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Title 邁向健康台灣(Healthy Taiwan)-清淨家園暨無毒的家宣導計畫
Abstract 辦理2場為期一週的「清淨家園暨無毒的家」宣導展示活動。完成3場宣導活動。製作「清淨家園村里動員5招式」、「遛狗不留便」及「安全使用環境用藥」等3支宣導短片。製作「清淨家園村里動員5招式」及「清淨家園IN 登革熱OUT」2支燈箱廣告,刊登於人潮眾多之台北捷運廣場。
EngTitle Toward a Healthy Taiwan -- Environment Purification and A Home Without Toxic Chemicals Promotional Project
EngAbstract At the end of December 2007 there were two promotional environmental activities in Taipei and Kaohsiung. Three short movie clips were made on the “ Five Tips for Cleaning the Environment”, “Pick Up After Your Dog” and “Safe Pesticide Use,” the clips were shown on the big electronic bulletin boards, Taipei MRT as well as Internet systems in North, Center and South Taiwan.Making illuminated Advertisements for the “Five Tips for Cleaning the Environment” and “Cleaning Environment IN, Dengue Fever OUT.” Publish them in the crowded MRT stations in Taipei.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 大通通路行銷股份有限公司