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Title 101年度屏東縣非法油品加強查緝計畫
Abstract 101年度油品採樣計有路邊攔車稽查942輛次、採樣180件、2件不合格,不合格率1.1%;動力計站內稽查1,284輛次、採樣117件、7件不合格,不合格率6%;配合地檢署抽油8輛次、採樣8件、5件不合格,不合格率62.5%;共計完成柴油車攔查車輛數2,234輛次、共送樣305件、14件不合格,不合格率4.6%。
EngTitle 2012 Pingtung City Investigation of Illegal Oil Program
EngAbstract During the executing period from January 1 to December 31 2012. there were 942 diesel-fueled vehicles blocked and inspected at the roadside, of which 180 samples were examined including 2 unqualified, and the unqualified rate is 1.1%. 1,284 vehicles were inspected in dynamometer stations, of which 117 samples examined including 7 unqualified, and the unqualified rate is 6%. 8 vehicles were inspected in the mission cooperated with Pingtung District Prosecutors Office, of which 8 samples examined including 5 unqualified, and the unqualified rate is 62.5%. The inspected diesel-fueled vehicles totaled 2,234, of which 305 samples examined including 14 unqualified, and the unqualified rate is 4.6%.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司