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Title 台灣地區光化學污染之形成、傳輸機制及其影響
Abstract 本研究係延續自2005年以來之三年計畫的第三年計畫,研究範疇由原先的2003年至2006年的中部地區(崇倫、草屯、竹山)逐步擴大到2006年起迄今的北部地區(萬華、土城)與2006年起迄今南部地區(橋頭、小港、橋頭),於2007年將中部地區測站搬遷至雲嘉南地區(台西、朴子、中山)。在前兩年(2005年與2006年)的研究成果中,已探討中部地區(崇倫、草屯、竹山)的光化指標物種,污染物濃度的日夜變化、季節變化與上下風(崇倫、竹山)關係,主成份分析及聚類分析與急性、慢性、癌症健康風險等議題。本摘要主要內容涵蓋第三年的研究成果,敘述如下:關於雲嘉南測站的資料分析,以2007年吹北風於南風時作為研究案例分析,乙烯與丙烯濃度在台西站與中山站相差了3至10倍左右,顯示東北風直接將六輕工業區的污染物往南傳輸。根據2007年的北部萬華、土城測站資料,探討長距離跨境傳輸之影響,以大陸冷氣團鋒面過境台灣北部的時段作為研究時段,藉由O3滴定效應的現象與ethane/n-butane比值的變化,來判定鋒面來臨時對當地造成的臭氧及VOC濃度分佈的影響。根據2003年至2006年中部都會地區(以崇倫站為中心,一公里範圍的鄉鎮)VOC濃度與心臟疾病之死亡人數資料進行統計分析,當日的TVOC、部分烷類、烯類及芳香族類污染物濃度暴露會導致相對風險為1.02~1.37。而前兩天的SO2濃度和部分烷類污染物濃度暴露會導致相對風險為1.03~2.20。若以十年以上之健康資料及空品測站所監測之污染物濃度分析,則可發現懸浮微粒等污染物對心臟疾病的死亡率仍有顯著影響,因此,以長期影響來看,傳統空品測站的污染物濃度扮演重要角色。
EngTitle The study of formation, transportation mechanism and effects of photochemical pollutants in Taiwan
EngAbstract This is an ongoing 3-year project, performed from 2005 to 2007. In the previous two years, characteristics of each VOC group and trends of selected compounds, indicators of photochemical air masses, diural variation, seasonal variation and acute hazard index, chronic hazard index and cancer risks had been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, the following abstract mainly summarizes the major findings of the third year.The network of three photochemical assessment monitoring stations (PAMS) in central Taiwan havs been operated since 2003 to 2006. In 2006, the network in southern Taiwan and northern Taiwan also started to operate. Due to the increasing concern of pollutants from the largest petrochemical plant at the coast of south-central Taiwan, the three stations orignialy deployed in central Taiwan were relocated to the downwind areas of the plant, i.e. Yulin, ChiaYi, and Tainan Counties in the spring of 2007.As for the stations in northern Taiwan, we developed a technique using PAMS data in Taipei to indicate frontal passages in the springtime. Air masses from long-distance transport were able to be accurately identified using the ratio of ethane/n-butane. During a frontal passage, it was found that ozone level is concurrent with the ratio, and the ozone level maintains as high as 40 ppbv with nighttime level similar to the daytime one, due to weak NOx titration. It poses a sharp contrast to the non-frontal days when ozone level peaks at noon time but drops to nearly zero at night due to strong NOx titration. Ethane/n-butane ratio at this time, however, was decoupled from the ozone cycle. Thus, the PAMS in Taipei can be exploited as a “whistle blower” for signaling the occurrence of cross border transport of air masses.In this study, we analyzed the prilimiary results in 2007 and found that whenever the northterly winds prevaided, the concentrations of ethene and propolene increased dramatically, and can can be three to ten times higher at the Taishi station than at the urban Chungshan station. Futhre study will link these species of high activity to the contribution to ozone formation in south-central Taiwan.
ProjectYear 096
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 台灣大學