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Title 污泥行業別現況調查與鑑識技術開發研究
Abstract 各行業污泥指紋特性會依製程來源、使用原料、試藥、水污染處理設施及操作條件而有差異,但同一行業之污泥指紋特性則因製程來源、使用原料、試藥、水污染處理設施及操作條件相似,而無法單獨只使用一般化學分析方法如ICP/AES、ICP/MS、GC/MS、LC/MS/MS等鑑識方法來辨識其差異性,因此尚需借助於光學分析方法如顯微鏡、電子顯微鏡(SEM、TEM)、XRD等鑑識方法觀察其外觀型態、結晶性、分子結構間之差異性,或以分子生物檢測技術直接、或間接偵測微生物物種方式來觀測其污泥間之差異性。 本研究計畫針對各行業污泥指紋鑑識技術開發研究,蒐集彙整了各種相關污泥指紋特性如:印刷電路板(PCB)污泥、氟化鈣污泥、皮革污泥、TFT-LCD、食品製造業污泥、紙漿製造業污泥及都市廢水污泥的指紋特性,與彙整各種相關之污泥鑑識方法,並引用至本計畫污泥指紋鑑識技術建立之參考。 本計畫在執行高科技業(LCD、LED、DRAM)之污泥指紋鑑識及特性指紋建置部分,係採用電子顯微鏡(SEM)觀察外觀形狀及EDX檢測特性成份,以XRD檢測污泥樣品之結晶性及晶相結構,與使用XRF(或EDX)分析,訂出主成份、次要成份、微量成份,再使用ICP測定金屬元素濃度及使用Headspace-GC/MS快速測定有機物之化合物種類,及進一步以GC或GC/MS定量有機化合物之濃度,另外也使用離子層析儀(IC)及高解析液相層析質譜儀(LC/MS/MS)分析水溶性高之化合物如TMAH、PFAAs、NPxEO及OPxEO。由上述鑑識方法所得到之檢測結果彙整評析後,得到一個初步的LED、DRAM、LCD產業之特徵指紋如下:1.LED行業特徵指紋:•XRD:SiO2、CaF2•金屬元素:As(砷)、Ga(鎵)、In(銦)2.DRAM行業特徵指紋:•XRD:SiO2、CaF2•金屬元素:Ce(鈰)、W(鎢)•有機物:EA、PGME、PGMEA、NMP、DMSO、BDG3.LCD行業特徵指紋:•XRD: Si-C、Si•金屬元素:Ce(鈰)、In(銦)、Sr(鍶)、La(鑭)•有機物:EA、PGME、PGMEA、NMP、DMSO、BDG、TMAH、NPxEO&OPxEO
EngTitle Status Report of the Current Sludge-generating Industries and the Study ofSludge Forensic Technology
EngAbstract The sludge from a variety of industries can be different due to manufacture process, materials used, chemical reagent, wastewater treatment facility, and operations. However, if the same industry using similar process and other similarities may not be able to tell the difference in sludge by using common analytical methods such as ICP/AES, ICP/MS, GC/MS, and LC/MS/MS. Thus, optical analyses like microscopy, SEM, TEM, and XRD would help observe the surface of the sludge such as appearance, crystalline, and molecular structure for difference. This project was to study the finger-printing forensic technology in various industries’ sludge and collect the forensic features of the sludge from industries such as printed circuit boards (PCB), calcium fluorite, leather industries, TFT-LCD, food industries, pulp, and domestic wastewater treatment plants. This project also collected various forensic methods for sludge and applied it for establishing the forensic technology for this project. With respect to the forensic technology and the finger-print features of the sludge of the LCD, LED, and DRAM industries, SEM was used to observe the appearance and featured constituents of the EDX. XRD was used to examine the crystalline and the related structure of the sludge coupled with XRF (or EDX) to determine the primary, secondary, and trace constituents. ICP was used to determine the concentrations of the metal elements and Headspace-GC/MS was used to analyze the organics for qualification and quantification. IC and LC/MS/MS were used to analyze the highly soluble chemicals such as TMAH, PFAAs, NPxEO, and OPxEO. Based on the results of using the above analytical methods, the industrial features of LED, DRAM, and LCD are studied and summarized as the follows:1. Feature fingerprint of the LED industry: XRD: SiO2、CaF2 Metals: As, Ga, In2. Feature fingerprint of the DRAM industry: XRD: SiO2, CaF2 Metals: Ce, W Organics: EA, PGME, PGMEA, NMP, DMSO, BDG3. Feature fingerprint of the LCD industry: XRD: Si-C, Si Metals: Ce, In, Sr, La Organics: EA, PGME, PGMEA, NMP, DMSO, BDG, TMAH, NPxEO&OPxEO
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院綠能與環境研究