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Title 「揮發性有機空氣污染物管制法規(含收費制度)研訂、推動及檢討計畫」
Abstract 本計畫主要乃在於整合各項有關VOCs管制推動的計畫,包括推動一般標準與行業別標準、加油站油氣回收政策的落實與VOCs空污費開徵作業的推動等,藉此可全面性的掌握國內固定污染源整體VOCs管制面,並使各項管制推動作業具一致性;另外,單一窗口的對應,可減少溝通協調上所浪費的時間,使整體法規的推動更具時效性。  主要成果含(1)修正一般標準管制方向,同步完成法規草案研擬、配套作業規劃與後續法制化動作所需文件資料。(2)建立質量平衡調查之查核機制,並完成六家質量平衡調查作業與兩家膠帶業質量平衡資料整理。(3)完成膠帶業研商簡報、主管會報資料分析與問題集製作,並調查國外管制現況與國內管制之衝擊分析。(4)完成四大行業(凹凸版印刷、印刷電路板與機車表面塗裝)推動必要性評估作業,提出管制優先序建議與機車表面塗裝作業管制草案之修正方向。(5)針對建築物表面塗裝完成「空氣污染行為草案」、「易致空氣污染物質」與「生煤及石油焦」等修正草案,並配套修正申請表格。 (5)完成15家600點次石化業檢測與法規符合度現場查核作業與30家許可暨排放量現場查核作業。(6)建立VOCs空污費徵收制度,並配合推動法制化作業程序與完成建立各項配套作業,使96年1月1日順利開徵VOCs空污費。(7)建立主管機關與業者之溝通平台,且完成130站現場輔導檢測及故障原因診斷分析、六場次訓練會議辦理、設備代理商服務滿意調查與研發改良油氣回收設備等。
EngTitle The Plan For Reviewing, Developing, Proposing Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions Control Rules and Regulations (including the Air Pollution Control Fee of volatile organic compounds)
EngAbstract This plan combined four relevant VOCs controlling plan, including implemented general standard and individual standard, implemented oil gas recycling strategy of gas station and related plsanning work of starting collected VOCs air pollution fee, etc. This plan overall commended domestic VOCs regular of stationary sources and make all controlling plans to have consistency. In addition, the correspondence of the single window can reduce the time for communicating, and enrich efficiency of advanced VOCs regulation.  The chief achievements for this project are: (1) revised the controlling direction of general standard and designed the related form. (2) Set up the key points of checking by mass balance, and finished investigating six industries and two sticky tape industries with mass balance method. (3) Finished regulation report of sticky tape industry, executive's reporting analysis, and investigated the present situation and impacts. (4) Finished the necessary evaluation of established up rule for four major trades (concave printing, letterpress printing, motorcycle surface coating and PCB), offered the suggestions of controlling sequence and corrected points of motorcycle surface coating draft. (5) In architectural coating control, finished correcting three related drafts, and designed the related form. (6) Finished 600 times detecting of 15 petrochemical industries and operation permit checking. (7) Set up the air pollution fee of VOCs and finished related work. (8) Linked up the platform between industries and EPA, and finished detecting, troubleshooting and diagnosing of oil gas recycling equipments at 130 stations, and handled six session training meetings, and investigated the service conditions of oil gas recycling equipment commercial agents, and improved oil gas recycling equipments.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司