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Title 檢討研修行業別固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準及可行性評估計畫
Abstract 本計畫工作內容包括完成玻璃業空氣污染物排放標準草案研擬,以及推動固定污染源空氣污染物相關排放標準研修作業等。分別說明如下:(一)完成玻璃業空氣污染物排放標準草案研擬1.修正氮氧化物排放標準:因污染控制技術的進步及污染源的汰舊換新,國內傳統玻璃熔融爐之NOx排放濃度,已可符合我國固定污染源最佳可行控制技術,但近年新設的玻璃基板之玻璃熔融爐,有逐年擴廠,且NOx排放濃度偏高的情形。此外,由於純氧助燃相對於空氣助燃,其排放濃度較高,但排放係數較低。考量純氧助燃濃度偏高之特性,另訂NOx係數標準。對於使用空氣助燃者,將以排放濃度管制。對於使用純氧助燃者,將以排放係數管制。排放標準修正,乃是考量國際管制潮流、技術可行性、經濟可行性及行政可行性。氮氧化物排放標準修正為「以空氣助燃時,排放標準為300ppm。以純氧助燃時,排放標準為2.22 kg/Gcal。」2.規定採用無砷製程:本年度針對玻璃熔融爐砷排放之檢測濃度介於810-4~410-3 mg/Nm3。低於其它國家標準值0.5~1mg/Nm3。換算之排放量最大值0.002 噸/年,亦低於美國NESHAP規定新設玻璃熔融爐爐砷標準為0.44 噸/年。依該排放量經ISC模擬對空品的影響,最大著地濃度為0.07 ng(砷)/Nm3 (年平均值),低於歐盟環境空氣品質基準:砷之年平均值為6 ng/Nm3。表示近年來玻璃業積極轉換為無砷製程,以及控制設備的良好操作下,對於空氣品質的影響程度。但過去中科砷事件顯示,控制設備的不良操作可能導致嚴重的砷事件,本計畫建議環保署參考美國MACT的規定,廠商必須裝設粉塵偵測裝置(偵測濾袋的有效性),或者直接規定採用無砷製程(源頭管制)。由於無砷製程為國際潮流,且技術可行,專諮會委員建議規定商採用無砷製程較適合。3.其它項目之檢討:含氧校正基準建議修正為15%。粒狀污染物排放管道排放標準建議新增為50mg/Nm3。硫氧化物排放管道排放標準建議新增為100ppm。(二)推動固定污染源空氣污染物相關排放標準研修作業1.硫氧化物:將採用源頭管制,指定於高屏空品優先推動含硫分限值為0.3%之液體燃料,本標準將以質量平衡換算相對應的排放濃度標準150ppm。2.氮氧化物:要求既存污染源限期符合新設污染源標準。新設污染源需採用低氮燃燒器技術,其排放標準以NOx削減率20%來訂定。3.粒狀污染物:固體燃料標準依規模大小分別為50及150mg/Nm3。非固體燃料則為50、100及150mg/Nm3。4.一氧化碳排放管道標準:新增規定為「以焦碳或煤碳為還原劑從事金屬冶煉之製程或其它經中央主管機關認定之製程,得以空氣品質模式推估符合當地空氣品質標準之相當排放濃度值為管制標準。」。5.其它法規條文的調整方面:第五條修改為「周界外無法選定適當之測點時(例如受地形或公共設施限制之地點)得在其廠界內三公尺處選定適當地點測定」。第六條修改為「周界測定之取樣時間,粒狀污染物為一小時,得連續執行」。第十條修改為「因製程特性、裝(設)置控制設備或製程改善,能有效減少污染物排放,且排放濃度較排放標準值低於40%者,應檢具書面資料報請當地主管機關核准後,始得建築低於第十條所規定高度之排放管道。」
EngTitle The Review of Air Pollutant Emissions Standards for different industrial sectors
EngAbstract The scope of work of this project includes: draft the emissions standards for air pollutants emitted from the glass manufacturing industry. And to enhance the review and draft of all the relevant air pollutant emissions standards for stationary pollution sources. The details are as follows:(1)Complete the draft air pollutant emission standards for glass manufacturing industry1. Revise NOx emission standard:Current NOx emission from the traditional glass furnaces has already complied with the existing BACT regulation, recently the LCD glass furnaces expand rapidly and their NOx emission is higher compare with the traditional glass furnaces. Besides,the NOx concentrations are higher from the oxyfuel combustion compared with the airfuel combustion , however NOx emission coefficient of the former is lower. Because of this characteristic,NOx concentration will be regulated for those with airfuel combustion. And the emission coefficient will be regulated for those with oxyfuel combustion. According to the international trend and technical, economic as well as administrative feasibility, the NOx emission standards are revised as: 300 ppm for those with airfuel combustion and 2.22 kg/Gcal for those with oxyfuel combustion.2. Requirement for Arsenic-free process: Based on this year’s investigation data, Arsenic concentration emitted from those with airfuel combustion were between 810-4~410-3 mg/Nm3, which is lower than the emission standards (0.5~1mg/Nm3) in other countries. Based on the above data, the maximum total emission is calculated to be 0.002 ton Ar/year, which is also lower than the US NESHAP’s standard for newly built glass furnaces (0.44 ton Ar/year). Simulation was also done by applying the above investigation data with ISC model, the estimated maximum ground concentration is 0.07 ng As/Nm3 (annual average),which is also lower then the EU environmental air quality guideline ( 6 ng As /Nm3 ). The above data show that air quality was improved significantly after applying Arsenic-free process or APCD (Air Pollution Control Device) by the glass furnaces factories. However, the Arsenic incident at Taichung Science Park indicated that inadequate operation of the APCD may pose significant impact on surrounding environment. Therefore, we suggest that the Taiwan EPA can request mandatory installation of dust detector to prevent baghouse leakage,or request for the use of arsenic-free process. As the arsenic-free process is adopted internationally, and it is also technical feasible,the EPA advisory counselor suggest to push for arsenic-free process.3. Review of other standards: We suggested the calibration base for oxygen content in the exhaust to be revised to 15%; to increase the emission standards for particles in exhaust to be 50mg/Nm3; and to increase emission standards for SOx in exhaust to be 100ppm.(2) To review and revise the emissions standards of Stationary Pollution Source Air Pollutants1. SOx:We suggested promoting usage of liquid fuel with sulfur content less than 0.3% at the KaoPing Air Quality Area, and the SOx emission standard to be set at 150ppm based on the mass balance calculation.2.NOx:We suggested that NOx emission concentration from the existing stationary pollution sources should comply with the NOx standard required for newly established stationary pollution sources within specific timeframe. Newly established stationary pollution sources should adopt low nitrogen combustion technology, and their total NOx emission should be 20% lower than the present one. Which means the newly established stationary pollution sources should adopt LNB technology.3. Particulate matter: For solid fuel, the particulate emission standard will be set at 50 and 150mg/Nm3 according to their operational scale. For non-solid fuel, the particulate matter emission standard will be set at 50, 100 and 150 mg/Nm3 according to their operational scale. 4. CO:Current CO emission standard is 2000 ppm, we suggested the followings to be added in the regulation ‘For Metal smelting process using coke or coal as reductant or other processes authorized by central competent authorities, the CO control standard can be adopted from the estimated concentration resulted from air quality modeling that will comply with the local air quality standard.’5. Adjustment of other Articles: Article 5 was revised as ‘When it is not possible to select a appropriate testing location for an area outside the peripheral boundary of a public or private premises (for example, due to topographic constrain or presence of public facilities), then an appropriate testing location can be chosen within three meters inside the surrounding boundaries of the factory.’ Article 6 was revised as ‘sampling collection times for peripheral boundary testing shall be one hour for particulate matter pollutants, and can be executed continuously.’ Article 10 was revised as ‘Those public and private premises that adopt pollution control measures or process improvement which can effectively reduce air pollutant emission and the emission concentration is 40% lower than the emission standards shall submit written data to the local competent authority, and after receiving approval, may build an emissions pipe lower than the specified height in designated in Article 10.」
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司