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Title 毒性化學物質災害應變諮詢中心運作計畫
Abstract 工研院能源與環境研究所(以下簡稱能環所)長期執行相關性質計畫的基礎,並參酌國內、外現行化學品應變諮詢服務中心運作方式,規劃以環保單位為主要服務對象及其他政府相關單位與業者為輔之技術支援服務,於96年1月18日起承接本計畫,執行期間承蒙委辦單位(環保署)的監督與指導,及相關同仁之全力配合下進度達100%,執行進度符合計畫期程規劃。在全年無休24小時進行毒化物災害、化學品災害、恐怖化武攻擊事故之監錄、專業諮詢服務與災害通報作業方面:從96年至97年3月止監控國內案件412件以及國外案件325件,國內案件中需北、中及南部環境毒災應變隊到場支援案例共151件,發生地點以台北縣比率最高,事故場所多為工廠事故,災害類型以火災最為頻繁。一般諮詢服務之案件數,總計879件,電話諮詢方式最多,又服務對象以業者為最高,最常諮詢服務類別則以化學品諮詢為最常,一般諮詢均於3日內完成回覆。在統合毒性化學物質災害防救體系及技術推廣,增進與全民防衛動員及反恐機制的整合應變協調方面:完成了綱要計畫(Master Plan)短程、中程及長程的十年規劃工作,亦召開兩次審查委員會議討論並修正。協助環保署毒管處進行應變類法規修正之幕僚工作;選定以高雄市碼頭區為全國毒災演練規劃場地,完成北、中及南各兩場次全國政府單位動員講習之辦理、北、中及南部各兩場次毒災聯防小組組訓及一場次全國毒災案例研討會辦理工作。配合我國毒化物全民防衛動員及反恐應變作業,在工研院完成一場次科技動員演練,成果備受各單位肯定。在蒐集整理國內、外毒災防救與應變相關資訊及國內、外有毒化學品管制資訊與災害案例方面:毒性化學物質災害防救資訊平台完成改版並正式上線。持續更新毒性化學物質運作廠場防救基本資料更新家數達3,625家。針對環保署列管258種毒化物的物質安全資料表、緊急應變卡與防救手冊完成更新及專家進行審查作業。完成全國地理資訊系統(GIS)開發,毒化物廠場定位資料共完成472筆,其餘均提供地址定位方式查詢。「環境毒災簡訊電子報」共發行十三期,網址為。此外亦持續根據歷次會議修訂持久性有機污染物國家實施計畫(NIP)並完成其摘要版。
EngTitle The 2007 Annual Report for the National Information Center of Emergency Response for Toxic Chemical Incident
EngAbstract The Industrial Technology Research Institute's (ITRI) Energy and Environment Research Laboratories (EEL) has drawn up this plan to provide technical support services for emergency response to accidents involving chemicals and toxic substances. EERL's plan is designed to mainly serve government environmental protection agencies, while also providing services to other government agencies and businesses. EERL drafted the plan based on its long-term implementation experience with related plans, as well as the operations of chemical emergency response centers both in Taiwan and abroad. On January 18, 2007, this plan was received and carried on thanks to the oversight and guidance by EPA, and with the full effort and cooperation of our colleagues. To date, 100% progress has been achieved for this planThroughout the entire year, every day for 24 hours a day, monitoring and record-keeping is implemented for all accidents involving toxic chemicals, hazardous materials, or terrorist attacks, as well as operations utilizing professional consultation services and disaster notification. This year to the end of March of next year, there were 412 domestic cases and 325 foreign cases. Of domestic cases, 151 cases required environmental accident response teams on-site in Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan. The highest number of incidents occurred in Taipei County. and most incidents occurring at factory sites. Fires were the most frequently occurring type of accident. There were a total of 879 normal consultation service cases, with phone consultations accounting for most of these cases and industries accounting for the highest number of service recipients. Chemical products accounted for most inquiries in phone consultations, with an average of three days for complete recovery as a result of these services. Planning is underway to fully integrate a toxic chemical substance accident prevention system and related technology, and to coordinate with civil defense mobilization and anti-terrorism response mechanisms. A 10-year outline plan has been completed, and covers short-term, mid-term, and long-term programs. The plan has also undergone two review committee discussions and revisions, and assistance has been provided to the Environmental Protection Administration's Department of Environmental Sanitation and Toxic Substance Management in carrying out revisions to laws and regulations regarding response measures. In addition, Kaohsiung Harbor has been designated as the National Toxic Accident Drill Planning site. Two on-site training sessions for national government agency mobilization have been completed each in Northern, Central and Southern Taiwan, while two on-site group training sessions for a united defense task force for toxic accidents have been completed each in Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan. The National Conference on Toxic Incident Response has been completed in ITRI during 15-16, November. ITRI has also completed one on-site technology mobilization drill to coordinate with Taiwan national defense mobilization and anti-terrorism response operations. The results enjoyed the approval of all agencies.Data has been compiled and collected on rescue and response in domestic and foreign toxic accidents, as well as for domestic and foreign toxic chemical control data and accident cases. A new version of a data platform containing information on toxic chemical substance accidents and rescue operations has been completed and is officially online. To date, basic data has been updated on 3,625 factories operating with toxic chemical substances for purposes of location and rescue. In addition, the safety data, emergency response cards, and rescue handbook for toxic chemical substances listed by the EPA (Numbers 1 through 258) have been updated and have undergone expert review. A national Geographical Information System (GIS) has been completed, with data compiled for 472 toxic chemical factory locations. The remaining factories have provided addresses for use in search inquiries. Meanwhile, the "Environmental Toxic Accidents Electronic Newsletter" has already published 13 issues. In addition, in accordance with past meetings, revisions continue to be made to the National Implementation Plan of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, as well as the completion of an abstract for the plan.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院