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Title 全民綠色生活資訊平台規劃及網路行銷推廣專案計畫
Abstract 本計劃的目標分為系統整合與加強行銷兩部分。系統整合的目的在於滿足環保署的資訊需求,整合目前所存在的四個網頁系統,其中綠色產品採購網係以連結的方式達成整合的目的。而加強行銷的目的則在於透過虛擬商店結合上游製造業者的綠色產品、中游銷售業者的綠色商店,以提高產品的知名度、競爭性,達到營業額倍增的目的,同時擴大對下游消費者(包括公務機關與私人企業甚至一般民眾)的教育與宣導,並將使用者的意見彙整、回饋與修正。  現階段主要架構均已架設完成,各項目包括一般訊息、採購、綜合資訊、其他功能專區功效都已達原先規劃之目標。本計畫另外加強系統整合最重要的角色判定,不論是製造廠商、銷售廠商、政府機關,其角色功能的區分均能完全表現出系統整合的部份已臻至完善。綠色商店、產品的查詢均以友善、直覺思考的方向做分類查詢。新增的記事系統也可以讓使用者對於行政會議的行程一目暸然。  首頁最新消息的介面修改讓民眾能夠掌握環境保護的即時資訊,期能將綠色採購的量體擴大,以展示環保署推動綠色生活的績效。
EngTitle Project on Planning a Green-life Information Service Platform and Promotion for Green Purchase through Internet Marketing
EngAbstract The purposes of this project are divided into two parts: the information system integration and promotion of green product selling. The information system integration is to fulfill the purpose of information demand from Taiwan EPA. There are 4 existing web pages integrated with the Green Production Procurement. This web page is linking to the other 4 web pages to achieve the information system integration. The promotion of green product selling is achieved through the fictitious store composed of upper stream manufacturers’ green product and middle stream retailers’ green store. Such joint venture will raise the competitiveness and make the green product become well known to the public, in turn, it will make huge selling amount. Also, this joint venture will educate the lower stream consumer including government agencies, private businesses sectors, or general public to participate in green product procurement. The consumer’s feedback will be collected and passed back to the store management staff for improvement through the web page. All the major mechanisms are completed in the present stage. Functions like general message, procurement, composite information, and other functions were established and they are achieving the original objective. The most important feature of this project is to differentiate the manufacturers, retailers, and government agencies. Differentiation shows the system integration approaches its best state. Green product and green stores were inquired in user-friendly mode and they are designed by public’s purchasing instinct. Newly added recording system makes users understand better of the administrative schedule. The most updated news edition function in the homepage make general public knows the most prompt news in environmental protection. We expect the amount of green procurement will be expanded and shows the effectiveness of the green life promotion done by the Taiwan EPA.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司