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Title 事業廢水檢測申報許可管理及資料庫維護計畫
Abstract 配合水污染防治相關法規及表格修正發布,以現勘方式調查各項水污染防治措施之管制現況與執行問題,並配合許可換發作業及資料庫功能之提升,已完成事業廢水許可行政管理作業,重點如下:本年度完成104家事業及下水道系統之查核後,針對不同業別對於法規之適用性及執行困難,結合本次獲得金斧獎之經驗,運用法規影響評估方式,已分別提出修法及配套管理措施之建議,並配合100家現勘結果,研議連線作業規範之建議草案,未來可朝向分業分級之管理模式,落實事業廢水之管制工作。配合法規修正後許可登記事項之更新,及今年度為民服務之重點,協助環保署辦理許可換發作業之規劃與管考,定期透過「水污染源管制資料管理系統內」整理分析換發進度,目前完成諮詢家數為9102家、完成審查或審查中之家數為1807家,達到本年度之預期目標。透過各項資訊系統之開發,本年度已順利完成空水廢毒管制資料之整合、水污染防治許可申請及檢測申報之網路傳輸、代操作業查詢系統及資料庫主機之建置等,並透過異常分析機制,結合本年度考評作業,提升資料庫品質。
EngTitle The Industrial Wastewater Management and Database Maintenance Project
EngAbstract Due to revise of the water quality protection regulations and notification forms, investigating facilities of wastewater pollution control measure, renewing permits and upgrading the database system. Our project is to execute and help the administrations of the industrial wastewater permits management.After checking 104 factories, first, we combine investigating results and the experience of “Golden Axes Award” competition then use the RIA method to make several suggestions of industrial wastewater pollution control regulations. Second, we draft the specification of the continuing wastewater monitoring system. By these results, we think the wastewater management model should be designed from different kinds and sizes of factories.For renewing the registrations of the wastewater permits, we help EPA to set up the permits renewing project and to analysis the effect of this project. Now, there are 9102 consultative cases and permits reviewing cases have been done, nearing the goal of this project.Because of running the air, water, waste, toxicant management data reunion program, we established the related management system. Meanwhile, we also maintained the error data quarrying system to feed back and to fix up the correction rate, then we can upgrade the quality of the database.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司