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Title 飲用水水源及水質標準中列管污染物篩選與監測計畫(1/3)
Abstract 近年來,美國等先進國之安全飲用水計畫,定期檢討管理法規與修定飲用水水質標準。環保署參酌國際安全飲用水管理趨勢,委託執行「飲用水水源及水質標準中列管污染物篩選與監測計畫」,本計畫期程為三年,以檢討我國飲用水水質管理相關法規與水質標準。第一年研究結果及建議分述如下:依本研究經專家諮詢會議選定30項「新增未列管污染物候選清單」(以下簡稱,CCLs),參考世界衛生組織、美國環保署、環保署研究計畫及其它等,建立30項CCLs資料庫,提供環保署今後檢討是否納入飲用水水質標準?建議訂定水質標準,以考慮「健康風險評估」為主。七座淨水場採取93個水樣及分析14項水質項目,結果顯示各淨水場原水中皆檢測到大腸桿菌,原水及清水中多未能測出石油系揮發性有機物及環境荷爾蒙之雌激素,但均測得壬基酚,且傳統淨水程序無法去除壬基酚。此外,鳳山淨水場清水中鹵乙酸濃度最高達80 μg/L,超過美國環保署管制標準60 μg/L。我國自來水事業單位於原水、清水質監測項目數量不及日本大阪市及美國南加州之一半,建議自來水事業單位應加強多重屏障水質安全管理,我國飲用水水質標準不必區分主要標準與次要標準,環保署與經濟部水利署、自來水事業單位共同研商修訂不同分級罰則。
EngTitle Prioritization and monitoring of the Contaminant Candidates for source water quality and drinking water quality standards
EngAbstract The drinking water quality standards and guidelines in developed countries are subject to periodical reviews and revisions. To be consistent with the trends of international drinking water quality management systems, the EPA of Taiwan launched a three-year project entitled 「Screening and monitoring of candidate contaminants for source water and drinking water standards」, the purposes of this project are to assess the current drinking water quality regulatory systems and to review the water quality standards in Taiwan. The results and recommendations for first year study are:1. Thirty candidate contaminants (the Contaminant Candidate List, CCLs) were selected based on the recommendations from the Expert Panel. A database was established for the thirty potential contaminants in CCLs based on the information collected from WHO, USEPA, the project reports of Taiwan EPA and other sources. This database can be used by Taiwan EPA to determine whether it is necessary to be included in the water quality standards. It was also recommended that the water quality standards should be established based on the health risk assessment of each contaminant.2. Water samples were collected from the treatment processes of seven treatment plants and 14 water quality parameters were analyzed. It was observed that E. Coli. presented in all of the source waters. Although no VOCs and estrogens were detected, nonyl phenol was presented in all of the water samples and it can not be effectively removed by the conventional treatment processes. In the first sampling, the five haloacetic acids (HAA5) in Feng-Shan Treatment Plant exceeded the guideline specified by USEPA (60μg/L); however, all of the other samples meet this recommended guideline. It was found that the current monitoring programs in water utilities in Taiwan were not suitable; the water quality items regularly analyzed on the monitoring systems were far less than those conducted in Osaka, Japan and Southern California, US. It is recommended that the utilities should enhance their multiple barrier water quality management systems. It is also recommended that differentiate the primary standards and secondary standards are not necessary. However, the EPA should seek cooperation from Water Resource Agency and negotiate with the utilities to establish an administrative plan for the violations of the water quality standards.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 淡江大學