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Title 室內空氣品質標準檢討及自主管理診斷機制建立與推動
Abstract 室內空氣品質政策為近年政府所關切的重大議題之一,因此標準的訂定與完善的自主管理制度建構也為政府的重要施政目標。而為減少未來室內空氣品質管理法執行上的疑慮,本研究團隊針對現行建議值的適用性與否進行探討,並同時就各類場所之優先管制次序進行分析,及藉由專家技術輔導的建立,提供場所室內空氣品質之管制參考與諮詢服務。此外,由於現有生物性指標結果變異性大,因此本研究團隊也建構完整的生物性污染調查流程表及初步評估其他生物性指標之替代性。最後,由於甲醛為重要室內污染物且量測不易,本研究亦針對較簡易之甲醛量測法進行評估。 在分析室內場所資料庫,發現第一類場址約有40 %以上無法符合CO、CO2、O3及細菌之規範,因此從分級管理及推動上之考量及各面向影響分析後,建議第一類場址CO訂為3 ppm、CO2為800 ppm、O3建議與第二類建議值相同即可,細菌檢測方法再現性差,本計畫亦嘗試建立其他替代性指標,因此暫建議不需訂定分級標準。在優先管制對象上,學校的優先管制對象依序為CO2、HCHO、CO和Bacteria,醫療院所為CO2、CO、Bacteria和HCHO,營業商場為CO2、CO、HCHO和Bacteria,辦公大樓則為CO2、CO和HCHO。本研究團隊亦針對國內各室內環境相關領域專家進行整合,建構北、中和南區之專家技術輔導團成員,並針對國內10家場址進行輔導,以協助場所室內空氣品質之改善。在室內生物污染指標部份,場所細菌和真菌濃度均超過標準,室內通風則可能為影響細菌和真菌濃度變化之主因,而僅管細菌內毒素與Glucan無發現與環境指標因子無發現明顯關連性,但因許多文獻發現此兩指標有人體危害的潛在風險,故將待更多採樣結果評估其自身的適用性。甲醛逸散簡易篩檢方法中,Yanagisawa甲醛簡易測定法敏感度高,與主動式DNPH採樣分析法量測結果相關性良好,應用於國內室內環境空氣甲醛之量測與篩檢,應具有可行性。本研究成果將可提供未來政府在室內空氣品質自主管理制度與污染指標擬定之參考。
EngTitle Revisions of Current Indoor Air Quality(IAQ) recommendation Levels and Promotion of IAQ Management in Public Buildings in Taiwan
EngAbstract The issue of indoor air quality (IAQ) is high on the agenda as the Taiwan Government has become increasingly concerned with the large number of health problems associated with indoor pollution. The IAQ standards setting and self-management policy establishing are crucial issues in IAQ management. The purposes of this study are: To evaluate the reasonability of IAQ standard suggested values proposed by Taiwan EPA; To suggest the priority items in IAQ managements for different indoor environments. To propose a framework of IAQ expert consulting group and to recruit professionals for IAQ consulting services in different regions of Taiwan. To evaluate the reasonability of current biological indexes (bacteria, fungi) and to assess the suitability of other biological indexes such as endotoxin and glucan. To conduct a comparison study for evaluating a passive on-site formaldehyde detector. A framework for IAQ expert consulting group was proposed by this study. The members for expert consulting in North, central and South Taiwan were recruited. Consulting services of indoor air quality improving projects in ten sites were conducted by IAQ expert consulting groups The results from comparison showed the passive on-site formaldehyde detector developed by Yanagisawa research team has good aggrement with traditional DNPH method.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣室內環境品質學會