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Title 桃園縣揮發性空氣污染物調查及管制計畫
Abstract 行政院環境保護署於86年起針對揮發性有機污染物陸續公告相關法規,揮發性有機污染物之污染管制方向更加明確。本年度計畫以固定污染源、加油站及餐飲業為3大管制對象,透過稽巡查管制、輔導改善及加強宣導等方式來達成揮發性有機污染物減量之工作。計畫自96年4月3日簽約執行,至97年4月2日止,完成180家次固定污染源之揮發性有機污染物清查作業,另對石化製程設備元件以FID檢測儀器設備進行30家次共1053點次之洩漏檢測,對於固定污染源揮發性有機污染物之排放,則完成62點次之非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)及5點次二甲基甲醯胺(DMF) 煙道檢測作業;另配合自96年第2季起由地方徵收揮發性有機污染物空氣污染防制費,本計畫支援必要人力進行審核及資料掃描、建檔等事宜。對於固定污染源揮發性有機污染物減量宣導方面,已完成揮發性有機物空污費計費制度說明會、揮發性有機物防制技術暨法規宣導說明會及揮發性空氣污染物減量宣導活動。對於加油站之管制方面,計畫完成276站加油站清查與92站加油站油槍氣油比初測作業,持續執行新設加油站審查及列管加油站之油氣回收管理辦法之法規符合度查核,同時完成100座加油站油氣回收標章認證作業,加油站宣導作業方面,於7月23日至9月10日辦理「絕不漏氣!」加油員攝影比賽活動,並於9月19~21日三日,辦理「桃園加好康!油氣回收真健康」宣導活動,共吸引2,082輛汽車及5,349輛機車共襄盛舉。餐飲業管制部分,完成309家餐飲業之清查及建檔作業,並掌握10處本年度屢遭陳情之餐廳,進行多次複查作業。目前已有30處餐廳完成污染改善作業;完成「嗆嗆滾」美食餐廳認證制度及推動永安漁港熟食區為本縣之環保餐廳示範美食街;宣導活動部分,於9月14日辦理第2屆「嗆嗆滾美食餐廳」頒獎暨拒絕餐飲業油煙危害宣導活動,邀請縣長、反ㄧㄢ大使及各學校代表,共同宣示「無油無一ㄢ,健康全險」之觀念,同時將一ㄢ害防制宣導與教育結合。其他事項部分,主要為完成加油站油氣回收線上申報系統,讓業者可以自行線上申報,以節省人力資源。
EngTitle VOC Survey and Control Plan
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Agency of Taiwan (EPA Taiwan) has been announcing the laws and regulations governing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) since 2007 to clarify the control of VOCs. Stationary pollution sources (SPS), gas stations and restaurants are the three major categories to be controlled in this year’s plan. Tour audits and inspections, control, guidance for improvement and publicity have been applied to achieve the reduction of VOCs.During the audit plan period from 3 April 2007 to 2 April 2008, and the VOCs audit was performed on 180 SPSes; the leaking test was performed with the flame ionization detector (FID) on 1053 locations of the petrochemical process equipment of 30 suppliers; and the VOCs emission focusing on NMHC was performed on 62 locations of SPSes and on DMF was performed 5 locations of SPSes. Also, to coordinate with the implementation of the VOCs control levy collected by local governments from Q2 of 2007, the project supplied the necessary manpower for review, data scanning, and documentation. In terms of the publicity for VOCs reduction of SPS, three activities were organized: the VOCs control levy rates presentation, VOCs control technologies and regulations presentation, and VOCs reduction activity.In terms of gas station control, the audit on 276 gas stations and preliminary testing on the GOR of petroleum dispensers of 92 gas stations were performed. Also, the new gas station review and the conformity of oil gas recycling management of controlled gas stations were implemented continually. The oil gas recycling logo certification for 100 gas stations was completed. In terms of publicity for gas stations, the Absolutely No Leaking! photography contest for gas station employees was organized during July 23-September 10. The Benefits for Taoyuan! Gasoline Vapor Recovery for Health publicity activity held September 19-21 attracted support from 2,082 vehicles and 5,349 motorcycles.In terms of restaurant control, the audit and documentation of 309 restaurants were completed, and the top 10 restaurants most complained about were recorded for re-audits. Currently, 30 of them have completed the improvement on VOCs emissions. The planning of the Yummy & Healthy restaurant certification system was completed. The planning of turning Yongan Fishing Harbor Hawker Area into the demo environmental food mall for this county us in progress. In terms of publicity, the Second Yummy & Healthy Restaurant Awards and Say No to Restaurant Emissions events were held on September 14. Magistrate, the anti-fume ambassador, and school representatives were invited to announce the concept of No Oil No Fumes, Full Insurance for Health and to combine the publicity and education of fume control.In terms of other things, the main thing is to finish the gas station oil gas recycling declaration system, letting the gas station managers report online voluntarily and save manpower.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 新系環境技術有限公司