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Title 資源物分類回收再利用及廚餘回收區域合作評估計畫
Abstract 完成規劃未來補助各執行機關推動資源回收之重點需求與優先順序等及辦理甄選民間廠商參與廚餘回收處理辦法與跨區域契約研訂等
EngTitle 「Resource Sorting, Recycling and Reuse as well as Evaluation of Regional Cooperation on Kitchen Waste Recycling」
EngAbstract This project is consisted of two parts: sorting, recycling and reuse of recyclable resources, and evaluation of regional cooperation on kitchen waste recycling. In accordance with the project proposal, the following objectives have been achieved:Basic information for 83 resource recycling facilities was reviewed, among which 25 were investigated by on-site inspection. An operation manual was compiled based on the results of these investigations. Meanwhile, recycling operation manuals for kitchen waste and bulk waste were revised which will be provided to the environmental authorities for use as guide books.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境與發展基金會