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Title 96年度推動垃圾強制分類專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫透過輔導5個尚未實施垃圾不落地之執行機關推動垃圾強制分類工作經驗顯示,執行機關可藉由各種因地制宜措施,而順利推動垃圾不落地措施。經實地訪查執行機關資源回收作業後發現,多數執行機關均不拒收民眾所排出非公告應回收的資源回收物,因此無法單以「材質」為單位作為資源回收分類規定方式,,經評估分析本計畫建議採用「品項」作為未來資源回收分類規定單位的基礎。在新增一班廢棄物回收項目部份,本計畫建議可優先新增項目為乾淨廢塑膠袋與包裝用塑膠襯墊。再利用管道調查結果分析顯示區域特性對資源回收物在再利用管道中流動的情形產生一定的影響,且經濟價值越低的資源回收物所受影響越大,因此一個合宜的資源回收物變賣模式應可以降低區域特性對執行機關資源回收作業所造成的負面影響。分析各種資源回收物變賣模式,本計畫歸納為統包單價、統包分價、分包分價與混合型態,本計畫分析初步顯示執行機關如能配合推動民眾上粗分類作業,混合型態應為較適化的資源回收物變賣模式。
EngTitle FY2007 Mandatory Garbage Sorting Enforcement Project
EngAbstract From assisting 5 EAs (EAs) who don’t completely follow up “Keep Trash Off Ground” (KTOG) measure implementation, it is learned that EAs can win the people support in KTOG measure by optimization of localized Municipal Solid Wastes (MSWs) collection/recycling service.After EAs’ on-site investigation, we found that in general, EAs collect all recyclable waste from people even not on the recycling-required list. Thus, it is not reasonable to simply identify recycling waste by its “material”. Listing by "item" will be a better way to categorize them. After analysis the data collected from the investigated EAs, we suggest that EPA can add the clean plastic bag and product packaging liner to the recycling-required item list announcement.The research result of EAs Recycling Path shows that area effect will create a certain degree influence to the recyclable flooding, the lower price items will receive greater impact. Therefore a suitable recyclable selling model will effectively lower the negative impact of an area effect.We can classify all selling mode in to 4 kinds, Model A, B, C and D. Model A means that Es use one contract with one price sell all recycling waste. Model B means that EAs use one contract and different prices for different kinds of recycling waste. Model C means EAs use different contracts to sell different kinds of recycling waste. And Model D is a mixed way to sell recyclable. If EAs can implement Public Recyclable Pre-sorting champain, Model D is the recommended selling model.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 永發環境科技管理有限公司