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Title 空氣微粒暴露評估方法建立及驗證(三)
Abstract 本計畫將透過source apportionment方法來定性與定量台灣都會地區PM2.5的主要來源。本計畫將分三年逐步進行環境微粒採樣,建立化學元素成份分析,及推估PM2.5污染源與貢獻度。目前已完成第一年計畫與第二年計畫,第一年計畫已於台北都會區執行中長期PM2.5微環境採樣以及監測車短期PM2.5微環境採樣,並已分別探討中長期和短期微環境採樣結果與空氣品質監測站資料之差異;第二年計畫已於高雄都會區執行中長期PM2.5微環境採樣,並建立相關微粒元素成分分析方法。本年度計畫將著重於比對微環境手動採樣方法與現有標準手動採樣方法之差異,建立以元素為基礎之土地利用迴歸分析,以及探討都會區空氣微粒污染來源和其貢獻度。
EngTitle Develop and Validate Methodologies for Exposure Assessment of Airborne Particulate Matters(III)
EngAbstract To estimate the association between environmental pollutant concentration and residents’ exposure, this project has conducted the sampling of environmental particulate matter (PM2.5), developed the chemical analysis of trace elements and evaluated the major source of PM2.5 and its contribution in three years, separately. Presently, the first year of this project has completed micro-environmental sampling to PM2.5 from residence and monitoring car in Taipei city, and assessed the association between the middle-long term micro-environmental PM2.5 concentration and PM2.5 concentration form air quality monitoring station. The second year of this project has completed the sampling of environmental particulate matter to PM2.5 in Kaohsiung city and developed the chemical analysis of trace elements. In this year, this project will focused on the comparison of the sampling method of micro-environmental PM2.5 and the standard sampling method of PM2.5, developed land use regression model based on trace elements and estimated the source of ambient particulate matter (PM2.5) and source contributions in urban area.
ProjectYear 101
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學