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Title 提昇廢電子電器及廢資訊物品資源回收成效暨費率調查專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫依工作契約完成(1)檢討費率結構及調查相關因子並協助資源回收費率審議委員會議運作之相關行政作業。(2)探討國內外廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收管理制度推動趨勢與建立相關國際合作交流模式。(3)辦理廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收宣導工作以提升資源回收成效等3大項工作內容。費率因子數據調查及檢討方面,進行17家受補貼機構回收處理成本調查,並分別依兩種不同資料來源估算回收處理成本,完成10項廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收處理淨成本及費率試算,與提出回收清除處理費率及補貼費調整建議。另協助完成(1)最適徵收及補貼計費方式探討及配套措施研擬。(2)規劃綠色費率訂定原則及差別費率幅度試算。(3)提出4項可納入補貼範圍之不符允收物品建議及試算差別補貼幅度。(4)協助6場次費率審議委員會召開及費率資料庫相關數據資料更新。在國內回收管理制度研析及國際交流活動辦理方面,為增進回收制度發展及促進國際交流協助完成(1)美國、加拿大、澳洲、中國、日本、歐盟及韓國回收管理制度現況資料蒐集及比較分析。(2) 3項評估公告回收項目之處理技術及去化管道探討。(3) 2場次廢電子電器及廢資訊物品回收管理制度諮詢座談會。(4)於10月15日至20日期間舉辦6日國際廢電子電器暨廢資訊物品回收管理研習會。在回收宣導活動方面,協助完成 (1)提出3種回收宣導管道策略。(2)辦理廢家電回收宣導海報創意設計競賽。(3)辦理廢資訊物品回收站宣導活動。(4)完成 2項宣導海報設計及2項宣導品規劃。(5)製作2種廢電子電器及廢資訊物品政策文宣。
EngTitle Investigating the factors in rate consideration and Raising the effectiveness of waste home applianc
EngAbstract In respect of the contract, this project had completed the following objectives:(1) Inspected the factors in the recycling fee rate and subsidy rate consideration and updated the new data; the other task was to continue operating the Recycling Fee Rate Review Committee (RFRRC). (2) Comparison of foreign and domestic E-waste collection and recycling system and to establish a mode of international cooperation and exchange. (3) Held public campaigns for promoting the waste collection.The first part is about the recycling fee rate and subsidy fee rate, mainly proposing the fee rates consideration that are recalculating based on the tax reports and questionnaire about the total cost of collection and recycling from many recycling facilities. This study also had completed the following objectives:(1) Estimated the best unit of the fee rate and proposed some countermeasures. (2) The suggestion of combining the green mark with the green differential rate and implement principle is feasible. (3) 4 items of non-regulated recycling waste and differential subsidy rate had been estimated. (4) Held 5 conferences of the RFRRC working group, and updated the data of fee rates database.The second part is relating to the recycling system council and international cooperation includes:(1) Analyzed the data and compared the recycling system with USA, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, the European Union, South Korea and Taiwan. (2) Estimated disposal and treatment method for three pre-regulated recycling wastes. (3) Arranged two forums for the waste home appliances and waste IT equipment collection and recycling system. (4) Held 2012 International Workshop on Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment for interchanging the different country experience.As for holding public campaigns for promoting the waste collection, this project had completed the following items:(1) Strategies for recycling awareness channel had been recommendation. (2) Held the poster design contest. (3) The lottery for waste IT equipment collection. (4) Produced publicity for promoting waste home appliances and waste IT equipment collection.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司