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Title 96屏東縣移動污染源稽查管制計畫-機車排氣檢測暨宣導活動
Abstract 摘要本計畫截自期末報告資料統計日期96年11月30日為止,合約各工作項目均依預定進度達成。在量化目標方面:本年度計畫截至期末報告統計日期為止,總計完成機車攔(巡)查15870輛完成率105.8﹪,機車攔檢1758輛完成率175.8﹪;定檢站查核評鑑方面,每兩個月定期查核全縣89站一次共計完成五次,進度達成率100﹪,另外執行不定期查核(含假日)共計55家,氣體校驗共計完成57家、實車查核共計完成24家,另針對不合格率異常及有經常性查核缺失者亦邀請專家學者會同查核,相關查核及評鑑結果亦提送環保局進行獎懲及公告作業;宣導活動方面亦完成免費檢測機車1013輛,目標達成率101.3﹪;大專院校及機關團體服務亦完成免費檢測1038輛,目標達成率103.8﹪;未定檢車輛公文通知至11月底止共寄發70620封公文通知,回檢41472輛;在定檢明信片通知檢測方面,均按時完成寄發共計465128封通知,相關退件之信件亦完成建檔工作後,提送環保署去除無效車籍。在環保署公佈之到檢率方面,本縣11月公告之使用中機車已管制比率為48.68﹪,達到該項進度達69.54﹪(未扣除無效車藉),預估年底扣除無效車籍後之到檢率可達59.4﹪,較95年到檢率55.6﹪,預估至少提升3.8﹪,則計畫結束時可達到該項進度達84.8﹪,預估得分為1.27分。另由考評之評分標準管制比率較前一年提昇者,每提升1﹪總分再加0.1分,本年度至少約較95年度進步3﹪,因此本計畫自評使用中機車已管制比率可得滿分,且本年度各季資料查核完整率皆達100﹪。在非量化目標方面,民眾檢舉案件至96年11月底止,共計接獲民眾檢舉案件共112件(機車91件、汽車21件);經查證後應辦理案件為112件;通知檢測為109件(3輛重複),函覆處理為112件,檢舉案件函覆率為100%,對於陳情案件之處理結果皆以正式公文函覆陳情人;在污染削減方面,根據SIP績效考評空氣污染排放削減量計算原則,至11月止經調修後改善至合格之車輛合計有370508輛,計算後合計之污染削減量為THC:131.6公噸;NMHC:118.4公噸;CO:897.4公噸。在統計分析方面:各項執行方式以攔查作業回檢率較佳,經現場開單通知後回檢率可達70﹪以上,巡查貼單方式回檢率則低於40﹪,兩項作業如再經二次通知(採掛號附照片通知)回檢率則均可提升至80﹪以上,此分析結果顯見本縣民眾守法觀念不足,應加強稽查作業取證明確性或改採車輛辨識系統取證,以提升機車定檢到檢率及減少爭議;各項作業後續公文通知之到檢率,攔查作業平均回檢率達76.85﹪,巡查作業平均回檢率達67.72﹪,公文通知平均回檢率達58.73﹪,經探討回檢率較差之原因可能與車籍通知之寄達率、車輛外移及民眾對於定檢制度之認知尚有宣導不足之處;如以完成定檢之車輛不合格比率而言,以麟洛鄉、屏東市、長治鄉、潮州鎮、萬丹鄉及九如鄉等鄉鎮,機車定檢之檢測結果不合格比例較低,均低於15﹪;不合格比例較高之鄉鎮為春日鄉、滿州鄉、來義鄉、枋山鄉、車城鄉、霧臺鄉、獅子鄉、泰武鄉及牡丹鄉等鄉鎮不合格比例偏高,均高於20﹪。而此結果代表之意義為都市型鄉鎮之民眾對於機車之保養較為用心亦顯見定檢制度執行之重要性,相對的偏遠地區之民眾對於機車定期維護保養之觀念則較為欠缺;另已設定檢站之恆春鎮、高樹鄉、琉球鄉、枋寮鄉等鄉鎮不合格率達18﹪,相對於其他已設定檢站之鄉鎮則屬偏高情形,此情形可能因該鄉鎮車輛未按期定檢及維護所致,針對不合格率較高且車輛較集中之區域應加強攔查檢測,以發揮欄檢之目的。依各項作業檢測不合格率情形來看,攔查作業不合格率最高達19.74﹪,其原因可能為該作業執行地點為各鄉鎮交通要道之地區,而該區域民眾對於車輛定期保養情形較不用心,且未按時完成檢測工作,故其不合格率則有偏高之情形。相較之下,定檢通知回檢作業不合格率則明顯低於路邊攔(巡)查作業,探討其原因可能是作業地點不同所產生,因定檢作業之地點大部分為都市型態之鄉鎮或大專院校且經常性完成定檢工作,而此部分民眾及學生對於定檢活動接受度較高維護情形亦較為用心,故其不合格率較各鄉鎮攔查作業低,而此結果亦顯見攔查作業執行之重要性。在到檢車輛車齡方面:大部分完成年度定檢機車車齡集中於4至10年,到檢率均高於57﹪,車齡到達11年後定檢情況則有明顯減少趨勢,進一步觀看車齡10年以下的機車,統計其平均定檢率達64.9﹪;11年以上之老舊車輛平均定檢率約僅31.1﹪左右,此結果顯示民眾對於新車之維護保養及配合定檢制度之意願較高,相對的對於老舊車輛配合定檢之意願則明顯降低或因害怕定檢不合格會遭受處分而規避定檢。分析其機車定檢之車齡分佈與不合格比率可知,定檢不合格機車隨車齡愈大所排放污染濃度也隨之上升,總計10年以上之老舊車輛定檢不合格之均超過16.29%,已高於縣內定檢車輛不合格率平均值15.46%,此結果顯見加強老舊車輛定檢維護之重要性。因此後續工作重點則應加強高齡機車定檢及宣導,或是鼓勵其機車汰舊換新,如此方可提昇定檢到檢率與降低整體污染物的排放。
EngAbstract AbstractUp to Nov.30th of 2007 when the term paper is due, each and every task listed on the contract is achieved as scheduled. On quantified targets: The project up to Nov. 30th when the term report is due, a total of 15,870 scooters have been stopped and inspected on the road, an achieving rate of 105.8%. A total of 1,758 cars was stopped and inspected on the road, an achieving rate of 175.8%. On inspection and appraisal done in the station conducting regular inspections, regular inspections every two months on 89 stations throughout the whole county, 5 stations per time, the achieving rate is 100%. On carrying out ir-regular inspections ( including on holidays ), 55 stations were inspected. Gas inspections were carried out at 57 stations. Actual car inspection practice was done at 24 stations. With the company of experts and scholars, inspections were carried out at stations reporting abnormal rate of vehicles inspected but failed to meet the standard and with constant faults. The inspection and appraisal results were submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau for rewared/penalty decision and for announcing to the public. On promotion efforts, free-of-charge inspection was carred out on 1,013 scooters, an achieving rate of 101.3%. This service was also performed in universities /colleges and organizations/agents. Of them, 1,038 scooters received the free-of-charge inspection, an achieving rate of 103.8%. On cars without receiving regular inspections, a total of 70,620 letters were sent to the car owners from the local government up to end of November 2007. And, of them 41,472 cars came back to receive inspections. On the regular-inspection notices sent through postcards, 465,128 postcards were delivered as scheduled. Data on postcards returned is established and presented to the Environmental Protection Department to revoke registration on vehicles which are deemed invalid. On the rate of vehicles receiving inspections proclaimed by the Environmental Protection Department, the announced November controlling rate of scooters in use in Pingtung County is 48.68%, an achieving rate of 69.54% ( without deducting the invalid vehicle registrations ). It is estimated that by end of 2007 the rate of vehicle receiving inspections will reach 59.4% while invalid registration is deducted. Compared with 55.6% of 2006, an improvement of at least 3.8% is expected. In that case, when the project comes to a close the achieving rate will reach 84.8%. Scoring is expected to be 1.27. From the scoring standard by way of the achieving rate, 1% improvement will add a score of 0.1. Then, this year has at least a 3% improvement higher than 2006. Therefore, the controlling rate of scooters in use of this project will receive a full score. Data checking of each quarter this year is also completed 100%.On non-quantified targets:Up to end of November 2007, the total number of cases informed by the public is 112 ( 91 on scooters and 21 on cars ). After verifying, the case to treat is 112 cases. 109 cases are to notify of the inspection. ( 3 vehicles are repeated. ) 112 cases are answered, so the efficiency is 100% on all informed cases. Treatment results to all informed cases are answered to the informers by official letters. On pollution reduction, based on the calculation principle of SIP performance appraisal on air pollution emission reduction, 370,508 cars have been fine-tuned and met the requirement up to end of November 2007. After calculation, the total reduction on pollution is THC: 131.6 tons; NMHC: 118.4 tons; CO: 897.4 tons.On statistical analysis:Of all measures taken, the measure of stopping and inspecting vehicles on the road has created the best rate of vehicles coming back for inspections. If the driver receives the inspection notice on site, the chance that he/she takes the motor vehicle back for inspection is as high as 70% and above. If by placing the inspection notice on the motor vehicle, the chance the driver of the vehicle takes his/her vehicle back for inspection is as low as less than 40%. On both practices, if 2nd notice service is added ( such as through registered mail attached with photo ), the chance that the driver takes his/her vehicle back for inspection can be upped to 80% and more. This data analyzed show that the public in the county are weak in abiding law. Monitoring and auditing efforts should be enforced or employing car identification system to get evident proofs. So that vehicles receiving regular inspections are increased and contentions are lessened. On the rate of vehicles coming back for inspections due to the receipt of the government letter, the average rate in terms of the measure of stopping and inspecting vehicles on the road is 76.85% ; the average rate in terms of the measure of monitoring and inspecting the vehicle on the road is 67.72%; the average rate of vehicles coming back for inspections on the receipt of the letter is 58.73%. Reasons that explain why the rate of vehicles coming back for inspections is low might be that the vehicle registration notice may have failed to reach the notified party, vehicles on the move and the general public’s poor perception of the regular inspection system.In terms of vehicles that have received regular inspections but failed to be deemed meeting the standard, the rate of scooters inspected but not meeting the standard is comparatively low. That rate is lower than 15% in Linlo Township, Pingtung City, Shangtsi Township, Chaochou Township, Wandan Township and Jiourue Township. Rate higher than 20% is found in Tsuengzi Township, Manchou Township, Laiyi Township, Fongshan Township, Checherng Township, Wutai Township, Lion’s Township, Taiwu Township and Mudan Township. The rate difference shows that the general public living in urbanized cities and towns care more about vehicle maintenance. This indicates the implementation of regular inspections is very important. On the contrary, residents living in remote areas show less concern on vehicle regular maintenance.Towns where stations conducting regular inspections are distributed such as Hengchuan Township, Kaoshu Township, Liuchou Township and Fangliao Township, the rate of their vehicles not meeting the standard is 18% which is higher than other towns where stations conducting regular inspections are also distributed. This could be that the vehicles in those townships do not receive inspections and maintenance as they are supposed to. Therefore, it is necessary to enforce the measure of stopping and inspecting the vehicles on the road in places where the rate of not meeting the standard is higher and the traffic is heavier so that the purpose of stopping and inspecting the vehicles on the road is served.The rate of vehicles not meeting the standard found out through the measure of stopping and inspecting the vehicle on the road is the highest which amounts to 19.74%. This could be that that measure is conducted at the main traffic site of every town and city and the public there pay little attention to regular inspections and maintenance for their vehicles. They may have failed to have their vehicles receive regular inspections as required. So the rate of vehicles not meeting the standard is higher. Comparatively, the rate of vehicles not meeting the standard through the measure of regular inspections notice is evidently lower than the rate through the measure of stopping and inspecting the vehicle on the road. The rate difference could be that the places where the two measures are conducted are different. The place where regular inspections are conducted is mostly located in urbanized towns and cities, or in the campus of colleges/universities. And the regular inspections are constantly done and completed. The acceptance rate of the public and the students towards regular inspections is higher. Their concern on vehicle maintenance is more as well. Therefore, their vehicles not meeting the standard have a lower rate than other places where the measure of stopping and inspecting the vehicle on the road is conducted. This result also shows the implementation of stopping and inspecting the vehicle on the road is very important.On the age of vehicles receiving regular inspections:Most vehicles receiving annual regular inspections are aged between 4 and 10 years. The rates of these vehicles receiving inspections are higher than 57%. When the vehicles are more than 11 years of age, they receive less attention and evidently fewer inspections. By statistics, vehicles aged less than 10 have a rate of 64.9% in receiving regular inspections; vehicles aged more than 11 receive have at a rate of 31.1% in receiving regular inspections. This shows that the general public are more willing to give their new vehicles more attention and maintenance which leads to conducting regular inspections. On the contrary, they show less willingness to aged vehicles when it comes to regular inspections. It could also be that they are afraid of their aged vehicles failing to pass the inspections so they choose to avoid receiving the inspections in order not to be fined.By analyzing the age distribution of scooters receiving regular inspections and their rate of not meeting the standard, scooters not meeting the standard emit higher concentrations of pollution with their higher ages. Totally, vehicles aged more than 10 has a rate going beyond 16.29% of failing to pass the inspection. This figure is already above 15.46% which is the average rate of vehicles failing to pass the regular inspection throughout the whole Pingtung county. This result shows the importance of reinforcing regular inspections and maintenance on aged vehicles. Therefore, the future work should either focus on reinforcing the implementation of regular inspections on aged vehicles and the promotion, or encourage vehicle owners to replace the aged with the new ones. By this way, the rate of vehicles receiving regular inspections can be upped and the emission of pollutants can be reduced as a whole.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 屏東縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 裕山環境工程股份有限公司