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Title 農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器資源回收清除處理體系檢討作業計畫
Abstract 本計畫提出推動成立跨部會查緝小組、由業者組成調查小組、建置優良農藥商家評鑑制度與農藥販賣管理資訊系統等建議,並彙整環保署歷年委辦相關研究報告,予以歸納建檔及分析相關問題。辦理20場次「農藥廢容器宣導回收說明會」,及「農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器之回收業及處理業說明會」,講授農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器回收清除處理相關法令及實務說明、農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器回收安全與工廠操作安全說明、偽劣農藥辨識與農藥市場現況說明。研擬97年農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器回收清除處理費費率草案,建議費率調幅20.7%,惟若考量基金收支平衡原則,其調幅最高41%、最低0.3%;藉由相關資料彙整分析產業後續發展,鼓勵休閒農業、有機農業的發展,促使農業轉型為高附加價值的休閒產業。彙整國外農藥及特殊環境用藥廢容器回收管理策略,大部分採焚化及掩埋進行處理;並檢討課費方式,建議可依原體輸入作為課費之依據;本計畫亦訪談大型銷售單位或地方農會,調查各類型核准販售產品之銷售情形、各容器材質與回收情形等資料。本計畫執行成果可提供環保署日後制定相關法規與執行做法之參考依據,並達到有效管理農藥及特殊環境用藥回收之成效。
EngTitle Reviewing the Recycling System of Recyced Agricultural Chemicals Waste Containers
EngAbstract This project proposes to establish a cross-departmental investigating team and a survey group which consist of vendor for handling recycling related guidance. The project also suggests creating an evaluated system of agricultural chemicals business and agricultural chemicals trade-management information system. Previous Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) reported research results on agricultural chemical waste were corrected and analyzed in detail.The work team has held seminars for “Agricultural Chemicals Waste Container Recycling Guidance.” and “Agricultural Chemicals and Special Environmental Medication Waste Container Recycling and Processing Industry.” The scholars and experts were invited to instruct the related laws and practices, recycling and factory operation safety, spurious agricultural chemicals identifications and the present market situation of agricultural chemicals.Furthermore, the schedule for processing fee on year 2008 agricultural chemicals and special environmental medication waste container recycling was drafted. Under consideration of fund-odd insufficient situation, the fee rate was suggested to rise by 20.7%. Only if consider fund balanced revenues and expenditures principle, the rate modulation could have a maximum of 41% and minimum of 0.3%. The developing road map of the industry development was also analyzed. The government should positively encourage the leisure agriculture and the organic agriculture development and turn the traditional agriculture into high valued leisure business. National related laws and policies of agricultural chemical containers management were collected. Cremates and buries are the major ways to process waste containers. Moreover, we have reviewed issues of tax-levying and processing fee. We proposed the tax levying should be based on import materials. We have interviewed with large-scale marketing department or local farmer associations to investigate various types of approved agricultural chemicals products, the variety of their sale situations and recycling situations. The results could offer a valuable reference for EPA for making related laws and policies which can achieve effective management of agricultural chemical container recycling.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會