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Title 消費性產品揮發性有機物減量推廣計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要的目的在協助環保署進行消費性產品揮發性有機物減量宣導,本年度之工作項目包括九大部分:(一)揮發性有機物資訊彙整;(二)國內環保團體進行VOC認知調查;(三)彙整與分析國內各縣市推動紙錢及拜香減燒現況;(四)調查國內紙錢使用現況;(五)篩選優先進行減量宣導之VOC消費性產品;(六)製作宣導文書資料;(七)參加國內大型活動設攤宣導VOC減量;(八)舉辦VOC減量宣導會;(九)舉辦宗教與環保座談會推廣紙錢與拜香減燒,並簽署宗教環保宣言。工作內容摘要如下:一、揮發性有機物的資訊彙整從相關的調查與文獻蒐集了VOC相關化學物質特性與危害,並針對油漆塗料、宗教焚燒與消費性產品蒐集國內現有的研究報告與調查。二、國內環保團體進行VOC認知調查VOC認知問卷總計發出303份,回覆的團體多半對VOC有所了解且關注相關議題。其中8個團體曾經舉辦相關活動;94%的團體表示願意參加參VOC減量宣導會;60%的團體願意在未來進行VOC減量推廣;民間團體推廣VOC減量推廣,最需要經費與教材協助。三、彙整與分析國內各縣市推動紙錢及拜香減燒現況本年度彚整24縣市之工作內容,各縣市主要推動集中焚燒,且紙錢集中量逐年增加。各縣市之減量推動規劃,均先問卷、集中焚燒宣導、實施節慶集中焚燒、減量宣導等程序進行。四、調查國內紙錢使用現況2007年國內生產量約為113,013公噸,進口約為154,599公噸部分,合計為280,116公噸。在焚燒量的部份,過去的調查指出2004年為77,900公噸、2005為34,920公噸。可見國內焚燒量有低估的情形。五、篩選優先進行減量宣導之VOC消費性產品以使用量大與非必要使用為原則篩選消費性產品,結果以塗料與清潔劑使用量最大,兩者成分裡皆含有確定或可能致癌的因子與有害空氣污染物(HAPs),而清潔劑亦有環境荷爾蒙的成分存在,因此列入未來優先減量宣導的目標。六、製作宣導文書資料製作VOC減量宣導手冊、宣導海報與布條4式與宣導網頁供民眾瀏覽。七、參加國內大型活動設攤宣導VOC減量參與台北縣環境教育館的開館活動、2008世界地球日善待地球急先鋒園遊會、COOL(酷)臺北‧抗暖化園遊會、 Flea MarKet美術大道-跳蚤市場活動,在活動中與民眾互動,進行VOC減量推廣。八、舉辦VOC減量宣導會於台北、花蓮、高雄、台中舉辦五場VOC減量研習會宣導VOC減量,並發放相關資料提供民眾參考。九、舉辦宗教與環保座談會推廣紙錢與拜香減燒,並簽署宗教環保宣言。於97年5月30日於台大國際會議中心舉辦宗教與環保座談會以及三場會前會,與宗教團體進行紙錢與拜香減量之經驗交流,並針對舉辦座談會事宜進行協商,會中簽署宗教環保宣言,並邀請相關媒體採訪與刊登新聞稿。
EngTitle The project for promoting the reduction of commodity related VOC
EngAbstract The aim of the project is to assist Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in reduction of volatile organic compound (VOC) related to commodity. This project includes 9 tasks:(1)Collect VOC information (2)Survey NGO’s cognition of VOC (3)Collect local government’s works on the reduction of burning in religious ceremony(4)Inventory the producing and burning amount of the joss paper(5)Rank the priority for major commodity VOC reduction (6)Prepare media means for VOC reduction propaganda(7)Participate in events of major environmental activity and to advocate VOC reduction in the events(8)Host the VOC reduction promoting meeting(9) Host a forum for the dialogue between religious and environmental concern groups The work of the project can be abstracted as follows: (1) Collect VOC information We collected the literatures regarding to the characteristics and hazards of VOC from many investigations, especially from paints, religious ceremonies and commodity related VOC emissions.(2) Survey NGO’s cognition of VOCWe sent 303 questionnaires to NGOs to survey their cognition about information of VOC. The survey concluded that most of the interested groups understand VOC issue. Eight groups had the related activities before. There are 94% groups are willing to attend the VOC introduction seminar; 60% groups are willing be the VOC reduction partnership in the future. To assist the VOC reduction propaganda, the requests from NGOs are funding and introduction tools. (3) Collect local government’s works on the reduction of burning in religious ceremonyThe burning of religious ceremony includes the burning of joss paper and incense. This project collected the works of 20 counties nationwide. The major work of the counties is to promote the collection and burn together system. The amount of the collected joss paper was increasing yearly. The other works that local government ever implemented includes burning joss paper together in festivals and reducing burning promotion. (4) Inventory the producing and burning amount of the joss paperAccording to our statistics, there were 280,116 tons joss papers imported and manufactured locally in 2007. The past inventory indicated that the amount of joss paper burning was 77,900 tons in 2004, and 34,920 tons in 2005. The amount of joss papers burning in Taiwan for the past inventories were all underestimated.(5) Rank the priority for major commodity VOC reductionThe selection criteria for commodity in VOC reduction were based on the use amount or necessity. Paints and detergents were used considerable in Taiwan. The two commodities have both carcinogenetic risk and hazardous air pollutants. The detergents may release specific environmental hormones. So both paints and detergents are suggested on the product list for the VOC reduction.(6) Prepare media means for VOC reduction propagandaThe VOC reduction handbook, posters, banners and website was made as the media means for VOC reduction propaganda.(7) Participate in events of major environmental activity and to advocate VOC reduction in the eventsWe set show boot in several events of major environmental activity, including Taipei County Environmental Education Center Opens, 2008 World Earth Day garden party, COOL (cool) Taipei, anti-warming garden party, and Flea Market to promote VOC reduction issue. We introduced the VOC reduction issue to public and people who participated the events.(8) Host the VOC reduction promoting meetingWe have hosted 5 VOC reduction seminars in this project. The seminars were held in Taipei, Hualien, Kaohsiung, Taichung separately. The document of introduction to VOC was delivered to the members who participated the seminars.(9) Host a forum for the dialogue between religious and environmental concern groupsOn May 30, 2008 the forum for dialogue between religious and environmental concern groups was held at the National Taiwan University's international conference centre. Before this forum, three pre-meetings were held for the preparation of the forum. In the pre-meetings, religious groups exchanged the experiences of religious burning reduction, and focused the issues that will be discussed in the forum. In the ending of the forum, the representatives from all parties sign a VOC reduction declaration. Some media were invited to report the forum to the public.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會