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Title 環境用藥防治小黑蚊藥效評估計畫
Abstract 以七種供試之市售防治小黑蚊特殊環境用藥即環衛用藥A、環衛用藥B、環衛用藥C、環衛用藥D、環衛用藥E、環衛用藥F及環衛用藥G,利用超低容量噴灑玻璃筒法進行特殊環境用藥防治小黑蚊之藥效試驗。以供試藥劑推薦濃度之稀釋藥液檢測對小黑蚊之擊昏及致死效果。供試特殊環境用藥對不同地區小黑蚊品系成蟲之擊昏效果以供試蟲半數擊昏時間(KT50)表示之。所有供試處理中,有四分之一之KT50介於7~20min,其餘多數之KT50均大於30min。在藥劑對同一地區小黑蚊之致死效果方面,七種供試特殊環境用藥於施藥後24小時對小黑蚊成蟲之死亡率間,具有顯著之差異性,於四個供試地區中均以環衛用藥A之殺蟲效果最好。施用推薦濃度(180X)稀釋藥液於供試地區之小黑蚊成蟲均造成100%之致死效果。陶斯松原體(30%)之360X稀釋藥液對台中市大坑地區小黑蚊於施藥後24小時之死亡率達100%,180X稀釋藥液對歸仁地區小黑蚊之致死率亦達100%。治滅寧原體(5%)之40X稀釋藥液對大坑地區之小黑蚊亦具有良好之擊昏作用及殺蟲作用。芬化利原體(13.8%)之60X稀釋藥液對大坑地區小黑蚊品系則具顯著良好之殺蟲功效。依芬寧原體(6.5%)之200X稀釋藥液對大坑地區小黑蚊之死亡率達91.2%。賽滅寧原體(25.2%)之200X稀釋藥液對竹山、大坑及歸仁三個供試地區小黑蚊之半數擊昏時間皆大於19min。百滅寧原體(20%)之160X稀釋藥液對竹山、大坑及歸仁三個供試地區之小黑蚊成蟲,均具有優良之擊昏效果及殺蟲效果。撲滅松原體(30%)之200X稀釋藥液對大坑地區小黑蚊於施藥後24小時之死亡率達87.7%。由七種供試環境用藥原體之基礎藥效試驗結果發現:所有供試原體對南投縣竹山地區小黑蚊成蟲之半數致死濃度均大於對台中市大坑地區小黑蚊者,此即顯示大坑地區之小黑蚊成蟲對供試環境用藥原體之感受性均較竹山地區者為高。
EngTitle The efficacy tests of the environmental pesticides on the biting midges
EngAbstract Seven kinds of restricted use environmental pesticides were executed to evaluate the control efficacy of these pesticides for the adults of biting midge, Forcipomyia taiwana with ultra-low-volume spray method. Bioassays showed that, when applied to four different strains of biting midges with recommended concentrations, most dilutions of these restricted use environmental pesticides gave tested adults the low knockdown effects with the KT50 more than 30min. The killing effects of seven pesticides were significantly different for the same strain of biting midges based on the mortalities for 24 hours after treatment. In four tested areas Environmental Pesticide A had the best killing effect among all tested pesticides and 100% mortality was obtained when its 180-fold recommended dilution was applied to biting midges of four local strains. The efficacies of seven technical grade environmental pesticides (active ingredients) were evaluated. The 100% mortality for 24 hours after treatment was observed when 360-fold dilution of chlorpyrifos (30%) applied to Da-Keng strain, Taichung and 180-fold dilution applied to Guei-Ren strain, Tainan, respectively. The 40-fold dilution of tetramethrin (5%) had a good knockdown effect and killing effect against Da-Keng strain. The 60-fold dilution of fenvalerate (13.8%) also had a significantly good killing effect in Da-Keng Area. The 200-fold dilution of etofenprox (6.5%) also caused 91.2% mortality against tested adults in the same area. However, the 200-fold dilution of cypermethrin (25.2%) had no knockdown effect against Zhu-Shan, Da-Keng, and Guei-Ren strains of biting midges. When applied to the three local strains, respectively the 160-fold dilution of permethrin (20%) had a nice knockdown effect and killing effect. The 87.7% mortality was obtained when the 200-fold dilution of fenitrathion (30%) was applied to Da-Keng strain for 24 hours after treatment. Seven technical grade environmental pesticides were tested against Zhu-Shan, and Da-Keng strains based on the LC50. The results showed that the LC50 for Zhu-Shan strain was higher than those for Da-Keng strain. That was the biting midges of Da-Keng strain was more susceptible than those of Zhu-Shan strain to all tested technical grade environmental pesticides.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 國立中興大學