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Title 應回收廢棄物稽核認證團體(非塑膠廢容器及廢乾電池類)專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫為執行非塑膠廢容器類及廢乾電池稽核認證作業,本計畫之目標係以嚴謹的稽核認證程序,核算稽核認證量,以作為環保署核撥受補貼機構補貼費之依據。96年4至12月成果中,稽核認證回收量為204,118,753.5公斤(包含非塑膠廢容器類202,101,790公斤、廢乾電池類2,016,963.5公斤),認證處理量為204,934,560.5公斤。執行過程中,共計執行2,062場次稽核認證,其中到貨查驗認證為1,925場次,而其他相關認證場次為137場次。此外,本計畫96年4-12月共計記點1點以及扣量43,464公斤。本計畫亦完成合約書所規範之各項作業,包括作業程序稽核、環境查核、每月庫存盤點、會計稽核、衍生物查核(含衍生廢棄物及再生料)、異常事件處理、新設廠及變更審核、農藥逐支查驗及認證品質現勘、質量平衡、受補貼機構教育訓練、清淨家園、計畫績效指標評核等作業。再者,本計畫亦進行各項品質管理作業以管理執行品質,包括內部稽核、外部稽核、以及人員教育訓練等。藉由前述各項工作之執行,本計畫已達成96年度之執行目標。
EngTitle The Inspection and Certification Third Party on Due Recycled Waste(Non-Plastic Waste Containers and Waste Batteries)
EngAbstract This plan was an inspection and certification plan of the due recycled waste included non-plastic waste containers and waste batteries. The operation duration of this plan was from April to December in 2007. The operation guideline of this plan is “the inspection and certification operation handbooks of due recycled waste: non-plastic waste containers and waste dry batteries.” The recycled quantities of non-plastic waste containers and waste dry batteries were 204,118,753.5 kg, including 202,101,790 kg of non-plastic waste containers and 2,016,963.5 kg of waste dry batteries, during April to December in 2007. And the treatment quantities of non-plastic waste containers and waste dry batteries were 204,934,560.5 kg. The total inspection and certification numbers were 2,062 times, including on-site inspection 1,925 times and the others inspection 137 times, during April to December in 2007. The penalties for violating the regulations were included record 1 point and deduct 43,464 kg from treatment quantity.This plan also completed all work items regulated in the contract. The completed work items included the processing equipment standard inspection, environmental inspection, account auditing, derivative waste and renewable material inspection, abnormal events management, new treatment plants evaluating, pesticide containers inspection, mass balance experiment, disposal industries training, cleaning homeland plan, and the plan achievements index evaluation. This plan also was managed quality by inner auditing, external auditing, and team members training. By completed all work items, the goals of this plan have been achieved.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司