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Title 96年度土壤及地下水污染防治調查及監督驗證查核工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫於96年9月21日之工作範疇界定會議確認相關工作內容,包括監督驗證與查證作業方式、土壤及地下水定期監測之場址範圍、資料庫建檔與協助審查工作、以及辦理民眾說明會或座談會等。此外並依計畫需求派駐專案工程師1名,與提供1輛小型汽車供計畫執行專用。於本計畫結束前(97年12月31日),已順利完成並超出工作進度之要求,詳細完成之工作與進度說明如表1~2、圖1,其各項工作執行情形與結果說明如下:一、污染查證及監督驗證查核工作:(一)、執行台南縣子龍段573、574地號陳情案件之地下水採樣工作,結果顯示地下水中八項重金屬、汽油總碳氫化合物及柴油總碳氫化合物等均無明顯異常。(二)、完成大內錦樺實業(屬地下水定期監測場址)1口標準監測井之設置工作(原監測井毀損),其檢測分析結果顯示地下水中僅氨氮超過地下水監測基準(第二類)。(三)、執行台南縣永康市頂東段961地號陳情案件之土壤污染查證工作,結果顯示土壤中總石油碳氫化合物超過土壤污染管制標準,目前環保局依土壤與地下水污染整治法施行細則第八條規定,要求污染行為人採取適當措施以避免污染狀況擴大,並針對受污染的土壤加以改善。二、土壤定期監測場址監測工作:(一)、本計畫土壤定期監測場址包括車路墘段、大甲段、大宅段、善化段等19筆農地,定期監測之結果較歷年監測結果有偏低之狀況。針對此現象後續輔以XRF進行補充調查,並進行第二次監測工作,綜合二次定期監測及補充調查的結果,車路墘段4筆地號、大甲段10筆地號及善化段4筆地號等之土壤中鋅含量仍有超過或逼近食用作物農地監測基準的狀況;大宅段之銅含量亦仍逼近食用作物農地監測基準。因此建議仍應暫時進行監測,待後續監測結果無異常時,再考量是否解除監測工作。 (二)、在土壤戴奧辛採樣分析方面,本年度主要針對永康焚化爐、易宏興鋼鐵股份有限公司永康廠、榮剛材料科技股份有限公司新營廠及華新麗華股份有限公司鹽水廠等四處場址進行調查。其結果顯示四處場址之盛行上、下風處土壤中戴奧辛含量皆遠低於戴奧辛污染管制標準。此外永康市焚化爐與95年度的監測結果比較後並無明顯的異常狀況。三、地下水定期監測場址監測工作。本年度地下水定期監測場址共15處,計28口監測井。其監測結果主要與歷年的監測結果類似,多屬於鐵、錳及氨氮等濃度偏高的狀況,並與區域性地下水的監測結果相似。其中官田鄉中鋼構監測井MW3與山上鄉掩埋場監測井MW1之地下水中檢出氨氮較歷年的結果偏高,由目前監測結果並無法評估可能原因,建議於下年度計畫可針對該場址附近之地表水體及民井進行追蹤,以持續掌握地下水質狀況,並了解可能原因;此外永康市久井加油加氣站於第二季地下水定期監測中,發現地下水中苯濃度已超出地下水污染管制標準(第二類),環保局已將該站列入地下水污染控制場址,目前交由「97年度台南縣土壤及地下水污染場址之驗證查核計畫」進行後續追蹤,並要求該站於98年5月15日前提出污染控制計畫書。四、加油站稽核工作。本年度針對縣內233家加油站篩選出20家加油站進行稽核工作,其結果顯示有三處出現異常:久井仁德交流道加油站之土壤中苯、二甲苯、總石油碳氫化合物及地下水中苯濃度皆已超過土壤、地下水(第二類)污染管制標準;官田鄉上準加油站之土壤、地下水中之苯濃度皆已超過土壤、地下水(第二類)污染管制標準;此外新營市台大加油站之土壤中總石油碳氫化合物濃度亦超過土壤污染管制標準。依據本計畫調查結果,環保局已將上準加油站公告為土壤及地下水污染控制場址、台大加油站公告為土壤污染控制場址,預計將久井仁德交流道加油站公告為土壤及地下水污染整治場址。 五、自96年10月至97年8月已協助完成「永康市鹽行段1418等34筆地號」之地下水受污染使用限制地區之污染控制設備代操作,共計11個月。於代操作期間,污染控制設備之狀況良好,且由處理前後的污染物濃度變化顯示,其污染物之移除效率高;但由本場址內地下水的檢測結果顯示,該地區之污染源尚未移除,仍持續檢出高濃度的含氯有機化合物。六、完成62口次區域性及場置性地下水監測井之維護管理工作。並針對場置性監測井之水力傳導係數偏低及泥砂淤塞程度篩選出仁德鄉地下滲濾系統、仁德鄉豪健電鍍廠、麻豆鎮人工濕地系統等場址共計15口監測井,以氣提法進行洗井之功能性維護,目前各井之狀況良好。七、完成GIS系統資料庫及配合環保署土壤及地下水污染場址之管理資料庫建檔工作計154筆,並上傳至環保署土壤及地下水污染場址GIS資料庫。八、協助環保局進行土壤及地下水污染整治法第9條,及針對地下儲槽系統依「防止污染地下水體設施及監測設備」所提之設置計畫、完工報告書文件審核及建檔工作,共計89件。此外完成地下儲槽系統之定期監測申報資料審查及管理資料庫建檔等工作共計1325件。九、針對土壤及地下水污染整治法相關規定及計畫執行過程中民眾疑義的部份,分別舉辦「加油站防止污染地下水體設施與監測設備設置管理辦法、網路申報系統改版操作及相關法規說明會」、「加油站土壤及地下水污染調查計畫行前說明會」及「加油站土壤及地下水污染整治相關法規說明會」等共計3場。
EngTitle The project of soi and groundwater pollution prevention, Investigation, supervising, and verification in 2007
EngAbstract The project definition and work classification meeting was taken place on 21 September,2007 and the proceedings including tasks of verification and certification investigation, the examination sites of soil and groundwater regular monitoring, establishment of database and assistance of inspection, details of public symposiums, etc. Besides, according to the contract, a project engineer was designated in EPB (Environmental Protection Bureau) to assist the project, and a car was offered as well. Before the end of this project, 31 December, 2008, each has successfully completed or exceeded the requirements of the work, which schedules and work summaries of this project are shown as Table 1, Table 2 and Figure 1. The execution and results of each work classification are illustrated as follows:A.Verification and certification of the soil and groundwater pollution1.The Implement of groundwater sampling on parcel 573, 574 at Zi-long Section in Tainan County which the result indicated that eight heavy metals and TPH (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons) were all under normal conditions.2.The construction of a monitoring well at Da-nei Jin-hua Co. was completed (the original monitoring wells destroyed) and the analysis result that only ammonia above the second category monitoring groundwater standards.3.The inspection of soil pollution on parcel 961 at Ding-Dong Section in Yong-Kang City, Tainan County which the result of TPH was above the soil pollution control standards. In accordance with Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act Article 8, it was suggested that EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) requested polluters to take appropriate measures in order to avoid the expansion of pollution and improve contaminated soil.B.Regular soil monitoring sites:1.The analysis of regular soil monitoring sites, total 19 farmlands in this project including at Che-Lu-Chien Section, Da-Jia Section, Da-Zhai Section,Shan-Hua Section, were compared with the regular and the original monitoring results that most of them have relatively lower values. To integrate regular monitoring which including the first time investigation and the follow-up investigating by XRF with the second regular monitoring that survey results found that Zn was above or closer to the farmland soil monitoring standards on 4 parcels at Che-Lu-Chien Section, on 10 parcels at Da-Jia Section, on 4 parcels at Shan-Hua Sections. And Cu was closer to the farmland soil monitoring standards at Da-Jia Section. It was recommended that EPA continuously monitoring on the 19 parcels for the next yearly project. 2.About the soil Dioxin analysis, it was indicated the four sites investigation of Yong-Kang incinerator, Yong-Kang factory of Yi-Hong-Xing Steel Co. LMT, Shin-Ying factory of Gloria Material Teco and Yan-Shui factory of WALSIN Co. LMT this year, as the result that all dioxin concentration was greatly under the soil pollution control standards. In addition, it was no clear abnormal situation that compared with the monitoring result of Yong-Kang incinerator in 2006.C.Regular groundwater monitoring total to 15 sites, including 28 monitoring wells. As the result showed that high concentration of Fe, Mn and NH3-N was often examined which is similar to the regional groundwater monitoring, in which high concentration of NH3-N in MW3 of CSSC in Guan-Tian and MW1 at Shan-Shang Landfill. We have no idea about what reason causes this by the analysis so far. So we suggest that EPB should follow up with surface water and private wells around these sites for the next annual project to control the groundwater condition and realize the probable cause. In addition, the second quarter regular groundwater monitoring of Jiu-Jing gas station at Yong-Kang found that the benzene concentration reached the second category groundwater pollution control standards. EPB has listed this site into the groundwater pollution control site, keeping watch by “Project of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Sites Verification and Investigation in Tainan, 2008”, and indicated to file the pollution control project before 15th May, 2009. D.Gas stations inspection. It was indicated that audit 20 gas stations of 233, as the result that there were three unusual: benzene, xylene, TPH in the soil and benzene concentration in the groundwater of Jiu-Jing gas station at Ren-De interchange were above the soil and the second category groundwater pollution control standards; benzene concentration in the soil and groundwater of Shang-Zhun gas station in Guan-Tian were above the soil and the second category groundwater pollution control standards; in addition, TPH concentrations in soil of Tai-Da gas station in Sin-Ying were also exceeded soil pollution control standards. According to the investigation, EPA has announced Shang-Zhun and Tai-Da as the pollution control Site and will announce Jiu-jing gas station as the Pollution Remediation Site lately.E.The contaminated groundwater restricted areas of pollution control equipment on behalf operation of 34 parcels at parcels at Yan-Xing Section in Yong-Kang was carried out during October 2007 to August 2008, total 11 months. On behalf operation period, the pollution control equipment was efficient well and effected to remove chlorine-containing organic compounds in groundwater. In addition, the test result of this site showed that the region still had pollutant, containing chlorine organic compounds. F.The conservation of 62 regional monitoring wells were completed. 15 low hydraulic coefficient and silted monitoring wells including wells of sub-surface wastewater infiltration in Ren-De, Hao-Jian electroplate factory in Ren-Dea and construed wetlands in Ma-Dou were washed via air stripping. The current condition of the wells without abnormal.G.Total to 154 investigation and sampling data were updated and uploaded to the EPA GIS database of soil and groundwater pollution sites.H.To assist the EPA to conduct ”soil and groundwater pollution remediation act” Article 9, total 89 files about project setting, auditing the reports and filling database of groundwater pollution prevention and monitoring facilities in UST (underground storage tank) system. In addition, total 1325 files about regular monitoring reports were created and updated in the database in UST system.I.It was indicated that doubt some of the people of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act , were held total 3 seminars about gas station guidance.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司