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Title 使用中汽油汽車廢氣排放管制規劃暨執行專案工作計畫
Abstract 為協助環保署與監理單位之溝通協商,本計畫選定台北市監理處、嘉義區監理所及高雄區監理所,共辦理3場次現場諮詢會議,會議中邀請專家學者協助提供問題諮詢以及意見協調。本計畫延續執行監理機關排氣分析儀更新作業,協助輔導監理機關共20人次取得證照,以及前往監理機關擷取95及96年度汽車定期排氣檢驗共1300多萬筆資料,並針對定檢資料進行基本資料分析。有鑑於國內自97年度起實施小型汽油車加裝OBD,本計畫調查國內汽修廠因應汽車加裝OBD之檢修能力。並針對5種污染元件進行30車次之故障模擬測試,以釐清MIL燈亮後,車主有無立即進廠維修,對車輛污染排放造成之影響;另外,本計畫選定30部車,每部車皆進行惰轉、ASM及FTP-75型車型態測試,以探討不同檢測方式之污染削減及成本效益。另針對導入OBD檢驗制度,本計畫提出4年分階段導入方案。計畫期間藉由辦理2場次汽油車排氣檢驗業務研商及諮詢會議,使監理單位與各縣市環保局針對使用中汽油車排氣檢驗相關制度以及未來導入OBD查驗制度進行溝通協商。本計畫蒐集進口使用中汽油車排氣檢驗數據資料,針對檢測數據進行分析,並持續執行使用中汽油汽車排放空氣污染物檢驗測定機構資訊管理系統之操作維護工作。
EngTitle The in-use motor vehicle emissions control planning and implementation project
EngAbstract In order to assist the Environment Protection Administration to negotiate with the Department of Motor Vehicles, the project held 3 consultative conferences separately with the Motor Vehicle Division of Taipei City, Chiayi District and Kaohsiung District. In the conference, experts and scholars were invited to assist in providing answers to questions and coordination on opinions. The project continued the service of replacing gas analyzers with new ones and sending 20 persons to receive their licenses, as well as getting a total of more than 13 million motor vehicle periodic test data from the Motor Vehicle Division’s 2006 and 2007 database for analysis.Since the implementation of OBD requirement for passenger cars from 2008, the project has surveyed domestic garages regarding their capability in testing and repairing cars with OBD. The project simulated malfunction of 5 kinds of pollution control units with 30 times vehicle test to find out the effects on vehicle emissions between MIL with and without immediate repairs. In addition, the project selected 30 cars for Idle, ASM and FTP-75 tests to find out the difference between the tests on pollution reduction and cost effectiveness. The project also proposed a 4-stage plan to phase in OBD inspection system. By holding 2 seminars on motor vehicle emissions inspection, the project has achieved to coordinate local Motor Vehicles Divisions and Environmental Protection Bureaus to negotiate on issues regarding current in-use motor vehicle emission inspection system and phasing in OBD in the future. The project has collected in-use motor vehicle emissions inspection data for analysis and continued the operation and maintenance for the in-use motor vehicle emissions inspection information management system.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司