cleaning applications and e-confirmation in Mainland area.Secondly, the IWR&MS was enhanced and its revisions were reviewed. The login system was fixed in to comply with the Personal Information Protection Act. Additionally, the incorporation of management systems of public and private cleaning institutions was accomplished, and the scheme and establishment on registration management systems of recycling stations were enhanced.Thirdly, reports on data statistical analyses were submitted regularly for key control items of EAF dust and sludge, different aspects presented by each county and city, and categories of announcements. Meanwhile, assisting EMS and the establishment of flow inspection project were continued, including automated inspection functions, such as e-payment and signature, unconfirmed receiving, and the management of hazardous industrial waste.For the fourth part of the project, the IWR&MS ( was updated monthly to ensure information accuracy, with the latest news, statistical data, and feature contents. Moreover, three industry forums and one satisfaction survey were conducted this year.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司