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Title 電動機車維修服務
Abstract 本計畫主要在繼續協助接受補助購買電動機車的民眾能繼續使用電動機車及協助其處理電動機車在使用上的相關事宜,協調廠商和零組件供應商能提供電動機車使用者良好的使用環境,本年度並增加了對市場上現有輕型電動機車的使用現況與電動機車之資源共通性進行調查,期能藉由此調查,了解目前電動機車產業的狀況,作為環保署未來政策推動的參考和依據。
EngTitle Electric vehicle repair and maintenance service
EngAbstract This plan mainly in continue the populace which assists to accept the subsidy purchase electric scooter to be able to continue to use the electric scooter and to assist its processing electric scooter in use related matters concerned. The coordinated merchant and the part and component supplier can provide the electric scooter user's good use environment, This year increased existing light electric scooter of resources of commonness use present situation and electric scooter carries on the investigation to the market in, The time can affiliate from this the investigation, It helped EPA to understand present electric scooter industry condition for EPA future policy impetus reference and basis.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院