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Title 101年度環境保護產品追蹤管理專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫依據「行政院環境保護署環境保護產品管理作業規範」之規定完成以下工作:有關產品抽樣檢測,本年度考量環境保護產品比例、抽樣及檢測可行性、環境效益等因素,完成環境保護產品273件與非環境保護產品86件之抽樣檢測,其中環境保護產品不合格率為12.45%;非環境保護產品不合格率為30.23%;現場查核部分考量輔助產品抽檢之不足及賣場分佈區域,完成13家廠商72件產品之生產現場查核,並針對全台10家賣場查核產品58件。 其次,本計畫配合環保署要求辦理廠商違規及申覆相關處理工作,查獲違規產品36件,函送執行單位辦理後續違規處置事宜,並配合辦理後續複檢相關工作,其中30件塗料產品全部檢測超標,應對於現行規格標準進行檢討;另有關產品檢測環境荷爾蒙物質之結果,顯示環保標章有助於提供消費者更安全與健康之產品。此外,本計畫協助環保署輔導各縣市政府推動綠色商店查核工作,執行綠色商店追蹤查核教育訓練,並完成15縣市環保局承辦人員訪談,彙整綠色商店查核工作現況。最後,依據上述工作成果,本計畫針對未來環境保護產品追蹤查核工作提出查核標的、項目、方法...等制度面建議,並針對現行規格標準及環標標章查核的問題提出探討,以達到環保標章精進改善之目的。
EngTitle Project on Verification and Management of Environmental Protection Products in 2012
EngAbstract This project has completed the following tasks in accordance with the “Operational Guidelines for the Management of Environmental Protection Products” promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA)of the Executive Yuan:Regarding product sampling and testing, this year’s project considered factors including ratio of environmental protection products (EPPs), feasibility of sampling and testing and environmental benefits, and completed the sampling and testing of 273 EPPs and 86 non-EPPs. The non-compliance rates for the tested EPPs and non-EPPs are 12.45% and 30.23% respectively. In order to supplement the deficiencies resulted from conducting product sampling and testing to widely distributed retailer sites, onsite audit of manufacturing sites were conducted for 72 products from 13 manufacturers, as well as on-site verifications of 58 products at the retailer sites.This project also conducted environmental protection products’ follow-up surveillance and management activities, following the request of the EPA and the Green Consumption and Environmental Protection Product Review Committee. Regarding the following-up of non-compliance manufacturers, 36 non-complying products have been detected and their manufacturers forwarded to competent authorities for penalizing proceeding, with the recertification and retesting process of these products to be arranged later. Of these products, 30 paint products have been found to be exceeding the substance concentration limits, which warrant a review of the existing product criteria. Moreover, following the requirement of EPA’s Environmental Hormones Management Project, this project also presented environmental hormone test results for related products, demonstrating that the Green Mark Program is indeed helpful in providing consumers with safer and healthier products. In addition, the project assisted the local county and city governments in conducting the audits of green stores, and implemented education and training in tracking green stores’ sales of Green Mark Products. Responsible officials from 15 local governments were also interviewed to compile the current status of green store audits.Finally, based on the results of the above tasks, this project proposed the future direction on conducting follow-up verification of environmental protection products; as well as the screening criteria, and verification methods, issues, and frequency for conducting future annual verification. The issues related to the current Green Mark product criteria and product verification were also studied in order to achieve continuous improvement of the Green Mark Program.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣電子檢驗中心