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Title 96年屏東縣資源回收體系責任業者及十一大行業販賣業者逆向回收、源頭減量查核及宣導計畫
Abstract 本工作團隊執行本縣96年度「屏東縣資源回收體系責任業者及十一大行業販賣業者逆向回收、源頭減量查核及宣導計畫」計畫。本計畫執行期程自96年8月20日至96年12月31日止,截至(96年11月30日)計畫工作內容執行情況摘要如下:一、本縣資源回收情形分析屏東縣資源回收率為稍有成長之趨勢,96年1月至9月較95年成長1.2%為21.16%,顯示96年本縣執行資源回收工作有所成效。96年1月至9月約回收56,087.043公噸可再利用之資源,其中以廢紙佔42%最多,其次為廢玻璃容器之13.2%。為效減少垃圾量,期能達到保護環境、資源永續利用之目標,本工作團隊已於96年9月14日至96年10月05日期間於各鄉鎮市公所清潔隊員進行13次場在職教育訓練工作,藉由教育訓練,讓隊員們瞭解工作安全及資源分類標準,藉此增加資源回收率。大部份鄉鎮96年度1月至9月資源回收情形皆較95年度有所進步,其中以崁頂鄉、滿州鄉和竹田鄉成長幅度居前三名,尤以崁頂鄉成長幅度最高,其次滿州鄉,顯示屏東縣對於資源回收政策之落實,已見努力之成效。但須注意部份鄉鎮無明顯成長,且有6鄉鎮為負成長之狀況,潮州鎮、東港鎮、九如鄉、新園鄉,南州鄉及琉球鄉,其中九如鄉衰退幅度達20%為最高,這些鄉鎮為未來應優先加以輔導之鄉鎮。三、提昇廢日光燈與廢乾電池回收率作業計畫於10/27辦理1場次廢乾電池、日光燈管、廢容器、廢塑膠袋回收等資源回收宣導活動(人數需1,500人以上)。預計可增加對廢日光燈與廢乾電池回收之概念。本縣廢乾電池回收量96年1~7月已增加為96,017公斤,其中主要來源為機關團體,約佔56%,而廢日光燈管回收量96年1~7月已增加為89,282公斤,其中主要來源亦為機關團體,約佔51%。另於10/10辦理1場次乙場次配合本縣大型慶典(如風鈴季、鮪魚季…等)活動辦理大型乙場次宣導活動。四、十一大販賣業者稽查輔導工作目前屏東縣所列管之十一大販賣業者共有875家,以連鎖式便利商店業238家最多,約佔28%。目前已稽查769家次,以照明光源販賣業稽查389家次最多,所有販賣業者經稽查後全部合格,合格率為100%。顯示屏東縣於推動販賣業者執行資源回收工作已經落實。五、資源回收形象改造工作資源回收形象改造方面,本團隊已將名單彙整,並針對屏東縣內個體拾荒業進行形象改造之工作,計畫內已輔導轄內資源回收業者至少6家、個體業者50人以上及社區、村里、大廈資源回收站形象改造工作至少3處以上,並進行列冊管理。六、限制使用塑膠袋稽查部份與責任業者查核工作於限制使用塑膠袋稽查部份,已執行稽查836家次,於限塑推動上,執行情況良好,無不合格情形,顯示環保業務之推動已有初步之成果。於責任業者部分,共計查核907件商品,其中查核發現不合格商品件數共167件次,違規項目以「無回收標誌」者最多,共計有113家次,佔總違規家數之68%,另為「未登記」商品者,共計有54家次,佔總違規家數之32%。七、其他配合辦理事項本工作團隊已配合環保局於9/17辦理1場過度包裝說明會,對象以加工食品業者及相關責任業者為主,主要目的是讓今年新增之限制業者了解環保局查核重點及法令規範,增加配合意願。另於12/01辦理1場限制產品過度包裝暨垃圾減量宣導活動,對象以屏東市民為主,主要目的是垃圾如何減量,多數的學者認為最根本的辦法,須先由減少譁眾取寵的包裝以及建立起重複使用的觀念做起,因此,做一個心存地球的消費者而言,所要具備的購物觀念。
EngTitle Ping Tung County Waste Recycling Inspection and Promotion on the Responsible Businesses and Shops
EngAbstract For the purpose of increasing recycling rate of Ping Tung County, Ping Tung Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) had enhanced the promotion of the importance of waste separation, reusing and recycling to the Ping Tung citizens. To successfully improve the recycling rate of the county, EPB had established the “Ping Tung County Waste Recycling Inspection and Promotion on the Responsible Businesses and Shops” project to administrate and evaluate on the results of the waste recycling that local councils, schools, local communities, responsible businesses, shops, and recycling organizations which had carried out.BT Environmental Consulting had assisted Ping Tung EPB to ascertain that the above bodies had complied with the government regulations on implementing waste recycling, establishing on-site recycling facilities, and recyclables had collected and processed by EPA authorized organizations. The project had been executed by BT Environmental Consulting in the duration between 20th of August and 31st of December 2007. The results are as follows,1. Recycling results of Ping Tung CountyBoth Ping Tung County EPB and BT Environmental Consulting endeavored to increase the recycling rate in the year of 2007. The recycling rate of Ping Tung County of 2007 had increased to 21.16%. Comparing to 2006, the recycling rate had a 1.2% growth. In 2007, the county had collected 56,087 tons of recyclable goods in total. Analyzing the collected recyclables, we found 42% of the recyclables are used paper and 13.2% are used glass bottles.In order to elevate of the morale and knowledge of recycling teams and to increase the efficiency of recycling works of Ping Tung County, BT Environmental Consulting had cooperated with EPB to complete 13 training classes to the recycling teams of each local council of Ping Tung County.2. Used fluorescent light and used battery recyclingTwo large-scale recycling promotion festivals on the used batteries, used fluorescent lights, used plastic containers and used plastic bags were held on the 10th and 27th of October 2007 in Ping Tung County. The purpose of the festivals was to raise the awareness of resource depletion and educate the correct concept of recycling. The attendance at this festival was excellent; it attracted over 1,500 people for the participation. Within January and July 2007, Ping Tung County had collected 96,017KG of used batteries. The 56% of used batteries were from government departments. In the same period, 89,282KG of used fluorescent lights were collected. 51% of the used fluorescent lights were from government departments.3. Responsible Shops Inspection TasksThere were 875 registered responsible shops in Ping Tung County. Within these responsible shops, the convenient stores account up to 28% in total quantity. BT Environmental Consulting project team had inspected 769 of 875 registered responsible shops, and found all shops had established on-site recycling facilities for shoppers to dispose, which was a superb success.4. Recycling Imagine Reforming ActivitiesBT Environmental Consulting project team had assisted 6 recycling companies, 50 recyclable collectors and 3 communities to improve their working facilities and environments.5. Restricted Plastic Usage and Responsible Businesses Inspection TasksBT Environmental Consulting project team had inspected 836 shops and restaurants, and found none of the shops and restaurants was using prohibited plastic bags. In the responsible business and products inspection, our auditors found 167 out of 907 inspected products were not having recycling symbols printed on them; 113 businesses and 54 products were not registered with EPA. 6. MiscellaneousOn the 17th of September, BT Environmental Consulting had held an over-packaging prohibition legislation conference. To inform food products manufacturers and importers to understand the new regulations legislated by the EPA and inspection methods and conditions of Ping Tung County EPB.To successfully promote the importance of recycling works, succession of recycling propaganda was carried out within the project execution period. In the 1st of December 2007, the project team held an over-packaging prohibition festival in Ping Tung County. The main purpose of the festival was to publicize the concept of reusing, recycling, and reducing.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 技佳工程顧問有限公司