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Title 96年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫都會區-移動污染源污染減量暨機車排氣檢驗及檢驗站管理查核計畫
Abstract 機車已是目前我國最普遍的私人交通工具,但是因單位面積機車數量太多,使其在都市環境走走停停的車況下,所產生的各種污染物,對人體及環境造成了相當大的危害。更由於國人長年來之使用習慣,對機車之保養維修工作十分缺乏,導致機車的污染排放亦成為空氣污染的重要來源之一。有鑑於此,環保局對機車排放廢氣的管制實施了多項措施,包括有:機車使用中車輛之定檢與攔檢工作、辦理戶外宣導、檢驗站管理等希望透過多重的把關,能徹底改善機車污染之排放。本報告資料統計日期自96年1月30日至96年12月31日止,主要工作執行成果分項說明如下,各項執行進度及效益說明如下:1、機車攔巡查作業截至96年12月31日已完成15,327輛次,其中攔查3,763輛次,巡查回覆11,564輛次,進度達成率為153%。由於期中階段攔檢成果發現住宅區之稽查點不合格率相較於工商文教區高出許多。因此期末階段擬定加強社區及夜間巡查之管制策略,將住宅區巡查次數由期中階段佔所有巡查次數之21%提升至29%,使住宅區之攔檢不合格率降至約24%,與工商文教相當。2、機車攔檢作業截至96年12月31日已完成4,046輛次,進度達成率為116%,不合格數為948輛,不合格率為23.4%,已完成複驗為821輛,複驗率為86.6%。CO整體濃度之改善率約為59%,HC濃度改善率約為47%。共可增加削減CO計14.8頓/年,而HC增加削減2.0頓/年。3、檢驗站查核評鑑截至96年12月31日已完成360家次之查核,進度達成率為100%。針對查核缺失分別於4月24日、7月25日、10月12日及97年1月15日舉辦列管檢驗站輔導訓練,計參加調訓有46家次。經調訓後皆促使檢驗站減少重複犯錯之情形。4、未定檢車公函催檢通知截至96年12月31日已完成25,000份通知到檢,已回覆數為8,810輛,回覆率為35.2%。約增加CO削減28.6噸/年及HC增加削減3.7噸/年。無法調修或不堪使用之老舊機車進行報廢共計有3078輛,依環保署削減推估,共計削減CO約24.4噸/年及13.4噸/年之HC。5、檢驗站儀器氣體比對截至96年12月31日已完成6次180家次之儀器氣體比對,進度達成率為125%。經6次比對中於6月份有3家氣體比對偏差率>6%,I16上大CO2偏差率6.74%、I24巨豐HC偏差率6.17%及I26嘉雲南CO2偏差率7.43%,其於全部合乎規定值。但經統計後發現在實施儀器氣體比對廠牌屬RIKEN RI-803機型,比對C02值常出現儀器偏高現象,針對該分析儀機型氣體比對偏高現象建議採取每日進行2次氣體全幅校正,確認檢驗站檢測品質。6、宣導活動作業截至96年12月31日已完成12場次宣導活動,共計免費檢測1,055輛次,不合格201輛次,複驗192輛次,複驗率為96%。且深入社區進行到府檢測服務,共計192輛調修複驗,推估約可增加CO削減3.3噸/年及0.4噸/年之HC。7、檢驗站品質管制於4月份及10月份舉辦檢驗站實車秘密查核,共執行2次58家次檢驗站查核,經查核發現仍有少數檢驗站存在缺失,如檢驗人員與檢驗結果單檢驗員姓名不同,未列印檢驗結果單與檢測人員行為不當等情形,除立即要求改善外,另列入各季調訓輔導名單。於4月份及10月份進行29家60站檢測儀器進行儀器漂移測試查核,經測試結果有2家檢驗站儀器有嚴重漂移,檢測隔天立即將該站檢測儀器處以停止檢測,並通知該儀器需將複檢合格方可使用,該2站已維護後完成複檢合格。除往年執行之標準氣體比對及儀器穩定度測試外,特別於今年加強標準車之測試,希望藉由多重之測試,主動發現問題,經由各項查核確認後,發現有3家檢驗站儀器有電壓衰減之情形,經立即停止檢測進行維修,目前皆已符合管制之範圍。8、車籍清查進行嘉義市兩個里車籍之親訪清查,共計達成82%之未定檢車進行定檢,另外發現約有30%之機車無法依車籍地址找到車主,與目前全面稽查管制後仍只有約70%之到檢率相當吻合,建議應建立戶籍連結系統進行車籍地址更新,將可增加通知效益。9、車輛原地噪音檢測本年共進行38輛次之檢測,檢驗結果有4輛不合格,不合格率為10.5%,由於3月8日至5月22日共分20天檢測,稽查地點為柴油車排煙檢測站內及蘭潭三信亭前,算術平均噪音量為89dB(A)。另依車種分析,汽油車共計7輛,算術平均噪音量為80dB(A),柴油車共計15輛,算術平均噪音量為91dB(A),機車共計16輛,算術平均噪音量為85dB(A),以柴油車噪音較高,不合格車輛皆依法開單告發。10、96年度工作績效考評表依據96年度嘉義市空氣品質維護改善計畫移動污染源稽查管制計畫工作執行績效考評自評表空氣品質維護或改善工作執行績效考評指標及評分標準,在移動污染源機車部份可掌握分數應得3.5%,目前實得3.33%。
EngTitle 2007 Chiayi City air quality improvement maintenance plan-urban moving pollutant source reduction and motorcycle exhaust inspection statement’s management and inspection plan
EngAbstract With motorcycles being a most common private transportation means in Taiwan, a variety of pollutants generated from the excessive number of motorcycle per unit space that moves in a stop-and-go scenario in the urban setting are poised to create considerable harm to the human body and the environment. And as marred by a common habit of operating a motorcycle by island residents who tend to neglect motorcycle maintenance and repair, this has also contributed motorcycle pollution discharge to be one of the critical source of air pollution. In light of which, the Environmental Protection Bureau has adopted a number of measures to control motorcycle exhaust discharge, which include in-use motorcycle routine inspection and spot inspection work, outdoor awareness campaigning, inspection station management and so forth by anticipating to utilize a multiple safeguard to thoroughly improve motorcycle pollution discharge. The report data are sorted from Jan. 30, 2007 to December 31, 2007, and the major task implementation results are described by category as follows, as well as the implementation progress and yield also described as follows,1.Motorcycle roaming spot inspection work As of December 31, 2007, a total of 15,327 motorcycles have undergone the roaming spot inspection, of which 3,763 motorcycles are spot-checked, and 1,1564 motorcycles responded in roaming inspection, with a progress ratio at 153%. In the intermittent stage, the spot check findings uncover that the failure rate on spot check in residential areas has inadvertently exceeded significantly than that in the industrial, commercial, cultural and educational areas. Consequently at the final stage, there are plans to draft a control strategy for community and nighttime roaming inspection, which aims to prop up the number of roaming inspection in residential areas from the intermittent stage to all roaming inspections from 21% to 29% that would reduce the failure rate of spot check in residential areas down o around 24% to be comparable to that in the industrial, commercial, cultural and educational areas.2.Motorcycle spot inspection workAs of December 31, 2007, a total of 4,046 motorcycles have undergone spot inspection, with a progress ratio at 116%. Of which, a total of 948 motorcycles have failed the spot check, with a failure ratio of 23.4%; a total of 821 motorcycles have successfully undergone the reinspection, with a reinspection ratio of 86.6%. The spot check brings an overall CO concentration improvement ratio of approx. 59%, HC concentration improvement ratio of approx. 47%, which collectively contribute to increasing the reduction of CO by 14.8t/y, and increasing the reduction of HC by 2.0t/y.3.Inspection station’s inspection and auditAs of December 31, 2007, a total of 360 inspection stations have undergone the audit, with a progress ratio at 100%. Inspection stations found with discrepancies have been enlisted to partake the inspection station’s developmental training staged on April 24, July 25, October 12 and Jan. 15, 2008, with 46 stations participating in the enlisted training. Through the enlisted training, it has cut down the inspection stations from repeating mistakes.4.Overdue inspection notice to uninspected motorcyclesAs of December 31, 2007, a total of 25,000 inspection notifications have been sent out, with 8,810 motorcycles responding to the inspection notice, with a response ratio at 35.2%. The efforts have contributed to increasing the CO reduction by 28.6t/y and increasing the HC reduction by 3.7t/y. A total of 3,078 motorcycles have been scrapped for not serviceable or operable, which by EPA’s reduction estimate, would collectively reduce CO by approx. 24.4t/y and HC by 13.4t/y.5.Inspection station’s instrument gas comparison As of December 31, 2007, a total of six instrument gas comparisons have been made to 180 inspection stations, with a progress ratio at 125%. Through the six comparison, three have been found in June with a gas comparison deviation ratio of greater than six, in which I16 Shang Da is reported with a CO2 deviation ratio of 6.74%, I24 Chu Fong is reported with a HC deviation ratio of 6.17, and I26 Jia Yun Nan is reported with a Co2 deviation ratio of 7.43%, and the rest have all met the specified ratings. However, upon tallying to discover through instrument gas comparison that the Riken brand’s RI-803 model has a tendency to prompt a higher reading of CO2, a recommendation has been drawn focusing on the analysis instrument model’s higher gas reading tendency for two daily full-range gas calibrations be sought in order to ascertain the inspection station’s screening quality.6.Promotional campaign workAs of December 31, 2007, a total of 12 sessions of campaigning activities have been staged, which offers free inspection to 1,055 motorcycles, of which 201 motorcycles have failed the test, 192 surpassed the reinspection, with a reinspection ratio at 96%. The campaign also offers in-home screening service by penetrating into the community, which brings 192 motorcycles to surpass the reinspection through adjustment and repair that is estimated to contribute to increasing the Co reduction by 3.3t/y and HC by 0.4t/y.7.Inspection station’s quality controlWith clandestine audits using real motorcycles being staged at inspection stations in April and October, a total of two audits have been held at 58 inspection stations, and audit findings show that a number of inspection stations still contain discrepancies, such as the inspector deviates from the name of the inspector shown in the inspection form, no printout of the inspection form, and improper conduct by the inspectors and so forth, which the inspection stations are not only asked to adopt improvement, but will also be enlisted in the quarterly developmental training list. With audits of instrument shifting testing performed on screening instruments at 60 stations among 29 operators in April and October, test findings reveal that the instruments at two inspection stations are found with severe shifting, prompting the screening of the instruments at the two stations to be suspended on the next day, with a notice given that the instruments are subject to a subsequent reinspection before they may be operated upon; the two stations have since recalibrated the instrument and satisfactorily surpass the reinspection. Besides the standard gas comparison and instrument stability testing sought in the past year, stepped-up motorcycle testing standards have been incorporated this year in a bid to actively uncover problems through multiple testing. As ascertained through the various audits, a total of three inspection stations are reported with diminishing voltage on their instruments, resulting in the screening suspended for repair and maintenance, and all three stations have all met the controlled parameters. 8.Motorcycle registration census checkField census check has been conducted on two local Li’s in Chiayi City, in which it brings 82% of uninspected motorcycles to undergo the routine inspection; in addition, the census also uncovers approx. 30% of motorcycles untraceable to their owners according to the motorcycle registration address, which rather coincides with approx. 70% of the inspection turnout ratio, thus it is recommendable to instill a household registration linkup system to update the motorcycle registration address, which is expected to improve the notification yield. 9.Motorcycle spot noise screeningWith 38 motorcycles being tested in the current year, four are found to fail the inspection, with a failure ratio at 10.5%. Of inspections conducted in 20 days spanning from March 8 to May 22, at inspection sites including the diesel motorcycle exhaust inspection stations and in front of the Third Credit Union in Lan Tan, the arithmetic median of noise volume is measured at 89dB(A). In addition, when analyzed by vehicle type, there is a total of seven gasoline vehicles, which carry an arithmetic median of noise volume at 80dB(a); a total of 15 diesel vehicles, which carry an arithmetic median of noise volume at 91dB(A), and a total of 16 motorcycles, which carry an arithmetic median of noise volume at 85dB(A), making the diesel vehicles the highest. In which, vehicles/motorcycles failing the test are reported with fine tickets as per the legal mandate.10.2007 working performance evaluation checklistOf performance evaluation executed according to the 2007 Chiayi City air quality maintenance improvement plan’s moving pollution source audit control plan through the self-evaluation checklist on air quality maintenance or improvement work’s execution performance evaluation indicators and evaluation criteria, the expectant score on the moving pollution source by motorcycle is set to 3.5%, and the current score achieved is at 3.33%.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司