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Title 96屏東縣空氣品質管理發展計畫
Abstract 本計畫之目的主要在於協助屏東縣環保局管制各子計畫執行內容、進度與方法,透過計畫的執行,協助環保局處理空污相關會議資料,檢討年度空污執行計畫成效與方向,有效整合各計畫力量以達到改善空氣品質之目標,此外,配合未來環保署推動之總量管制規劃,研擬空氣品質改善方向,規劃短中長程管制目標,提供屏東縣環保局未來執行空氣污染管制之建議方針。統計96年1~12月環保署於屏東縣設立之空氣品質監測站,臭氧及懸浮微粒空氣品質不良站日數為84站日,較95年同時期減少6站日;屏東縣設立之鹽洲測站,較95年同時期空氣品質不良站日數(臭氧64站日)相比減少18站日。當空氣品質趨於不良時,啟動空氣品質不良通報及回報作業,該項作業主要進行預報、通報及回報作業,並透過各計畫之測站認養機制及重大污染源之掌握工作進行查處回報。96年屏東縣辦理之空氣品質改善維護計畫共計16項,依計畫類型可區分為固定源、移動源、逸散源、綜合管理及監測與研究地方特性計畫,整體管制工作架構及推動措施如下圖所示,依各計畫管制成效分析整體平均為90.5分。本年度委託專業機構(國立中山大學社科院民意調查研究中心)針對屏東縣內33鄉鎮並以年滿二十歲以上之民眾進行全縣及特殊性區域對象(觀光路線區域及污染源集中區域)等空氣污染管制工作民眾滿意度調查,結果顯示受民眾肯定之項目在整體空氣品質方面,觀光地區空氣品質滿意度近80 %(79.8 %),而在各項空氣污染管制工作方面,加油站油氣回收管制(70.4 %)、路邊攔查-免費排氣檢測(77.8 %)、機車排氣檢測服務(93.6 %)、營建工地污染管制(54.1 %)、工廠管制(57.5 %)及道路洗掃整體觀感(68.2 %)等,此項目滿意度較高。此外,修正屏東縣空氣污染防制計畫書,主要重點內容將加強於結合「高高屏空氣品質改善行動計畫」規劃重點及96年、98年及100年需分別達到7.5%、6.5%及4.3%的目標,包括六大主軸32項子計畫為架構。評析活動強度及污染物排放量變化,固定污染源工廠、加油站及餐飲業油煙、移動污染源機動車輛、逸散污染源營建工程、露天燃燒、車輛行駛揚塵、裸露地表及施工機具操作皆為未來管制重點。據此規劃97年度空污費推動計畫,包括屏東縣空污基金編列5項計畫,向中央環保署申請補助11項相關計畫。
EngTitle 2007 PingTung Air Quality Management Plan
EngAbstract The purpose of this project is to assist Bureau of PTEPB (Environmental Protection Ping Tung County) to administer the various programs scheme, the content and methodology itself. By means of the aforementioned implementation, we were able to review on what have been finished over time table and helped EPA to deal with AP (Air Pollution) agendas and minutes to boot, supervising the integration of the air quality improvement. Besides, the perspectives that the EPA are marching toward to better the Air Quality (AQ) should again be aligned with our schedule either long-term, mid-term, or short-term as a proposition in the control of the AQ in the future.For the Air Quality inspection stations of EPA, the number of days which PT AQ reported poor accounts with respect to the data analysis from Jan to Dec, 2007, O3 and PM10 were accounted for 67 days and 17 days in Ping-tung, respectively, 84 days in total and 6 days less than last year. The Yan-jou Air Quality inspection station that was set by Pingtung County governor had 46 days were reported as poor, from Jan to Dec, 2007, the main pollutants including 42 days of O3 and 4 days of PM10, less than 18 days compared the same period from last year. When the AQ tend to poor, AQ feedbacks and related operations were implementing mechanism of forecast, notify, and feedback. The emails and messages were sent throughout all sites and feedback were supposed to be supervised.There totally have 16 improving projects were held by Pingtung County governor which are following as brief. The main framework and demarches on the whole showed in figure. According to the EPA’s audit result, the average achievement point was 90.5 scores. We have contract with the Public Opinion Poll Studies Center of National Sun Yen-Sen University to survey the satisfaction among citizens above twenty-year old from 33 towns in Pingtung County about air pollution control. The result showed that 79.8% satisfied on tourism spot, 70.4% of gasoline VOCs recycle, 77.8% of random mobile bike inspection, 93.6% of mobile bike emission inspection service, 54.1% of construction sites, 57.5% of factories control and 68.2% of street cleaning etc. those could present the nearest surrounding to citizen and help us to improve the important parts.We are in charge to executive of Air Quality Manage Project (AQMP). Studying the control strategy and assemble every subproject to archive their goals that including proposal amendment. For accommodating the future trend controlling strategy, we have issued the Air Quality control plan to EPA for censoring. The content included the reduction quantity and strategy, adjusting air pollution improving and maintenance goals and the emission control of stationary sources, mobile sources, and emission inventory update. According to analysis the intensity and variety of pollutant emission, the control strategy should focusing on stationary, gasoline station, cooking industry, mobile sources, construction sites, open burning, unpaved ground in the future. We have referenced both on the principle execution of EPA and air pollution control plan of Pingtung County governor to scheme on the Air Quality Improving project of Pingtung County in 2008. That included to 5 projects for air pollution fee foundation arrangement, and also handed out the subsidy request that including 11 projects for EPA.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 元科科技股份有限公司