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Title 油及化學品海洋污染應變模擬暨監控專案工作計畫
Abstract 本(101)年度計畫欲藉相關的溢油模擬軟體、化學品擴散模擬軟體,配合台灣地區海域的相關資料,提供海洋溢油、化學品溢漏之軌跡模擬,以利事故發生時作為緊急應變指揮參考,於計畫執行期間24小時待命,在接到環保署緊急海洋污染通報後,於指定時間內製作出分析報告提供環保署作為參考。另外利用挪威MIROS公司所發展的OSD(Oil Spill Detection system)雷達偵測油污、波浪、海流系統,針對突發溢油事件,機動性即時偵測油污、波浪、海流、風速風向等資料,偵測範圍為3至8公里,不僅能即時顯示油污影響的位置範圍亦能預測短期的油污漂移之速度與方向。OSD系統偵測的各項即時資料,可作為修正OILmap與CHEMmap模擬輸入的參數,提昇油污染與化學品污染擴散模擬的準確度,模擬結果提供環保署及相關單位在污染事件發生時之緊急應變與指揮的參考。同時辦理海域水質連續且即時監測,並參考國外既有的監測作業狀況,研析提供我國相關的建議作法。計畫執行成果整合至環保署「海洋污染防治管理系統」,可提供環保署建立標準化的海洋污染擴散模擬程序,暨緊急應變科學諮詢平台。
EngTitle Simulation and Monitoring Support Advisor for Oil and Chemistry Spill Contingency
EngAbstract 2012 oil and chemistry spill program trying to take advantage to simulation software with related information in Taiwan waters to provide oil and chemistry spill trajectory modeling, to facilitate the daily strain energy allocation and emergency response time of the incident command reference. The project implementation period 24-hour standby, receiving the EPA oil and chemistry pollution emergency notification, within a specified time to produce oil and chemistry analysis report provides the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a reference. EPA in Taiwan to advance oil and chemistry spill occurred around the emergency response capability, using OILMAP and CHEMMAP software for education and training programs in the EPA to enhance the future when the EPA in the event of oil and chemistry spills, have the ability to use OILMAP and CHEMMAP to simulate the oil and chemistry spill spread situation in short time for emergency response. This project will integrate OILMAP and CHEMMAP, ocean current model system and OSD (Oil and chemistry Spill Detection) radar to detect oil and chemistry pollution, wave, ocean current systems to enhance the model to simulate oil and chemistry spill forecasting accuracy, OSD system to the oil and chemistry spill site immediately detect the spread of marine oil and chemistry pollution situation. It can create a complete set of oil and chemistry spill detection and prediction of the mechanism to cope with changing the future of marine oil and chemistry spills. This project can also provide a standard oil and chemistry pollution dispersion simulation program, establish a national oil and chemistry spill simulation of marine oil and chemistry pollution and emergency response scientific advisory platform, integration of advanced oil and chemistry and ocean current remote sensing technology and to promote international exchanges between marine science and technology.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立高雄海洋科技大學