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Title 101年度社區大學氣候變遷環境教育試辦課程計畫
Abstract 為因應全球氣候變遷所引發的環境危機,世界各國無不積極尋求因應氣候變遷的調適策略,發展低碳社會也成為全球的關注重點,而低碳社會的落實,必須透過環境教育促成社區居民生活型態的改變。本計畫執行期間自民國101年8月起至102年3月止,計劃目的包括以下幾點:1. 形塑社區大學環境教育課程架構與模式,並逐步發展相關教材與教案;2. 累積社區大學環境教育資料庫,同時進行社區環境資源的盤點;3. 培力與創發社區民眾對於環境相關議題之公民行動;4. 促成社區大學、民間團體、公部門在環境教育的結盟與夥伴關係的建立;5. 擴大社區大學公共參與的深度與廣度。在今年度『社區大學氣候變遷環境教育試辦課程』計畫中,本會與全國5所社區大學合作規劃與辦理在地環境教育是辦課程,5所社區大學不僅因應不同在地特色、社區需求規劃出不同類型的試辦課程,主題、上課形式與內容也具多樣性及特色性,廣泛採用室內課程、講座、戶外參訪與實作課程,融入環境教育、低碳、文化、生態…等元素,讓環境教育得以落實。透過本計劃讓社區大學成為氣候變遷環境教育的催化劑,藉由將環境教育融入課程中,教育多樣背景的社區民眾,擴大民眾對於氣候變遷的認知以及幫助民眾將知識落實於日常生活行為中。另一方面,社區大學也利用其網絡與人脈,與民間團體、公部門、其他社區大學進行聯盟,協力培育社區環境教育種子,成為社區中氣候變遷環境教育的連結中心。同時由於考慮到網站具備資訊平臺角色,資料的完整累積與深入左右著氣候變遷環境教育於社區的影響力與延續性,於本計劃中將試辦課程內容與資料於專屬網站中進行完整紀錄與建檔,以作為於各地社區長期推動氣候變遷環境教育的知識與經驗的呈現。
EngTitle 2012 The Experimental Environmental Education Program of Climate Change in Community Universities
EngAbstract In response to the crisis of the environment which caused by the global climate change, most countries are seeking strategies actively. Therefore, the development of low-carbon society has become the global focus. We believe that achieving to the low-carbon society must through the environmental education, and changing people’s life style is our main concern. This project was from August, 2012 to March, 2013, and the followings are aims of the project: 1. To cultivate the curriculum and model of the environmental education in Community Universities, and develop the relevant teaching materials and teaching plans step by step;2. To accumulate the environmental education database of Community Universities, and record environmental resources around the community;3. To empower people to participate of citizen action for the environment-related issues;4. To facilitate the partnership between the Community Universities, civil groups and the public sector of the environmental education;5. To expand in depth and scope of Community Universities in participate public issues.In this project, we co-operated with 5 Community Universities. We has planned and worked together on local educational education programs. These 5 Community Universities have practiced on different types of curriculums and themes depend on their varied kinds of communities and requirements. Their programs are included classrooms, lectures, outdoor visiting and field practices. We attempt to invite people to get involve in the environmental education, the ideas of low-carbine society, culture and ecology learning by diversity programs. Furthermore, we believe that the Community Universities can be the facilitator of the environmental education for climate change. Since the knowledge of the climate change was provided by these inter-active ways, people can apply the knowledge into their daily life. On the other hand, the Community Universities also can be the resource center of the environmental education in its community by their alliance between the Community Universities, network of civil groups and public sectors. At last, we’ve built up a website to keep record on teaching materials and relevant references. We expect communities will access our website as a platform and present their own knowledge and experiences in the long run.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人社區大學全國促進會