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Title 台灣沿海工業區鄰近海域水質監測及海域三度空間流體動力模式基礎建置專案工作計畫
Abstract 環保署為了維護珍貴的海洋資源及生態環境,執行臺灣沿海工業區鄰近海域水質監測及海域三度空間流體動力模式基礎建置專案工作計畫,工作內容包括一、調查與監測臺灣沿海工業區鄰近海域水質,評析沿海工業區廢水排放進入海域水體後,對鄰近海域水質環境變化影響。二、建立廢水進入海域水體後污染擴散模式,及污染物擴散推估模式驗證。三、建置海域三度空間流體動力模式基礎。在調查與監測臺灣沿海工業區鄰近海域水質部分,左營與大林蒲海放管水質動態BOD監測結果顯示,各動態測站表層水水溫與溶氧量受氣溫與大氣曝氣影響較高,且有隨水深而下降趨勢,pH與生化需氧量完全符合甲類海域水質標準。第一季左營與大林蒲海域水質調查,以排放口末端為中心500 m內調查結果顯示,表層水水溫與溶氧受氣溫與大氣曝氣影響較高,水溫、溶氧與pH有隨水深而稍微下降趨勢,鹽度則有隨水深而稍微上升趨勢。溶氧量、pH與生化需氧量皆符合甲類海域水質標準。各測站水質除左營退潮表層水(水下1 m)葉綠素a受水色異常海面有漂浮物濃度較高外,其他監測項目漲退潮數據變化不明顯。由於第一季調查結果數據變化不大,故修正第二季左營與大林蒲海域水質調查,縮小調查範圍至離擴散管口100 m內,並由專業潛水伕確實採取水下15 m及16.5 m處的水樣,第二季調查結果明顯與第一季不同,位於擴散管上方少數測站(A1、B1與C1的水下15 m雨水下16.5 m)的鹽度、溶氧量、pH稍低,而生化需氧量、矽酸鹽、硝酸鹽氮、亞硝酸鹽氮與正磷酸鹽稍高外,其他測站的水質監測結果與背景站值相當。兩季的調查結果皆顯示,海放管排放水受海水稀釋擴散速度極快,對附近海域水質影響範圍,水平方向大約只在距擴散管口沿海流方向數十公尺之內,而垂直方向僅及擴散口數公尺的範圍。大林蒲較左營的水質變化明顯,推估乃因大林蒲海放管排放量為左營海放管兩倍所致。在建立廢水進入海域水體後污染擴散模式,及污染物擴散推估模式驗證部分,四季次麥寮溫排水擴散調查結果顯示,於退潮期間,溫排水受到退潮海流及溫排水動量的影響,均有朝西南方擴散,水的密度較小,在表層的擴散影響範圍較大(超過1,000 m),而在底層的擴散影響範圍有限(約200 m)。而漲潮期間,溫排水擴散型態大致對稱於溫排水渠道方向,僅略向東北方向擴散,此外,底層溫排水擴散範圍較為有限。四季次海流調查結果,麥寮港內海流於漲潮時,流向以東北方流入港內,退潮時海流流向則以西南方流出港外;較常發生的海流流向大部分集中在SW的方向。興達海流,於漲潮時流向以西北方為主,退潮時海流流向則以東南方較為明顯;較常發生的海流流向大部分集中在SSE的方向。污染物擴散推估模式驗證,Visual Plumes模擬結果(水平方向與垂直方向)與水質調查實測值相近。在建置海域三度空間流體動力模式基礎部分,經評估四個海洋模式後,選用普林斯頓海洋模式(POM)作為臺灣海域三度空間流體模式之基礎,模式計算區域涵蓋4°×5°範圍,水平解析度1’,垂直方向共10層,本年度已完成大區域海域及高解析度細網格系統(在麥寮港及興達分別建立解析度高達200 m網格)之建立,進行模式穩定度測試、積分時間調整,以及水深、風場、溫度、潮位開放邊界條件等之建立,並配合模式需要完成程式修改。分別執行考慮東北季風、潮汐及廢熱點源污染模擬,模式算出水位、流場及水溫分布結果均已輸出製成圖檔附於本計畫的成果光碟中。
EngTitle Monitoring Costal Water Quality at Industrial Sites and Underlying Three Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model around Taiwan
EngAbstract Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration has launched the project entitled “Monitoring Coastal Water Quality at Industrial Sites and Underlying Three Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model around Taiwan” to preserve the precious marine resources and ecological system in the coastal region around Taiwan. The scope of the project has three components: 1. Surveying the water quality at two ocean outfalls from industrial parks and evaluating the impact of the effluents on the receiving coastal waters. 2. Monitoring the pattern of thermal plume from Milliao power plant and investigating ocean current at Milliao harbor and offshore of Hsingda. 3. Underlying a three dimensional hydrodynamic model around Taiwan.Field survey of water quality has been performed in summer, April to May, and in autumn, September to October, for both Tsoying outfall and Dalinpu outfall respectively. The field results showed that the effluents from both Tsoying and Dalinpu outfalls dispersed quite efficiently, the effluent can only be detected within few tens of meter in downstream of the flow direction and few meters above the discharged location. For the behaviors of the thermal plume from Milliao power plant, the thermal plume extends to the southwest during ebb tide and slightly to the northeast during flood tide because of the topographic effects. The temperature rise in the surface layer extends much larger area than the bottom layer due to the positive buoyancy effect from the thermal plume. Ocean current data present a parallel to the shoreline flow direction for both Milliao harbor and Hsingda. In Milliao, water flows into the harbor during flood tide and flows out of the harbor during ebb tide with residual current direction outward. In Hsingda, water flows northwestward during flood and flows southeastward during ebb tide with residual current direction southeastward.POM (Princeton Ocean Model), beating ADCIRC, TSNOW and The Three Dimensional Model of the China Seas, is selected for underlying the three dimensional hydrodynamic model around Taiwan. The model covers 4° x 5° with resolution of one minute. It adopts sigma-coordinate in vertical direction with ten layers. Two finer grid systems within the model domain, 200 m resolution, covering Milliao harbor and Hsingda have been set up simultaneously. So far, model stability test has been completed. Water depth, wind field, and tidal forcing at open boundary have been collected and tested. Preliminary simulations on wind induced current/water level, thermal diffusion of a point effluent source, tide driven current/water level have been tested with promising results for the future works on development of an operational hydrodynamic model around Taiwan.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立海洋科技大學海洋環境工程系