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Title 空氣品質模式技術支援與空氣品質維護評估計畫(第二年)
Abstract 依據空氣污染防制法第六條規定,二級及三級防制區內,新增或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,其污染物排放量須經模式模擬證明不超過污染源所在地之防制區及空氣品質同受影響之鄰近防制區污染物容許增量限值。第八條第二項:「符合空氣品質標準之總量管制區,新設或變更之固定污染源污染物排放量達一定規模者,須經模式模擬證明不超過該區之污染物容許增量限值」。為了因應上述法規之推動,因而於民國92年12月制訂「空氣品質模式模擬規範」,以規範固定污染源之許可申請。空氣品質模式的發展與應用、必需包括不同專業領域的科技知識與資訊、相互整合與交互支援才能達成其任務。空氣品質模式牽涉空氣污染法規層次之應用時,譬如環境影響評估或是工廠設置許可中的「濃度增量限值」,如何選用適當的模式並在其使用中標準化其程式、須要有一定的規範予以界定、才能以昭公信。空保處在民國91年推動空氣污染防制法裡面「容許增量限值」的管制工作,以及環境影響評估相關的空氣品質模式的法制化標準化需求,支援「空氣品質模式支援中心」的成立,經過多年的努力,已累積相當的經驗與成果,對空氣品質保護決策有實質的幫助。本計畫今年度之主要工作如下:(1)協助進行模式認可審查作業。(2)規劃固定污染源許可審查模式模擬技術審查原則。(3)辦理容許增量限值模式模擬所需相關資料更新與公告。(4)空氣品質模式支援網站維護管理及諮詢服務。(5)協助各項新增污染源環境影響評估案之空氣品質模式模擬審查及分析。(6)協助辦理有關空氣品質模式模擬法規之修訂。(7)規劃污染防制計畫書模式模擬技術審查原則。(8)分析客觀分析風場與中尺度氣象模式在複雜山區地形的差異性及合理性。(9)瞭解空氣品質模式對大氣中懸浮微粒(含PM10及PM2.5)之模擬能力。(10)進行境外特定區域污染長程傳輸對台灣空氣品質之影響分析。(11)台灣空氣品質數值預報系統之先期規劃。
EngTitle Technical supporting for air quality model and assessment of air pollution control strategies (II)
EngAbstract According to Article 6, Paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Air Pollution Control Act, those newly added or modified stationary pollution sources within Class 2 and Class 3 of air pollution prevention regions in which air pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain regulatory scale is required to perform air quality simulation by suitable air quality model and verify the influence will not exceed allowable increment limits of air pollutant concentrations. As Article 8, Paragraph 2 stands, within a total quantity control district that meets air quality standards, those newly installed or modified stationary pollution sources for which pollutant emissions quantities reach a certain scale is required to perform air quality simulation by suitable air quality model and verify the influence will not exceed allowable increment limits within the district. The scientific and technical knowledge and information that the development and application of air quality models need to accomplish their missions spread in all kinds of academic and advisory organizations, which result into the decentralization of resources, duplicate constructions, various qualities, and barriers of information. Taiwan Air Quality Modeling Center (TAQMC) actually is a policy and technique supporting organization with a combination of experts and data resources in the industry, the government and the academics. In 2002, Taiwan EPA enforced the allowable increase limits of air pollution in the air pollution control act, and the standard requests of air quality modeling in the procedure of environmental impact assessment. Therefore, Taiwan EPA supported to establish “air quality model supporting center”. In fact, it belongs to the role of technical supporting for policy determination in order to laterally integrate the knowledge of production and official related to talent and data resource. The tasks accomplished and relative productions are shown as follows according to the sequence of objectives for this year in the project plan.(1)Cooperate in the application and examination of air quality models.(2)Planning the guideline to review the air quality modeling results in application cases of new stationary sources permit.(3)Update and pronounce the relative data for the simulations of allowable increment limit.(4)Maintain and update the website of TAQMC and consultation service(5)Review and analysis of air quality modeling in application cases of environmental impact assessment.(6)Assisting amendment articles in statutes related to the air quality model application.(7)Planning the guideline to review the air pollution control plan proposed by local environmental protection bureau.(8)Analysis of difference and reasonability of wind fields simulated by objective analysis and mesoscale meteorological model.(9)Evaluation of air quality model for particulate matter and their composition in Taiwan.(10)The influence assessment of transboundary long-range transport of air pollution on Taiwan air quality.(11)Preliminary planning for digital air quality forecasting system of Taiwan.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立雲林科技大學