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Title 飲用水管理資訊系統維護專案工作計畫
Abstract 本年度主要工作為維護「飲用水管理資訊系統」工作成果包括:新增98年度「自來水蓄水池水塔設備水質抽驗」、「飲用水業務績效考核」以及配合「飲用水水質標準」修訂增加戴奧辛抽驗項目功能等功能。曾發生4起系統異常狀況,而均在當日即查明事件並處理完成,維持系統正常運作,資料庫備份程序均按設定期程正常執行。本系統每日由「環保稽查處分管制系統」轉入自來水水質抽驗紀錄約10,282筆。飲用水資訊網中,每週定期檢查網頁、更新飲用水統計、相關管理法規、相關網站連結、新增水井安全問答集及飲用水井飲用水質安全指引、協助發佈新聞稿等相關網站資料更新及維護並且通過無障礙第一優先(A+)等級之機械及人工檢測,將無障礙網頁標章放置於飲用水網站首頁。另舉辦一場飲用水管理資訊系統操作說明會。
EngTitle The Drinking Water Management Application Maintenance Project
EngAbstract This project developed some results this year in the drinking water management application maintenance. It expanded functions of 2008 water testing of reservoirs and towers of tap water, performance evaluation of drinkwater management of environmental protection bureaus, and added dioxin item to the water testing function and other functions. The application had got failure 4 times during this project and be repaired and recoverd in the same day. The database backup procedures proceed properly. The application transformed tap water testing data from EEMS daily and up to 10,282 records this year. This project also checked the drinking water web pages weekly, updates the statistics data of drinking water management, rules and websites that were related to drink water management. The web expanded new pages of Q & A of safety about drinking water wells, safety guideline about drinking water wells. This web site got the level of diagnosis priority 1 (A+) of the web accessibility service.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 智通工程科技公司