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Title 飲用水水源與水質中新興污染物對人體健康風險評估之研究計畫(3/4)
Abstract 本計畫目標為探討飲用水中藥物與個人保健用品對水源及飲用水水質之影響及其潛在健康風險。所評估之藥物與個人保健用品包含鎮痛/解熱藥物、抗生素、荷爾蒙及作用類似物、清潔用品、防曬劑、驅蟲劑及美容與保健用品等。經評估歷年環保署相關計畫執行成果,篩選進行淨水場採樣分析之藥物與個人保健用品共17種,包括6種鎮痛/解熱藥物(布洛芬、乙醯胺酚、凱妥布洛芬、非諾布洛芬、氨基比林、萘普生)、3種抗生素(四環黴素、羥四環黴素、氯四環黴素)、荷爾蒙作用類似物(非那雄胺)、2種防曬劑(二苯甲酮、羥苯甲酮)、驅蟲劑(DEET)及4種美容與保健用品(對羥基苯甲酸甲酯、對羥基苯甲酸乙酯、對羥基苯甲酸丙酯、對羥基苯甲酸丁酯)。計劃執行期間藉由蒐集及彙整文獻資料,建立本年度採樣檢測之17種藥物與個人健用品的毒理資料庫,另將本年度計畫未檢測之三氯沙及草脫淨納入毒理資料庫,共包含19種物質。本計畫召開三次專家學者諮詢會議,針對飲用水列管物質篩選作業流程(草案)、環保署96年至100年相關計劃建立之66種污染物後續監測及管制評估業、年度計劃執行淨水場採樣分析擬採樣淨水場之選擇、檢測數據、待列管污染物觀察清單污染監測方式、本年度建議列入觀察清單之物質、擬納入飲用水水質標準管制之新增項目等事宜進行討論。各次諮詢會議出席諮詢委員所提寶貴建議均納入計畫執行考量。本年度水質採樣分析工作針對台灣北、中、南共7座淨水場,分別為臺北市長興淨水場、新北市板新淨水場、基隆市新山淨水場、臺中市豐原淨水場、高雄市澄清湖淨水場、高雄市小坪淨水場、金門縣太湖淨水場進行原水及清水採樣,並於新山及小坪淨水場全流程採樣,評估傳統處理流程之處理效率。在第一次、第二次及第三次採樣分析中,檢測結果顯示乙醯胺酚 (Acetaminophen)、布洛芬 (Ibuprofen) 、驅蟲劑(DEET)、個人用品之羥苯甲酮 (Oxybenzone)、對羥基苯甲酸甲酯 (Methyl paraben)、對羥基苯甲酸乙酯 (Ethyl paraben) 及對羥基苯甲酸丙酯 (Propyl paraben) 在原水中有較高的檢出率,但濃度皆為ng/L 範圍,其健康效應可以忽略。由於原水中之濃度極低,在七個採樣淨水場之部分清水中雖可檢出驅蟲劑(DEET)、個人用品之羥苯甲酮 (Oxybenzone)、對羥基苯甲酸甲酯 (Methyl paraben)及對羥基苯甲酸丙酯 (Propyl paraben),其濃度亦為極低之 ng/L。惟考慮藥物及個人照護用品在原水中已有檢出,建議將水中出現頻率較高乙醯胺酚 (Acetaminophen)、布洛芬 (Ibuprofen)、N,N-二乙基間甲苯胺 (DEET)、羥苯甲酮 (Oxybenzone)、對羥基苯甲酸甲酯 (Methylparaben)、對羥基苯甲酸乙酯 (Ethylparaben)、對羥基苯甲酸丙酯 (Propylparaben)等七種藥物優先建立標準檢測方法後,考量列入觀察清單,建議後續繼續進行必要之監測以評估其在飲用水中出現之可能性及潛在健康危害。
EngTitle Health risk assessment of emerging containants in water sources and treated drinking water
EngAbstract The purpose of this project was to assess the potential human risks and health effects from pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in drinking water. Based on studies conducted by the Taiwan EPA, this project has screened more than 30 PPCPs for their occurrences in environmental waters and selected 17 PPCPs to be monitored in this study. A manual has been prepared which provides the information concerning the chemical properities, toxicities, and environmental occurrences of the 17 emerging PPCPs which include six antipyretic analgesics (Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Ketaprofen, Aminopyrine, Naproxen, and Fenoprofen); three antibiotics ( Tetracycline, Oxytetracline, and Chlorotetracycline); one endocrine disruptor substances (Finasteride), four personal care products (Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, and Butylparaben); two sunscreen products (Oxybenzone and Benzophenone), and one insecticides (DEET). In addition, eventhough that triclosan and atrazine were not included in the monitoring plan of this project, the chemical properities, potential health effects and related informations were also collected and included in the database for future uses.In order to assess the occurrences of potential PPCPs contaminants in drinking water, water samples which included raw water and finish water were taken from 7 selected water treatment plants include Chang-Xing, Ban-Xin, Xin-Shan, Feng-Yuan, Xiao-Ping, Cheng-Chin-Hu and Tai-Hu; watr treatment plants. In addition, samples were taken from each treatment unit of two water treatment plants analyzed to assess the treatment efficiencies of these PPCPs with conventional treatment processes. The results showed that acetaminophen , Ibuprofen, DEET, oxybenzone, methylparaben, ethylparaben, and propylparaben had higher detection rates in raw water with concentrations only at trace leves (ng/L), and the results also showed that the conventional water treatment processes could remove parts of PPCPs. The detectable concentrations in treated water were lower than those in raw water.During the study, three Advisory Panel Meetings were called and several related subjects were discussed. The valuable comments from panelists were considered to improve the quality of this study. Based on the results of this study, the panelists also approved that acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, DEET, oxybenzone, methylparaben, ethylparaben, and propylparaben may be considered to be established standard detection methods and included in the watch list of the contaminant candidates for further evaluation. Additional monitoring and assessment for their occurrences in drinking water and potential health effect were recommended.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學